TOP > Seminars > “Evolving Maritime Issues in the Indo-Pacific”

Seminars: Stimson Center, February 4, 2022

“Evolving Maritime Issues in the Indo-Pacific”

The security environment in the East China Sea is under continuous scrutiny for these waters’ key position in sea lanes and territorial disputes. Strengthening international norms at sea is an increasing challenge for the U.S., Japan, and partners in the region. In two consecutive panels, experts from Japan and the United States discussed the evolution of maritime law and the developments in the strategic environment in the East China Sea.

A distinguished think tank in Washington DC, the Stimson Center held a webinar titled “Evolving Maritime Issues in the Indo-Pacific” on February 4, 2022, inviting Japanese and U.S. experts on international law and security polity to explore these complex issues. Mr. Susumu Takai, President of SSRI, participated in the webinar as a panelist and explained how the security environment in the Western Pacific has evolved in recent years and the difficulty faced by Japan in trying to counter China’s hybrid strategy. Moderated by two experts, the panelists discussed the erosion of norms in Northeast Asia, evolution of coast guard laws in Asian countries, and security environment in the Wester Pacific where new ways to prosecute abuse of international law with multilateral efforts are needed. In each panel, the audiences were invited to submit questions and the panelists responded on various aspects.

The webinar lasted 90 minutes.

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What are the cases in history that demonstrate the erosion of norms of international law and what is the backdrop?

What are the changes to coast guard laws in the region and how would they alter the functioning of maritime norms?

How has the security environment in the Western Pacific evolved in recent years and how would it change further if the international community were to accept the PRC’s challenge?

What are the macro trends in current events that are relevant to the situation in the Western Pacific? How will the development of Russia-China strategic relationship affect the region and the world?


Panel 1: Evolution of the Legal Framework for Maritime Security and Its Impact on the Western Pacific
  • Yurika Ishii, Associate Professor, National Defense Academy of Japan
  • James Kraska, Chair, Stockton Center for International Law, U.S. Naval War College
  • (Moderator: Raul Pedrozo, Professor, Stockton Center for International Law, U.S. Naval War College; Capt., USN, ret.)
Panel 2: Strategic Environments in the Western Pacific
  • Susumu Takai, President, Security Strategy Research Institute of Japan
  • Kathleen Walsh, Associate Professor of National Security Affairs, National Security Affairs Department, U.S. Naval War College
  • (Moderator: Yuki Tatsumi, Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the East Asia Program and Director of the Japan Program, the Stimson Center)

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