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参 照 番 号
年 月 日
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標              題
2018.12.30 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 陸上イージスのレーダー開発に日本企業参加見送り
2018.12.30 東京新聞 ロシア軍、北方領土に防衛線 ミサイル増強構想判明
<1901-122902> 2018.12.29 産経新聞 露、クリミアに“国境”フェンス完成 実効支配強化
<1901-122901> 2018.12.29 共同通信 国境離島保全に衛星活用
<1901-122806> 2018.12.28 Stars & Stripes Kurds seek help from Syrians as US prepares to withdraw
<1901-122805> 2018.12.28 中央日報 北朝鮮、2020年に核弾頭100発の保有国に
<1901-122804> 2018.12.28 読売新聞 (Yahoo) 北漁船を普段から救助か…知られたくなかった?
<1901-122803> 2018.12.28 ホウドウキョク (Yahoo) 中国「EEZ内での漁」否定 逃走の詳細「把握せず」
<1901-122802> 2018.12.28 共同通信 (Yahoo) 防衛省「省人化」へロボット活用
<1901-122801> 2018.12.28 産経新聞 中国漁船団が大接近 水産庁側、危険回避で撤収
<1901-122704> 2018.12.27 Jane's 360 Sikorsky-Boeing team rolls out Defiant ahead of first flight
<1901-122703> 2018.12.27 Military Times Russia says its new weapon is 27 times faster than the speed of sound
<1901-122702> 2018.12.27 時事通信 (Yahoo) 中国版GPS、全世界カバー=ナビでも米国と覇権争い
<1901-122701> 2018.12.27 NHK ロシア「極超音速兵器」来年から実戦配備へ
<1901-122604> 2018.12.26 China Defense New PLAN Marine equipment of the day: 76mm naval gun on a 5x5 wheeled chassis
<1901-122603> 2018.12.26 時事通信 (Yahoo) イスラエルがシリア領内空爆=イランの武器庫標的か
<1901-122602> 2018.12.26 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 韓国型次期駆逐艦6隻 国内研究開発を決定=20年代に戦力化
<1901-122601> 2018.12.26 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 次期3千トン級潜水艦の基本設計完了 19年後半から建造予定=韓国
<1901-122502> 2018.12.25 Stars & Stripes Turkey 'determined' to drive out Syrian Kurdish forces
<1901-122501> 2018.12.25 時事通信 (Yahoo) クルド守る仏に警告=トルコ
<1901-122404> 2018.12.24 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 艦艇から誘導弾・航空機迎撃 独自技術で防衛用誘導弾開発=韓国
<1901-122403> 2018.12.24 時事通信 (Yahoo) 「テロ国家リーダー」「占領者」=トルコ、イスラエル首脳が罵倒応酬
<1901-122402> 2018.12.24 時事通信 (Yahoo) 日本に新レーダー配備検討=米軍、ミサイル防衛で―中ロの兵器対応、住民反発も
<1901-122401> 2018.12.24 日経新聞 旧型F15を米に売却検討 政府、装備品調達の財源に
<1901-122301> 2018.12.23 日経新聞 「日本の哨戒機が威嚇飛行」 韓国軍関係者が反論
<1901-122203> 2018.12.22 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 中国が新型ミサイル成功か 米本土を射程に
<1901-122202> 2018.12.22 時事通信 (Yahoo) 韓国艦の火器レーダー照射、数分間に複数回=意図的か、外務省局長抗議へ
<1901-122201> 2018.12.22 時事通信 (Yahoo) 漁船捜索でレーダー照射=当局「日本は過剰反応」―韓国紙
<1901-122112> 2018.12.21 Jane's 360 J-15D has reportedly begun operational testing for PLANAF
<1901-122111> 2018.12.21 Stars & Stripes Turkey's Erdogan delays operation against Kurdish forces in Syria
<1901-122110> 2018.12.21 Stars & Stripes US aircraft carrier enters Persian Gulf after long absence
<1901-122109> 2018.12.21 Stars & Stripes Navy joins Japan and UK for submarine-hunting exercise in Philippine Sea
<1901-122108> 2018.12.21 Stars & Stripes Kurds call for larger French role after US leaves Syria
<1901-122107> 2018.12.21 産経新聞 インドネシア、ナトゥナ諸島に軍事基地 南シナ海、中国に対抗
<1901-122106> 2018.12.21 時事通信 (Yahoo) トルコとの戦闘優先=シリアの対IS戦停止警告―クルド人勢力
<1901-122105> 2018.12.21 時事通信 (Yahoo) エルドアン氏との電話で決断? =シリア撤収で米大統領―トルコ紙
<1901-122104> 2018.12.21 時事通信 (Yahoo) 韓国艦、海自機にレーダー照射=無通告、岩屋防衛相が非難―「通常作戦中」と反論
<1901-122103> 2018.12.21 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 海自哨戒機P1に韓国軍艦艇が火器管制レーダーを照射
<1901-122102> 2018.12.21 時事通信 (Yahoo) 装備品調達の契約順守を=岩屋防衛相、米政府に働き掛け
<1901-122101> 2018.12.21 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛費は5兆2,574億円 過去最高 31年度予算案
<1901-122009> 2018.12.20 Stars & Stripes Mattis to step down as Pentagon chief after growing tensions with Trump
<1901-122008> 2018.12.20 Inside Defense 'Multidomain Operations 1.5' expands cyber support program
<1901-122007> 2018.12.20 Stars & Stripes Trump's 'green light' to Erdogan on Syria leaves dilemma on Iran
<1901-122006> 2018.12.20 Stars & Stripes Pentagon awards Lockheed a $585M subcontract to create Hawaii-based missile radar
<1901-122005> 2018.12.20 東亞日報 カナダ軍、「北朝鮮監視中の偵察機を中国空軍が妨害」
<1901-122004> 2018.12.20 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 韓国、米と合同軍事演習の規模縮小を協議=国防省
<1901-122003> 2018.12.20 ハンギョレ (Yahoo) 米英日、初の共同海上訓練…中国けん制を強化
<1901-122002> 2018.12.20 日経新聞 米軍、シリア撤退「早期に」 米議会は反発
<1901-122001> 2018.12.20 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 米軍、シリアから帰還開始 完全撤収の可能性も
<1901-121908> 2018.12.19 Inside Defense MDA taps Lockheed to build new $1 billion Hawaii missile defense radar
<1901-121907> 2018.12.19 Jane's 360 Saudi Arabia cuts defence budget
<1901-121906> 2018.12.19 NHK インド 防空システム整備で軍事衛星打ち上げ
<1901-121905> 2018.12.19 Record China 中国最新 055型駆逐艦の試験航海画像が出回る― 1万3000トンの大型艦、空母艦隊に編入の見方も
<1901-121904> 2018.12.19 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 米、サウジ当局など回収のイラン製兵器を外国報道陣に公開
<1901-121903> 2018.12.19 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 米国務省、トルコへのパトリオットミサイル売却計画を承認
<1901-121902> 2018.12.19 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、宇宙「統合軍」創設へ=トランプ氏指示、中ロに対抗
<1901-121901> 2018.12.19 日経新聞 防衛費5兆2600億円 19年度予算案、過去最大
<1901-121813> 2018.12.18 Inside Defense Iron Fist APS approved for initial production
<1901-121812> 2018.12.18 Inside Defense Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile reaches EOC on B-1 after slight delay
<1901-121811> 2018.12.18 Inside Defense Navy sets 2025 target for deploying offensive, conventional hypersonic strike weapon
<1901-121810> 2018.12.18 Defense News With massive F-35 increase, Japan is now biggest international buyer
<1901-121809> 2018.12.18 Defense News Russia wants back in on India’s gun and missile system competition
<1901-121808> 2018.12.18 Jane's 360 Indian Army issues global RFI for 938 air-defence guns
<1901-121807> 2018.12.18 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 台湾 徴兵制終了 若者に嫌気、戦力維持に課題
<1901-121806> 2018.12.18 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 中国軍が台湾周辺での活動再開
<1901-121805> 2018.12.18 共同通信 (Yahoo) いずも空母化、23年運用目指す
<1901-121804> 2018.12.18 産経新聞 (Yahoo) F35を105機追加取得 F15後継 国内組み立ても取りやめ 閣議了解
<1901-121803> 2018.12.18 時事通信 (Yahoo) 尖閣警備強化へ大型巡視船=政府
<1901-121802> 2018.12.18 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 新防衛大綱 防衛力の「抜本強化」と「役割拡大」5年間の防衛費 27兆4700億円
<1901-121801> 2018.12.18 共同通信 (Yahoo) 防衛大綱を閣議決定
<1901-121801> 2018.12.18 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) ロシア、北方領土の新施設に軍隊派遣へ
<1901-121707> 2018.12.17 Defense News Kosovo president: Decision to form army 'irreversible'
<1901-121706> 2018.12.17 Jane's 360 India to conduct military exercises with several African states in March
<1901-121705> 2018.12.17 Military Times Trump plans to create unified US Space Command
<1901-121704> 2018.12.17 日経新聞 サウジへの兵器輸出「取りやめ検討」 カナダ首相
<1901-121703> 2018.12.17 日経新聞 インド、モルディブに融資枠14億ドル 中国をけん制
<1901-121702> 2018.12.17 Record China 中国によるイスラエルの港租借に米国が威嚇―中国紙
<1901-121701> 2018.12.17 Record China 中華イージス駆逐艦「30隻体制」を実現へ、新型護衛艦と合わせて60隻体制に―中国メディア
<1901-121602> 2018.12.16 Army Times Army artillery testing in Arizona aimed at shooting farther
<1901-121601> 2018.12.16 Air Force Times US Air Force set to launch 1st next-generation GPS satellite
<1901-121501> 2018.12.15 時事通信 (Yahoo) ラジャパクサ氏が首相辞任=ウィクラマシンハ氏再登板も―スリランカ
<1901-121405> 2018.12.14 Stars & Stripes Syrian Kurdish-led fighters take Hajin, last town held by ISIS
<1901-121404> 2018.12.14 Navy News Audit finds cyber vulnerabilities in U.S. missile defense system
<1901-121403> 2018.12.14 Defense News Budget watchdog warns this fighter could cost three times that of the F-35
<1901-121402> 2018.12.14 Jane's 360 Canadian Coast Guard adds first new icebreaker in 25 years
<1901-121401> 2018.12.14 朝鮮日報 (Yahoo) 豊渓里核実験場、一部施設は破壊されず元のまま=米メディア
<1901-121309> 2018.12.13 Inside Defense Air Force soliciting high-energy laser prototypes for base, aircraft defense
<1901-121308> 2018.12.13 Jane's 360 Carrier USS John C Stennis establishes temporary Sri Lanka air logistics hub
<1901-121307> 2018.12.13 産経新聞 露、極東に最新鋭潜水艦を配備へ ラーダ型
<1901-121306> 2018.12.13 時事通信 (Yahoo) ホデイダ停戦で合意=イエメン暫定政権とフーシ派
<1901-121305> 2018.12.13 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) トルコ、シリアで軍事作戦開始へ 米「一方的で受け入れられず」
<1901-121304> 2018.12.13 共同通信 (Yahoo) 与党、新防衛大綱を了承
<1901-121302> 2018.12.13 産経新聞 F35B、40機態勢へ 次期中期防では20機調達 空母化「いずも」と一体運用
<1901-121301> 2018.12.13 東京新聞 中国軍は「進攻型」に転換 台湾の防衛シンクタンク
<1901-121203> 2018.12.12 Inside Defense Five companies, including two foreign firms, express interest in LTAMDS 'Sense-Off'
<1901-121202> 2018.12.12 Jane's 360 Australia completes deliveries of Silvershield C-IED systems to Afghanistan
<1901-121201> 2018.12.12 時事通信 (Yahoo) 日米、ミサイル迎撃実験に成功
<1901-121107> 2018.12.11 MDA HP SM-3 Block IIA launched from Aegis Ashore successfully intercepts intermediate range ballistic missile target during operational test
<1901-121106> 2018.12.11 Defense News US Navy, Missile Defense Agency shoot down an intermediate-range ballistic missile in space
<1901-121105> 2018.12.11 Jane's 360 Iranian commander confirms medium-range ballistic missile test
<1901-121104> 2018.12.11 Jane's 360 B-21 bomber passes critical design review
<1901-121103> 2018.12.11 読売新聞 (Yahoo) 南西諸島の「有事」に対応、陸・海自で統合輸送
<1901-121101> 2018.12.11 日経新聞 装備品取得額を初明示 政府、5年で17兆円
<1901-121004> 2018.12.10 Military Times Russia sends 2 nuclear-capable bombers to Venezuela
<1901-121003> 2018.12.10 Defense News F-35 fighters arrive on Australian soil
<1901-121002> 2018.12.10 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 来年度米国防予算、トランプ氏が7500億ドルへの増額を支持
<1901-121001> 2018.12.10 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) いずも「空母化」3度了承先送り 与党 WT
<1901-120901> 2018.12.09 Defense News Here's the latest on Lockheed's massive long-range anti-ballistic missile radar
<1901-120804> 2018.12.08 産経新聞 ウクライナ艦船は重装備 航行通告せずとロシア
<1901-120803> 2018.12.08 讀賣新聞 (Yahoo) F2 後継機「日本主導で」…次期中期防に明記へ
<1901-120802> 2018.12.08 日経新聞 比に防空レーダー輸出、政府検討 国産装備品で初
<1901-120801> 2018.12.08 日経新聞 防衛費5年総額27兆円、過去最大 19~23年度
<1901-120708> 2018.12.07 Stars & Stripes USS Wasp amphibious-assault ship to leave Japan for Norfolk sometime next year
<1901-120707> 2018.12.07 Stars & Stripes Ukraine to send naval ships through Kerch Strait soon, official says
<1901-120706> 2018.12.07 Defense News Blink and you'll miss it: The B-21 bomber accomplishes another big review
<1901-120705> 2018.12.07 讀賣新聞 (Yahoo) 空自機、太平洋諸国に立ち寄り…中国けん制図る
<1901-120704> 2018.12.07 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 自衛隊「統合作戦室」設置へ 部隊を一元的に指揮 大綱に明記
<1901-120703> 2018.12.07 時事通信 (Yahoo) 与党、いずも「空母化」了承持ち越し=新防衛大綱、週明けに再協議へ
<1901-120702> 2018.12.07 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、ウクライナ上空を偵察飛行=条約基づき、ロシアけん制
<1901-120701> 2018.12.07 NHK ロシア軍 北方領土含む島々にレーダー基地設置か
<1901-120604> 2018.12.06 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 北朝鮮で弾道ミサイル基地の拡張が判明 CNN テレビ
<1901-120603> 2018.12.06 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 来年の韓米合同野外機動訓練 事実上中止=指揮所演習は実施
<1901-120602> 2018.12.06 東京新聞 ロシア極東沖で航行自由作戦 米、過剰な主張けん制
<1901-120601> 2018.12.06 共同通信 (Yahoo) 対空防衛に高出力レーザー明記へ
<1901-120506> 2018.12.05 Inside Defense Navy advances work on new booster for potential submarine-launched hypersonic weapon
<1901-120505> 2018.12.05 Jane's 360 Almaz-Antey details new Viking air-defence system
<1901-120504> 2018.12.05 時事通信 (Yahoo) 中距離核全廃条約、崩壊の公算=米猶予もロシアの順守悲観
<1901-120503> 2018.12.05 Financial Times(日経新聞) ロシアの新パイプライン、ドイツで疑問広がる
<1901-120502> 2018.12.05 NHK 最新鋭ステルス戦闘機導入の方針 「防衛計画の大綱」骨格案
<1901-120501> 2018.12.05 日経新聞 長射程新型ミサイル導入 政府、防衛大綱骨格提示へ
<1901-120305> 2018.12.03 Jane's 360 GA-ASI seeks industrial partners in Japan
<1901-120304> 2018.12.03 東京新聞 米宇宙軍、空軍所属案が浮上 独立せず、政府が再検討
<1901-120303> 2018.12.03 Focus 台湾 (Yahoo) 中国軍の台湾海峡航行「定例化」と報道 国防部「厳密に把握」
<1901-120302> 2018.12.03 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 中国が東シナ海に掘削船配置 外務省、9月に続き抗議
<1901-120301> 2018.12.03 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 韓国空軍きょうから単独訓練 韓米合同演習の中止を補う
<1901-120201> 2018.12.02 日経新聞 「イランが弾道ミサイル発射実験」、米国務長官が非難
<1901-120102> 2018.12.01 Stars & Stripes Ukraine cites massive buildup of Russian forces along border
<1901-120101> 2018.12.01 共同通信 (Yahoo) 米装備購入の改善を初明記へ
<1901-113001> 2018.11.30 DARPA HP Squad X improves situational awareness, coordination for dismounted units
<1901-112820> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Strategic effect
<1901-112819> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly If you want peace prepare for war
<1901-112818> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Kawasaki Heavy Industries moves to grow defence sales
<1901-112817> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly South Korea's DAPA launches military export agency
<1901-112816> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Aerial refuelling capability of China's J-20 confirmed
<1901-112815> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia poised to be awarded Indian MANPADS contract
<1901-112814> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly India to licence-build two stealth frigates
<1901-112813> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan plans to establish a space corps
<1901-112812> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Tokyo orders three Global Hawk UAVs
<1901-112811> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan to receive nine more E-2Ds
<1901-112810> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia refits Missile Troops and Artillery
<1901-112809> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly EU to expand its military headquarters but bigger decision lies in money for operations
<1901-112808> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Growing list of PESCO projects to depend heavily on co-ordinated defence planning
<1901-112807> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly InsrantEye Robotics delivers new package of small unmanned aerial systems to USMC
<1901-112806> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly RoKN receives fourth and final LST-2 class tank landing ship
<1901-112805> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Satellite imagery reveals possible Y-20 tanker variant
<1901-112804> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly US approves missile and arms sales for Japan and NATO
<1901-112803> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly UAV threata to allied amies multiplying as NATO mulls new counter-strategy
<1901-112802> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly France and Germany agree next-gen fighter design studies
<1901-112801> 2018.11.28 Jane's Defence Weekly UK MoD confirms further Lightning purchase to double current fleet size
<1901-112112> 2018.11.21 Jane's Defence Weekly Sausi-led coalition confirms end of US aerial refuelling
<1901-112111> 2018.11.21 Jane's Defence Weekly DSME to build two more FFX Ⅱ frigates
<1901-112110> 2018.11.21 Jane's Defence Weekly KAI wins Indonesian air force deals
<1901-112109> 2018.11.21 Jane's Defence Weekly USAF awards Rockwell Collins contract for latest digiral anti-jam GPS receiver
<1901-112108> 2018.11.21 Jane's Defence Weekly DoD to prioritise laser scaling
<1901-112107> 2018.11.21 Jane's Defence Weekly USN awardes Lockheed Martin USD23bn modification contract for 255 F-35s
<1901-112106> 2018.11.21 Jane's Defence Weekly US Army secretary: Permanently forward basing more units would hinder training
<1901-112105> 2018.11.21 Jane's Defence Weekly Beijing outlines three-stage transformation of the PLAAF into a 'world-class air force'
<1901-112104> 2018.11.21 Jane's Defence Weekly Luftwaffe sets out design drivers for next-gen fighter
<1901-112103> 2018.11.21 Jane's Defence Weekly Australia selects Reaper for armed UAV requirement
<1901-112102> 2018.11.21 Jane's Defence Weekly Israeli officials satisfied with performance of Iron Dome dueing latest escalation
<1901-112101> 2018.11.21 Jane's Defence Weekly No timeline set for possible US withdrawal from INF treaty
<1901-111416> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Conquest through commerce
<1901-111415> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Iran launches production of F-5-derived Kpwsar fighter
<1901-111414> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Iran shows engagement radar for Talach air-defence system
<1901-111413> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly UAE-backed offensive advances into Yemeni port city of Al-Hudaydah
<1901-111412> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Philippine frigate to receive upgrades
<1901-111411> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly US seeks to sustain Taiwanese Tiger Ⅱs
<1901-111410> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Image confirms ground-launched variant of Chine's YJ-12 missile is in PLA sevice
<1901-111409> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Australia, US jointly test CEC
<1901-111408> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Insia declares its nuclear triad complete
<1901-111407> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Turky and Indonesia inch toward Anka collaboration
<1901-111406> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Locally developed air surveillance radar unveilled by Insonesian firm PT Len
<1901-111405> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Insonesia's Su-35 buy faces CAATSA hurdle
<1901-111404> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Unmanned military systems take centre stage in Zhuhai
<1901-111403> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Upgraded Z-10ME attack helo breaks cover
<1901-111402> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Wing Loong Ⅱ UAV enters PLAAF sevice
<1901-111401> 2018.11.14 Jane's Defence Weekly CASIC unveils CM-401 anti-ship missile system
<1901-111205> 2018.11.12 Aviation Week & ST Japan pencils in 2025 first flight for future fighter
<1901-111204> 2018.11.12 Aviation Week & ST A lot to learn
<1901-111203> 2018.11.12 Aviation Week & ST Russia pursues ISR abd electronic warfare versions of the Su-34
<1901-111202> 2018.11.12 Aviation Week & ST Avic's J-31 fighter is a winner after all
<1901-111201> 2018.11.12 Aviation Week & ST New all-wing designs reveal China's growing swagger
<1901-110714> 2018.11.07 Jane's Defence Weekly IDF strikes in Syria are continuing, says Israeli official
<1901-110713> 2018.11.07 Jane's Defence Weekly US withdraw Patirots from Bahrain, Jordan
<1901-110712> 2018.11.07 Jane's Defence Weekly Yemeni rebels unveil new Badr-1P missile
<1901-110711> 2018.11.07 Jane's Defence Weekly SM-3 Block ⅡA successfully completes intercept test
<1901-110710> 2018.11.07 Jane's Defence Weekly India signs USD950m deal for two Russian-build frigates
<1901-110709> 2018.11.07 Jane's Defence Weekly IAI announces Sky Capture export order
<1901-110708> 2018.11.07 Jane's Defence Weekly RAN commissions second Hobart-class destroyer
<1901-110707> 2018.11.07 Jane's Defence Weekly Taiwan to begin Cloud Leopard IFV variant production
<1901-110706> 2018.11.07 Jane's Defence Weekly Lithuanian Iron Wolf Brigade affiliated with German Army panzer division
<1901-110705> 2018.11.07 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia's sole carrier damaged by sinking of floating dock
<1901-110704> 2018.11.07 Jane's Defence Weekly UK forces to receive GBP1 billion boost in spending
<1901-110703> 2018.11.07 Jane's Defence Weekly Image confirm thrust-vectoring WS-10 engine variant for China's J-10B fighter
<1901-110702> 2018.11.07 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia and Cnina challenging US network of global alliances, says JSC chairman
<1901-110701> 2018.11.07 Jane's Defence Weekly Image emerge of new Chinese submarine
<1901-102904> 2018.10.29 Aviation Week & ST New missiles and sensors extend the reach of Chinese airpower
<1901-102903> 2018.10.29 Aviation Week & ST China's growing ability to drive away U.S. Force
<1901-102902> 2018.10.29 Aviation Week & ST British carrier trials test unique landing capability
<1901-102901> 2018.10.29 Aviation Week & ST Long shot

参 照 番 号
年 月 日
出   典
標              題
<1812-113010> 2018.11.30 Defense News US government, Boeing to help Japan upgrade missile, electronic warfare capabilities for F-15 jets
<1812-113009> 2018.11.30 Defense News Japanese acquisition officials reveal next steps in search for advanced fighter jet
<1812-113008> 2018.11.30 Jane's 360 Lockheed Martin conducts initial flight test of new M-SHORAD Future Interceptor
<1812-113007> 2018.11.30 Jane's 360 Latvia seeks medium-range GBADS as part of wider military revamp
<1812-113006> 2018.11.30 Jane's 360 China’s Norinco rolls out new combat, reconnaissance, and logistics UGVs
<1812-113005> 2018.11.30 産経新聞 中国、東シナ海ガス田で新たな試掘着手か 開発継続浮き彫り
<1812-113004> 2018.11.30 讀賣新聞 (Yahoo) 東シナ海に無人潜水機を導入へ、中国軍など監視
<1812-113003> 2018.11.30 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、南シナ海で「航行の自由作戦」=首脳会談前に中国けん制
<1812-113002> 2018.11.30 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 空自、インド空軍と初訓練 来月3日から 連携強化で中国牽制
<1812-113001> 2018.11.30 讀賣新聞 (Yahoo) サイバー反撃能力、明記へ…「新防衛大綱」骨格
<1812-112907> 2018.11.29 Defense News Japan sets naval-friendly requirement in search to replace AH-1S Cobra fleet
<1812-112906> 2018.11.29 Jane's 360 Technology advancements could reshape Joint Integrated Air and Missile Defense vision
<1812-112905> 2018.11.29 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 政府 官房長官 馬毛島「引き続き検討」 米軍機訓練で
<1812-112904> 2018.11.29 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) サウジ、THAAD 購入で米国と合意締結
<1812-112903> 2018.11.29 東亞日報 豊渓里、北朝鮮の閉鎖措置の前から不能状態
<1812-112902> 2018.11.29 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米軍艦、台湾海峡航行=首脳会談前に中国けん制
<1812-112901> 2018.11.29 共同通信 (Yahoo) F35B、20機新規導入検討
<1812-112810> 2018.11.28 Stars & Stripes Air defense artillery unit is activated in Germany for the first time in decades
<1812-112809> 2018.11.28 Defense News Bell pitches Viper attack helo to replace Japan's Cobra copters
<1812-112808> 2018.11.28 Defense News Japan prepares to stand up first F-35 operational unit
<1812-112807> 2018.11.28 Defense News Prototype UH-X helo to undergo tests, with plans to produce 150 units for Japanese forces
<1812-112806> 2018.11.28 Jane's 360 Previously unknown Chinese HQ-22 SAM deployments revealed
<1812-112805> 2018.11.28 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 中国の2隻目国産空母、20年末にも進水か
<1812-112804> 2018.11.28 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) ロシア、クリミア半島で新型ミサイルシステム配備へ
<1812-112803> 2018.11.28 朝鮮日報 (Yahoo) 75トン・エンジン試験用ロケット、無事打ち上げ
<1812-112802> 2018.11.28 時事通信 (Yahoo) F35、100機追加導入へ=総額1兆円超、政府検討
<1812-112801> 2018.11.28 日経新聞 ロシア、拿捕のウクライナ艦乗組員を逮捕
<1812-112712> 2018.11.27 Military Times Here's the US military footprint in the Black Sea region
<1812-112711> 2018.11.27 Jane's 360 Qatari air defence commander says Patriot is operational
<1812-112710> 2018.11.27 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 「いずも」空母化や F35B 導入、防衛大綱に明記へ=関係者
<1812-112709> 2018.11.27 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 韓国軍 イスラエル製早期警戒レーダー2機を追加購入へ
<1812-112708> 2018.11.27 時事通信 (Yahoo) 中国、空母計画遅延か=貿易摩擦で対米配慮も
<1812-112707> 2018.11.27 時事通信 (Yahoo) 中国、港湾開発で融資か=サモアの軍事利用に懸念―豪紙
<1812-112706> 2018.11.27 中央日報 (Yahoo) 韓国政府、米爆撃機の韓半島上空飛行中断を要請
<1812-112705> 2018.11.27 共同通信 (Yahoo) 首相、ヨルダン国王と陸自視察
<1812-112704> 2018.11.27 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 岩屋防衛相、いずも“空母化”と F35B 導入を示唆
<1812-112703> 2018.11.27 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) ウクライナ艦船拿捕は「国際法違反」、米国務長官がロシア非難
<1812-112702> 2018.11.27 NHK 垂直着艦の最新鋭戦闘機 運用に向け護衛艦改修へ 防衛計画大綱
<1812-112701> 2018.11.27 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) ロシア、拿捕したウクライナ艦船解放せず 西側が相次ぎ非難
<1812-112606> 2018.11.26 Defense News US lawmakers urge Trump to arm Ukraine, break silence on Russian blockade
<1812-112605> 2018.11.26 Military Times Americans and Russians have exchanged gunfire in Syria more than once
<1812-112604> 2018.11.26 Jane's 360 Canadian Coast Guard prepares for first Chantier Davie icebreaker
<1812-112603> 2018.11.26 時事通信 (Yahoo) 新大綱に「多用途母艦導入」=政府、明記へ調整
<1812-112602> 2018.11.26 時事通信 (Yahoo) 3隻目の空母建造を初報道=中国国営メディア
<1812-112601> 2018.11.26 Record China 一帯一路が他国を債務危機に、中国の学者が猛批判―米華字メディア
<1812-112503> 2018.11.25 China Defense Boring logistics pictures of the day: 2nd Type 901 Class Fleet Replenishment Ship ready for commission
<1812-112502> 2018.11.25 Stars & Stripes Ukraine, Russia tensions soar after Black Sea naval incident
<1812-112501> 2018.11.25 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 宇宙戦争、もう映画だけではない時代 日本が演習初参加
<1812-112402> 2018.11.24 讀賣新聞 (Yahoo) 新型護衛艦22隻導入、「尖閣」警戒監視を念頭
<1812-112401> 2018.11.24 日経新聞 防衛費、NATO基準も 米要請受け関連経費を合算
<1812-112301> 2018.11.23 Jane's 360 China closing the UGV gap with US, Russia
<1812-112203> 2018.11.22 産経新聞 (Yahoo) シュライバー国防次官補、民兵漁船「中国海軍と区別しない」
<1812-112202> 2018.11.22 NHK 新防衛大綱 陸自が初の海上輸送部隊創設盛り込む方針
<1812-112201> 2018.11.22 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 米韓合同演習「フォールイーグル」、来年は範囲縮小=米国防長官
<1812-112112> 2018.11.21 Inside Defense Army to field new Stryker APS in FY-21
<1812-112111> 2018.11.21 Inside Defense Navy plans to develop, acquire NGJ-LB using rapid acquisition authorities
<1812-112110> 2018.11.21 Jane's 360 India signs USD500-million deal to licence-build two Russian stealth frigates
<1812-112109> 2018.11.21 Jane's 360 China's Beihang UAS readies BZK-005E long-range reconnaissance UAV for export
<1812-112108> 2018.11.21 Jane's 360 France and Germany agree next-gen fighter design studies
<1812-112107> 2018.11.21 日経新聞 ネパール外相、中国と鉄道建設 首都カトマンズ―チベット間
<1812-112106> 2018.11.21 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 「親中派」新首相誕生のスリランカ 政界混乱続く
<1812-112105> 2018.11.21 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米戦略爆撃機、南シナ海を飛行
<1812-112104> 2018.11.21 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛大綱 敵基地攻撃能力「議論を」自民、明記見送り批判
<1812-112103> 2018.11.21 時事通信 (Yahoo) 南シナ海に新施設を確認=中国、軍事用探知装置か―米研究所
<1812-112102> 2018.11.21 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、ロシア企業など制裁=イラン産石油供与でシリア支援
<1812-112101> 2018.11.21 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) ロシアからの国防システム購入は完了、キャンセル不可=トルコ外相
<1812-112010> 2018.11.20 Jane's 360 Japan signs for three Global Hawk UAVs
<1812-112009> 2018.11.20 Jane's 360 US approves missile and munition sales for Japan and NATO
<1812-112008> 2018.11.20 Jane's 360 Phazotron-NIIR readies new AESA radar for Russian fighter trials
<1812-112007> 2018.11.20 時事通信 (Yahoo) 南シナ海でエネルギー共同開発へ=中国主席、13年ぶりフィリピン訪問
<1812-112006> 2018.11.20 時事通信 (Yahoo) 新防衛大綱、最先端技術に重点配分=策定へ政府指針
<1812-112005> 2018.11.20 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 中国主席がフィリピン訪問、現地紙寄稿でドゥテルテ大統領を称賛
<1812-112004> 2018.11.20 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) モルディブ新政権、中国との FTA 撤回へ=与党幹部
<1812-112003> 2018.11.20 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) ドイツ、サウジ記者殺害巡り18人の欧州渡航を禁止 武器売却凍結
<1812-112002> 2018.11.20 NHK ロシアとトルコ エネルギー分野でも緊密ぶりをアピール
<1812-112001> 2018.11.20 日経新聞 自民国防族、実務派が台頭 防衛大綱で NSC と連携
<1812-111906> 2018.11.19 DARPA HP CODE Demonstrates Autonomy and Collaboration with Minimal Human Commands
<1812-111905> 2018.11.19 東京新聞 防衛大綱概要、与党説明へ 政府、敵基地攻撃能力見送り
<1812-111904> 2018.11.19 時事通信 (Yahoo) 中国軍基地受け入れず=米に説明へ―カンボジア首相
<1812-111903> 2018.11.19 時事通信 (Yahoo) 敵基地攻撃、新大綱に盛らず=「宇宙部隊」明記へ―小野寺前防衛相見通し
<1812-111902> 2018.11.19 時事通信 (Yahoo) シリア北西部で戦闘、25人死亡=トルコ系武装勢力、仲間割れか
<1812-111901> 2018.11.19 東京新聞 独仏「欧州軍」創設協力で一致 共通の防衛体制必要
<1812-111801> 2018.11.18 産経新聞 (Yahoo) モルディブ新大統領が就任 脱「中国」掲げ当選、インドにインフラ整備で支援要請
<1812-111704> 2018.11.17 産経新聞 (Yahoo) ペンス米副大統領が台湾の APEC 特使と会談
<1812-111703> 2018.11.17 時事通信 (Yahoo) パプア基地増強で豪と協力=中国をけん制―米副大統領
<1812-111702> 2018.11.17 共同通信 (Yahoo) 日米豪共同声明、インフラで協力
<1812-111701> 2018.11.17 日経新聞 首相、豪寄港中の海保船視察 「航行の自由」訓示へ
<1812-111605> 2018.11.16 Defense News New battery can double the operational time of submarines, says South Korea
<1812-111604> 2018.11.16 Jane's 360 KLJ-7A AESA radar being considered for China's J-20 fighter aircraft
<1812-111603> 2018.11.16 時事通信 (Yahoo) 新型兵器は長射程砲か=北朝鮮の「実験成功」で韓国
<1812-111602> 2018.11.16 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 北朝鮮 先端戦術兵器実験、正恩氏が現地指導
<1812-111601> 2018.11.16 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 南シナ海、どの国にも属さず=ペンス米副大統領
<1812-111504> 2018.11.15 Jane's 360 IDF satisfied with Iron Dome’s performance during latest escalation
<1812-111503> 2018.11.15 時事通信 (Yahoo) 中ロとの戦争「敗北も」=軍の優位性、危険水準に低下―米議会報告
<1812-111502> 2018.11.15 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米空母2隻、フィリピン海で作戦行動=中国の海洋進出けん制―ASEAN 会議の最中
<1812-111501> 2018.11.15 朝日新聞 自衛隊、ジブチ拠点強化へ 海外拠点として用途の拡大へ
<1812-111403> 2018.11.14 Jane's 360 DSME awarded contract to build two more FFX Ⅱ frigates
<1812-111402> 2018.11.14 東京新聞 中国軍、35年に米に対抗能力 インド太平洋全域、米議会報告書
<1812-111401> 2018.11.14 時事通信 (Yahoo) ドイツ首相も「欧州軍」主張=フランスに同調、対米依存見直しへ
<1812-111309> 2018.11.13 Defense News Pentagon to boost laser investments for missile defense
<1812-111308> 2018.11.13 C4ISR net Norway says Russia jammed GPS signal during NATO drill
<1812-111307> 2018.11.13 Jane's 360 Beijing announces plan to transform PLAAF into a 'world-class air force'
<1812-111306> 2018.11.13 Jane's 360 Russian Navy returns to Spanish enclave after two years
<1812-111305> 2018.11.13 時事通信 (Yahoo) スリランカ最高裁、大統領の議会解散差し止め=前首相派の主張受け入れ
<1812-111304> 2018.11.13 産経新聞 (Yahoo) ガザからロケット弾370発、イスラエルは100ヵ所空爆
<1812-111303> 2018.11.13 時事通信 (Yahoo) イスラエル軍攻撃で3人死亡=70ヵ所標的、ガザ緊迫
<1812-111302> 2018.11.13 日経新聞 ドローンテロ対策に新手法 独警察など配備開始
<1812-111301> 2018.11.13 時事通信 (Yahoo) 北朝鮮のミサイル基地13ヵ所特定=米シンクタンク
<1812-111206> 2018.11.12 Jane's 360 Airshow China 2018: Herakles announces Velociraptor APS development
<1812-111205> 2018.11.12 Jane's 360 Airshow China 2018: ZB Intelligence unveils Marine Lizard amphibious combat USV prototype
<1812-111204> 2018.11.12 時事通信 (Yahoo) 戦闘激化、150人死亡=西部要衝で攻防―イエメン
<1812-111203> 2018.11.12 NHK イスラエル軍特殊部隊 ガザ地区に侵入し銃撃戦 8人死亡
<1812-111202> 2018.11.12 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 韓国初の空中給油機到着 北朝鮮はかつて強く反発
<1812-111201> 2018.11.12 産経新聞 (Yahoo) イスラエルの対空防衛システム開発企業が日本進出へ
<1812-111003> 2018.11.10 東京新聞 米、インド太平洋に6兆円支援へ 中国に対抗、インフラ整備に融資
<1812-111002> 2018.11.10 中央日報 日米共同統合演習「キーンソード」の写真公開
<1812-111001> 2018.11.10 産経新聞 トランプ大統領訪仏 仏大統領の「欧州軍」構想は「侮辱」と批判
<1812-110909> 2018.11.09 DARPA HP Program Targets Innovative Propulsion Solutions for Ground-Based Weapons Delivery System
<1812-110908> 2018.11.09 Defense Update New Drones Dominate China’s Airshow
<1812-110907> 2018.11.09 Jane's 360 UAE-backed Yemeni operation making progress in Al-Hudaydah
<1812-110906> 2018.11.09 Jane's 360 South Korea navy increases BMD with upgraded Aegis system
<1812-110905> 2018.11.09 Jane's 360 Airshow China 2018: CASIC's LW-30 laser weapon system breaks cover
<1812-110904> 2018.11.09 Jane's 360 Taiwanese navy commissions two Cheng Kung-class frigates
<1812-110903> 2018.11.09 讀賣新聞 (Yahoo) 海自、無人攻撃機導入へ…中国艦など監視強化
<1812-110902> 2018.11.09 時事通信 (Yahoo) 兵器輸出額、前年度比13%増=22兆円、雇用拡大も―米
<1812-110901> 2018.11.09 NHK 中国主導のミャンマーの港湾開発 規模縮小で中国側と合意
<1812-110807> 2018.11.08 Inside Defense Esper: Army pushing to get long-range fires, EW capability back in force
<1812-110806> 2018.11.08 Inside Defense Navy official: U.S. 2nd Fleet to reach IOC in spring 2019
<1812-110805> 2018.11.08 Jane's 360 Indo Defence 2018: Indonesia acquires follow-on batch of Skyshield air-defence system
<1812-110804> 2018.11.08 Jane's 360 Airshow China 2018: Upgraded Z-10ME attack helicopter breaks cover
<1812-110803> 2018.11.08 Defense News China showcases progress on stealth fighter jet at Zhuhai air show
<1812-110802> 2018.11.08 Record China 中国初の「無人ミサイル艇」公開、関係者「上陸作戦にも有効」―珠海航空ショー
<1812-110801> 2018.11.08 NHK オーストラリア 島しょ国支援の基金開設へ 中国けん制が狙いか
<1812-110703> 2018.11.07 Defense Update New Missiles Unveiled at Airshow China 2018
<1812-110702> 2018.11.07 Inside Defense Army scraps 360-degree detection LTAMDS requirement, opens competition to all
<1812-110701> 2018.11.07 Jane's 360 Indo Defence 2018: Japan, Indonesia close in on defence deal
<1812-110607> 2018.11.06 Military Times Turkey: Joint US-Kurdish patrols in Syria are 'unacceptable'
<1812-110606> 2018.11.06 Defense News Don't dumb down this US Army radar
<1812-110605> 2018.11.06 Jane's 360 Airshow China 2018: Yunzhou Tech showcases armed USV development
<1812-110604> 2018.11.06 Jane's 360 Airshow China 2018: CASIC unveils WJ-700 armed reconnaissance UAV
<1812-110603> 2018.11.06 Record China 豪州が第2次大戦の米軍基地を再建、意図は中国けん制か―米紙
<1812-110602> 2018.11.06 NHK インド 核ミサイル搭載の潜水艦 実戦配備可能に 中国をけん制
<1812-110601> 2018.11.06 産経新聞 (Yahoo) イラン制裁、対象700以上 「史上最強」米が再発動
<1812-110512> 2018.11.05 Inside Defense Army to re-purpose Navy booster and build road-mobile, deep-strike hypersonic weapon
<1812-110511> 2018.11.05 Stars & Stripes US, Japan move into final stretch of ‘largest and most complex’ field exercise
<1812-110510> 2018.11.05 Navy Times Russian fighter jet flies dangerously close to US airplane, Navy says
<1812-110509> 2018.11.05 Jane's 360 Canada buys sixth Arctic patrol ship
<1812-110508> 2018.11.05 Jane's 360 US Army steps towards 2019 delivery of autonomous leader-follower convoy technology
<1812-110507> 2018.11.05 Jane's 360 'Trident Juncture' enters tactical phase
<1812-110506> 2018.11.05 産経新聞 中国が最新鋭ステルス無人機「彩虹7」を初公開 米試作機と酷似
<1812-110505> 2018.11.05 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 韓国海軍の艦艇が佐世保入港 海自幹部候補生と交流へ
<1812-110504> 2018.11.05 日経新聞 中国で退役軍人デモが続発 背景に格差
<1812-110503> 2018.11.05 東京新聞 中期防、大型水中ドローン開発へ 新大綱含め来月18日決定
<1812-110502> 2018.11.05 産経新聞 F2 後継開発、主体は日本 防衛省、中期防明記へ
<1812-110501> 2018.11.05 FNN (Yahoo) 米軍機から降下訓練 国内初実施 FNN 同乗取材
<1812-110407> 2018.11.04 Marine Times The sun's setting on Corps' last EA-6B Prowler squadron with end of final deployment
<1812-110406> 2018.11.04 時事通信 (Yahoo) 仏からの独立否決=ニューカレドニアで住民投票
<1812-110405> 2018.11.04 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 南北 非武装地帯の見張り所撤収開始=黄色い旗掲揚
<1812-110404> 2018.11.04 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 韓国と米国 海兵隊合同演習再開へ=約6か月ぶり
<1812-110403> 2018.11.04 時事通信 (Yahoo) 政府、F2後継選定方針先送りも=新中期防、自民からは共同開発論
<1812-110402> 2018.11.04 読売新聞 (Yahoo) 羽田新ルート、日本が管制…五輪へ増便可能に
<1812-110401> 2018.11.04 東京新聞 日米が対中国共同作戦を初策定 尖閣有事想定、新任務も
<1812-110205> 2018.11.02 Jane's 360 MHI to build two new multirole frigates for JMSDF
<1812-110204> 2018.11.02 Jane's 360 Images confirm thrust-vectoring variant of Chinese WS-10 engine
<1812-110203> 2018.11.02 NHK モルディブ 元大統領が亡命先から帰国 親中国政策も見直しへ
<1812-110202> 2018.11.02 NHK 豪 対中国でパプアニューギニアと軍事協力を強化
<1812-110201> 2018.11.02 Record China 中国がインドの友好国ネパールへの軍事援助を大幅増―韓国メディア
<1812-110108> 2018.11.01 Stars & Stripes US, Turkey begin patrols around northern Syrian town
<1812-110107> 2018.11.01 Stars & Stripes US says Turkey's attack in Syria puts Americans at risk
<1812-110106> 2018.11.01 Jane's 360 Lithuanian Iron Wolf Brigade affiliated with German panzer division
<1812-110105> 2018.11.01 Jane's 360 IAI wins USD550 million contract to supply Sky Capture air-defence C2 system
<1812-110104> 2018.11.01 Jane's 360 Images emerge of new Chinese submarine
<1812-110103> 2018.11.01 China Defense New Chinese Amphibian Vehicle: Speed boat with 4x retractable tracks
<1812-110102> 2018.11.01 NHK 日本版 GPS 衛星「みちびき」 きょうから本格運用
<1812-110101> 2018.11.01 東亞日報 「韓国軍の大将が米軍を指揮」 韓米が未来連合司令部の創設で合意
<1812-110009> 2018.11 International Defence Review 'Trophy' case: Rafael's active protection system steps out
<1812-110008> 2018.11 International Defence Review US coastal patrol ships complete Griffin missile shoot
<1812-110007> 2018.11 International Defence Review MBDA confirms plans for VL MICA NG
<1812-110006> 2018.11 International Defence Review MBDA unveils Spectre combat UAV concept
<1812-110005> 2018.11 International Defence Review MBDA unveils Future Land Indirect Fires concepts
<1812-110004> 2018.11 International Defence Review Raytheon, Saab unveil Guided Carl-Gustaf Munition
<1812-110003> 2018.11 International Defence Review Denel's Miniaturised Guidance System moves towards tests
<1812-110002> 2018.11 International Defence Review RoKA unveils new CBRN reconnaissance vehicles
<1812-110001> 2018.11 International Defence Review New lighter-weight Trophy APS successfully tested
<1812-103116> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly The SAM factory
<1812-103115> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Russian 'Foxhound' may be hosting anti-satellite weapon
<1812-103114> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly AVIC looks sell shipbuilding business
<1812-103113> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Indonesia to renegotiate KFX/IFX fighter involvement
<1812-103112> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Egypt shows MiG-29 with Kh-31 missiles
<1812-103111> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly AG600 conducts first waterborne take-off
<1812-103110> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Rheinmetall, DST to work on autonomous vehicle systems
<1812-103109> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Taiwan takes delivery of its first F-16V
<1812-103108> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly US showcases Arctic naval operations
<1812-103107> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly BAE Systms moves out on USMC ACV 1.1 production
<1812-103106> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly US Army pushes on with unit conversion plans
<1812-103105> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Rheinmetall promieres new-generation remote-control gun
<1812-103104> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly US analysts assess potential change in China's naval ROE
<1812-103103> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly IAI to provide Barak-8 LRSAM to Insian Navy
<1812-103102> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly EU, Russia urge US not to withdraw from INF Treaty
<1812-103101> 2018.10.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Suspected Syrian S-300 site identified
<1812-102417> 2018.10.24 Jane's Defence Weekly Into the breach
<1812-102416> 2018.10.24 Jane's Defence Weekly New variant of Z-8 delivered to PLAN's Aviation University
<1812-102415> 2018.10.24 Jane's Defence Weekly China's Z-19E ready for series production, says report
<1812-102414> 2018.10.24 Jane's Defence Weekly China launches more Beidou satellites
<1812-102413> 2018.10.24 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan develops vehicle-mounted IED detector
<1812-102412> 2018.10.24 Jane's Defence Weekly Spain to buy IED jammer
<1812-102411> 2018.10.24 Jane's Defence Weekly Turky increases budget
<1812-102410> 2018.10.24 Jane's Defence Weekly Poland spends more on defence
<1812-102409> 2018.10.24 Jane's Defence Weekly Portugal proposes budget increase to parliament
<1812-102408> 2018.10.24 Jane's Defence Weekly US NAVSRA assumes ship maintenance and repair functions for Western Pacific
<1812-102407> 2018.10.24 Jane's Defence Weekly Chinese company claims successful flight testing of HD-1 supersonic cruise missile
<1812-102406> 2018.10.24 Jane's Defence Weekly F-35B JSF completes first shipborne rolling vertical landing on Queen Elizabeth
<1812-102405> 2018.10.24 Jane's Defence Weekly NATO's rapid reaction force coming into own as an interoperabiliry testbed
<1812-102404> 2018.10.24 Jane's Defence Weekly Philippines concludes fighter studies and points to possilble Gripen acquisition
<1812-101711> 2018.10.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Uphill battle
<1812-101710> 2018.10.17 Jane's Defence Weekly US reports 33% increase in FMS sale
<1812-101709> 2018.10.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan commits to local involvement in fighter programme
<1812-101708> 2018.10.17 Jane's Defence Weekly IDF to test Iron First APS
<1812-101707> 2018.10.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Pilots warned of jamming threat in Eastern Med
<1812-101706> 2018.10.17 Jane's Defence Weekly IDF reports second Iron Dome misfire
<1812-101705> 2018.10.17 Jane's Defence Weekly DroneShield offers new C-UAV system
<1812-101704> 2018.10.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan's MHI launches first Soryu-class boat equipped with lithium-ion batteries
<1812-101703> 2018.10.17 Jane's Defence Weekly China, Pakistan to jointly produce Wing Loong Ⅱ UAVs
<1812-101702> 2018.10.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Lockheed Martin plans ER GMLRS flight for mid-2019
<1812-101701> 2018.10.17 Jane's Defence Weekly China's defence-industrial policies pose major threat, says US DoD paper
<1812-101013> 2018.10.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Keeping watch
<1812-101012> 2018.10.10 Jane's Defence Weekly US gives green light to sale of ATACMS, GMLRS to Bahrain
<1812-101011> 2018.10.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Iran launches missiles against IS in Syria again
<1812-101010> 2018.10.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Taiwan unveils light frigate concept for export market
<1812-101009> 2018.10.10 Jane's Defence Weekly China develops large-scale transonic wind tunnel
<1812-101008> 2018.10.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Italian CAMM-ER programme at risk
<1812-101007> 2018.10.10 Jane's Defence Weekly UK outlines plans to extend defence to Arctic and maintain readiness levels
<1812-101006> 2018.10.10 Jane's Defence Weekly ... and holds UGV contest with focus on autonomy, mobility
<1812-101005> 2018.10.10 Jane's Defence Weekly China conducts further tests with hypersonic vehicles...
<1812-101004> 2018.10.10 Jane's Defence Weekly USS Decatur has 'unsafe' encounter with PLAN destroyer in South China Sea
<1812-101003> 2018.10.10 Jane's Defence Weekly With S-300s now povided to Syria, US prepares to deconflic with Moscow
<1812-101002> 2018.10.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia announces Syrian S-300 delivery
<1812-101001> 2018.10.10 Jane's Defence Weekly India signs deal for S-400 systems despite threat of US sanctions
<1812-100316> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Building NATO's new eastern front
<1812-100315> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly China's shipyard continue to bolster PLAN's surface fleet
<1812-100314> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly US reportedly withdrawing Patriots from Middle East
<1812-100313> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Iranian TV shows upgraded missiles
<1812-100312> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Austal on track with Philippine expansion
<1812-100311> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Philippines unfazed by US sanctions act
<1812-100310> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly US clears Tauwan deal amid moves to change sales process
<1812-100309> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Singapore commissions two more LMVs
<1812-100308> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Ukrainian vessels pass through Kerch Strait to homeport
<1812-100307> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly US reaffirms Asia-Pacific naval focus
<1812-100306> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly US DoD set to receive funding boost for hypersonic, directed-energy weapons
<1812-100305> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Analysis: Russia says it will supply S-300 to Syria
<1812-100304> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly UK SIGINT aircraft patrol Eastern Med and Black Sea
<1812-100303> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Boeing wins USAF T-X trainer competition
<1812-100302> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly F-35B conducts first combat strike mission
<1812-100301> 2018.10.03 Jane's Defence Weekly F-35Bs make first landings, take-offs from RN's HMS Queen Elizabeth
<1812-100104> 2018.10.01 Aviation Week & ST Rotary renewal
<1812-100103> 2018.10.01 Aviation Week & ST Armed eVTOL could offer low-cost air power
<1812-100102> 2018.10.01 Aviation Week & ST Can U.S. Air Force add 74 aquadrone?
<1812-100101> 2018.10.01 Aviation Week & ST Turning point

参 照 番 号
年 月 日
出   典
標              題
<1811-103104> 2018.10.31 Defense News Army's missile defense radar 'sense-off' attempts to hit reset button
<1811-103103> 2018.10.31 Stars & Stripes Army reactivates air-defense artillery brigade near Tokyo
<1811-103102> 2018.10.31 日経新聞 亡命中のモルディブ元大統領、1日に帰国へ
<1811-103101> 2018.10.31 聯合ニュース 南北間の軍事敵対行為 あすから全面中止=韓国当局
<1811-103003> 2018.10.30 Jane's 360 Canada debuts warship at biennial military drills between Japan, US
<1811-103002> 2018.10.30 Air Force Times Rearming Europe: US Air Force receives largest ordnance shipment in decades
<1811-103001> 2018.10.30 Jane's 360 Yemeni rebels unveil new missile
<1811-102908> 2018.10.29 Jane's 360 India signs USD950 million deal for two Russian-built frigates
<1811-102907> 2018.10.29 Jane's 360 Northrop Grumman tests new LEO warhead for hypersonic missiles
<1811-102906> 2018.10.29 Jane's 360 China's AVIC trials Venus solar-electric UAV
<1811-102905> 2018.10.29 東京新聞 日印、2プラス2開催へ 両首脳、海洋安保で連携
<1811-102904> 2018.10.29 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 中国軍機、対馬海峡の上空飛行…自衛隊が緊急発進 首相訪中終えたばかり
<1811-102903> 2018.10.29 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 中国軍用機1機 韓国の防空識別圏進入=今年6回目
<1811-102902> 2018.10.29 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛省 F2 後継、日米共同開発へ F22 をベースに
<1811-102901> 2018.10.29 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 石垣島駐屯地、年度内に着工 陸自、中国にらみ防衛強化
<1811-102803> 2018.10.28 Military Times Turkey strikes positions held by US-backed Kurdish fighters in northern Syria
<1811-102802> 2018.10.28 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米ミサイル防衛で新司令部=青森、京都のレーダー指揮も―対中国か、相模原に陸軍
<1811-102801> 2018.10.28 読売新聞 (Yahoo) サイバー攻撃に対抗、官民の連合体創設へ
<1811-102704> 2018.10.27 NHK イスラエル軍 ガザ地区に大規模な空爆で報復
<1811-102703> 2018.10.27 産経新聞 (Yahoo) スリランカ政治混乱 大統領、議会停止を宣言
<1811-102702> 2018.10.27 時事通信 (Yahoo) 武器輸出凍結に同調せず=サウジ記者殺害とは「無関係」―仏大統領
<1811-102701> 2018.10.27 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 新型ミサイルが迎撃実験に成功 33年度導入に前進
<1811-102604> 2018.10.26 Defense News After consecutive failures, watch US Navy intercept test missile with SM-3 weapon
<1811-102603> 2018.10.26 MDA HP U.S. successfully conducts SM-3 Block IIA intercept test
<1811-102602> 2018.10.26 C4IRS net The Navy is moving forward on its next-gen jamming pod
<1811-102601> 2018.10.26 日経新聞 中国に甘い時代「もう終わった」米副大統領の演説要旨
<1811-102506> 2018.10.25 Military Times Russia claims US aircraft took control of drones in attempted attack on its Syrian base
<1811-102505> 2018.10.25 Defense News NATO's biggest peacetime drill kicks off, angering Moscow
<1811-102504> 2018.10.25 Marine Times Some F-35s grounded again for new round of inspections
<1811-102503> 2018.10.25 日経新聞 ベトナムで PKO 派遣支援 防衛省
<1811-102502> 2018.10.25 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 陸自が印陸軍と初の共同訓練、対テロ想定
<1811-102501> 2018.10.25 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 九州2基地に米軍施設 緊急時使用 日本負担で整備、合意
<1811-102403> 2018.10.24 Jane's 360 IAI wins USD777 million contract to supply additional Barak-8 LRSAM systems for Indian Navy
<1811-102402> 2018.10.24 時事通信 (Yahoo) 防衛装備品費、1兆円超抑制=次期中期防へ反映目指す―財務省提言
<1811-102401> 2018.10.24 中央日報 (Yahoo) 韓米連合訓練に続いて韓国軍の東海岸火力訓練も中止に
<1811-102308> 2018.10.23 Inside Defense SM-3 Block IIA failure carries no 'fleetwide' implications, MDA sticking with vendor team
<1811-102307> 2018.10.23 Stars & Stripes Pence leaves open the possibility of nuclear weapons in space
<1811-102306> 2018.10.23 Record China 中国軍機の韓国防空識別圏無断進入が11倍に―韓国メディア
<1811-102305> 2018.10.23 日経新聞 米、サウジ当局者のビザ停止 記者殺害めぐり
<1811-102304> 2018.10.23 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) カナダ、記者殺害巡りサウジとの武器取引を凍結する用意=首相
<1811-102303> 2018.10.23 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 仏、サウジ向け武器輸出で明言避ける 独は輸出中止を呼び掛け
<1811-102302> 2018.10.23 AFP=時事 (Yahoo) トルコ大統領、サウジ記者殺害は「計画されていた」と断定
<1811-102301> 2018.10.23 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 日本の駐印大使、ACSA 締結に期待 日印首脳会談でも協議へ
<1811-102211> 2018.10.22 Inside Defense Navy reviewing industry proposals for feasibility of fast tracking hypersonic weapon by 2022
<1811-102210> 2018.10.22 Jane's 360 Taiwan receives first F-16Vs, Chinese media reports
<1811-102209> 2018.10.22 Jane's 360 AVIC readies Wing Loong I-D prototype for maiden flight
<1811-102208> 2018.10.22 Stars & Stripes 7th Fleet ships transit Taiwan Strait amid security, trade tensions with China
<1811-102207> 2018.10.22 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米軍艦がまた台湾海峡航行=中国をけん制
<1811-102206> 2018.10.22 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 中国と ASEAN が初の海洋演習 米国の影響力排除狙う
<1811-102205> 2018.10.22 産経新聞 (Yahoo) サウジ記者死亡事件で主導権握るトルコ 国際社会味方に
<1811-102204> 2018.10.22 時事通信 (Yahoo) 対イラン共闘にほころび=米サウジ関係の維持困難―記者死亡事件
<1811-102203> 2018.10.22 NHK インド軍と武装グループが銃撃戦 市民に犠牲も カシミール地方
<1811-102202> 2018.10.22 朝鮮日報 (Yahoo) インドネシア、韓国との戦闘機共同開発投資を削減へ
<1811-102201> 2018.10.22 日経新聞 ホワイトハッカー、自衛隊員に 5年以内の任期付き
<1811-102102> 2018.10.21 Military Times US, Turkey to soon begin joint patrols in north Syria
<1811-102101> 2018.10.21 時事通信 (Yahoo) INF 条約離脱の意向表明=米大統領
<1811-102007> 2018.10.20 時事通信 (Yahoo) 情報リークでサウジに圧力=トルコ、手法に疑問も―記者死亡事件
<1811-102006> 2018.10.20 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) マケドニア 国名変更に向け前進 改憲の審議開始を承認
<1811-102005> 2018.10.20 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米空母、北極圏で訓練=27年ぶり、ロシアけん制
<1811-102004> 2018.10.20 東京新聞 各国空軍士官を日本に招致 防衛相、ASEAN に
<1811-102003> 2018.10.20 日経新聞 米、ロシアとの核条約破棄を検討 米報道
<1811-102002> 2018.10.20 NHK 新田原基地に米軍の弾薬庫や駐機場整備へ 宮崎
<1811-102001> 2018.10.20 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 12月の米韓軍事演習中止、北朝鮮との交渉に配慮
<1811-101915> 2018.10.19 Stars & Stripes Russia warns Sea of Azov off limits to US, NATO ship drills
<1811-101914> 2018.10.19 Defense News Finland moves to boost its naval power in the Baltic Sea hotspot
<1811-101913> 2018.10.19 Jane's 360 Egypt shows Wing Loong UAV
<1811-101912> 2018.10.19 Jane's 360 Long-range missile accepted for service with Russia's S-400
<1811-101911> 2018.10.19 Jane's 360 India, Russia seek to enhance military ties
<1811-101910> 2018.10.19 日経新聞 国連軍司令部、飛行禁止区域への態度を留保
<1811-101909> 2018.10.19 NHK 陸上自衛隊 インド陸軍と初の共同訓練実施へ
<1811-101908> 2018.10.19 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 米軍との空中訓練 12月に実施予定=韓国空軍
<1811-101907> 2018.10.19 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 無人偵察機「グローバルホーク」4機 19年に導入完了=韓国空軍
<1811-101906> 2018.10.19 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 来年の韓米合同演習 24回実施=韓国海兵隊
<1811-101905> 2018.10.19 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、エルサレム総領事館「閉鎖」=大使館でパレスチナ問題対応―イスラエル
<1811-101904> 2018.10.19 NHK イスラエル軍 ガザ周辺に多数の戦車展開 軍事衝突の懸念
<1811-101903> 2018.10.19 時事通信 (Yahoo) サイバー攻撃へ制裁導入=ロシアなど念頭―EU首脳会議
<1811-101902> 2018.10.19 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 米財務長官、サウジ投資フォーラムへの参加を取りやめ
<1811-101901> 2018.10.19 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 米がサウジ捜査に期限「数日間」 トルコに資料提供求める サウジ記者不明
<1811-101804> 2018.10.18 東京新聞 共同海洋演習へ調整 米 ASEAN、来年に
<1811-101803> 2018.10.18 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 海自護衛艦「かが」がシンガポールに寄港 中国を牽制
<1811-101802> 2018.10.18 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、南シナ海に戦略爆撃機=中国は反発
<1811-101801> 2018.10.18 中央日報 (Yahoo) 25日試験打ち上げ予定だった韓国型ロケット、機体欠陥で延期へ
<1811-101706> 2018.10.17 Inside Defense XLUUV prototype contracts to be awarded in early 2019
<1811-101705> 2018.10.17 Stars & Stripes Trump says 2020 defense budget will drop to $700 billion
<1811-101704> 2018.10.17 日経新聞 日中、潜水艦競争が激化 質量両面でにらみ合い
<1811-101703> 2018.10.17 Record China 爆破会社の開発した超音速巡行ミサイルが飛行試験に成功―中国
<1811-101702> 2018.10.17 時事通信 (Yahoo) ヤミーン大統領がテレビ演説で退陣示唆=モルディブ
<1811-101701> 2018.10.17 時事通信 (Yahoo) インド太平洋の安保協力強化=多国間貿易を主導―日仏首脳
<1811-101607> 2018.10.16 Inside Defense MDA approves Long Range Discriminating Radar for full-rate production
<1811-101606> 2018.10.16 Defense News US Army is updating its missile defense strategy with Russia and China in mind
<1811-101605> 2018.10.16 Jane's 360 China puts more Beidou navigation satellites into orbit
<1811-101604> 2018.10.16 Jane's 360 South Korea's K9 self-propelled artillery production to roll into 2021
<1811-101603> 2018.10.16 Record China 中国が大型超音速風洞を建設=次世代戦闘機「火龍」開発のため世界最先端の設備
<1811-101602> 2018.10.16 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 中国軍、南シナ海でタイ・マレーシアと演習 米国に対抗
<1811-101601> 2018.10.16 Focus 台湾 (Yahoo) 米海軍の調査船、高雄に寄港=今年4回目/台湾
<1811-101508> 2018.10.15 Stars & Stripes Pentagon says 80 percent of F-35 fleet has returned to flying
<1811-101507> 2018.10.15 Jane's 360 German SMArt 155 munition programme to start again
<1811-101506> 2018.10.15 Jane's 360 Russian MoD details development of military districts
<1811-101505> 2018.10.15 Jane's 360 China's Z-19E helicopter ready for series production, says report
<1811-101504> 2018.10.15 東京新聞 NZ と太平洋島しょ国支援で合意 河野外相、連携を深化
<1811-101503> 2018.10.15 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛省 「高速滑空弾」26年度装備化へ 離島防衛用
<1811-101502> 2018.10.15 朝鮮日報 (Yahoo) 韓国軍のミサイル開発、韓国大統領府の指示で7ヵ月延期
<1811-101501> 2018.10.15 中央日報 (Yahoo) 韓国軍が数千億ウォン投入の無人機開発事業、南北軍事合意で無用に
<1811-101405> 2018.10.14 Defense Update The Army wants its cannons to reach 1,000 km
<1811-101404> 2018.10.14 産経新聞 (Yahoo) アフリカ・ジブチ拠点を恒久化へ 自衛隊唯一の海外根拠地 中国に対抗の狙いも
<1811-101403> 2018.10.14 日テレ news (Yahoo) 陸自水陸機動団と米海兵隊が国内初共同訓練
<1811-101402> 2018.10.14 時事通信 (Yahoo) ステルス新型爆撃機、初飛行へ=核搭載可能、米軍に対抗―中国
<1811-101401> 2018.10.14 Newsweek (Yahoo) シリア内戦の最終局面 停戦のカギを握るのは「トルコ」だ
<1811-101304> 2018.10.13 時事通信 (Yahoo) 寧辺廃棄、効果は限定的=「他に多数の疑惑施設」―米専門家
<1811-101303> 2018.10.13 AFP=時事 (Yahoo) ウクライナ西部で大規模空軍演習、米英含め NATO 加盟国も参加
<1811-101302> 2018.10.13 Focus 台湾 (Yahoo) 台湾への武器売却、常態化の方針=米国防次官補
<1811-101301> 2018.10.13 読売新聞 (Yahoo) 最新鋭 F35A、20機追加導入へ…中国に対抗
<1811-101212> 2018.10.12 Air Force Times Some Air Force, Navy F-35s resume flying after grounding
<1811-101211> 2018.10.12 Marine Times F-35s with 13th MEU and Marine air wings are back to normal flight operations
<1811-101210> 2018.10.12 Defense News South Korea to buy ship-based interceptors to counter ballistic missile threats
<1811-101209> 2018.10.12 Jane's 360 AFRL assigns X-60A designation to GOLauncher1 hypersonic test vehicle
<1811-101208> 2018.10.12 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) トルコ拘束の米国人牧師が釈放、対立緩和に向け重要な一歩に
<1811-101207> 2018.10.12 産経新聞 (Yahoo) ロシアが北方領土周辺海域でミサイル演習通告 「日本に配慮」の説明直後に相次ぎ
<1811-101206> 2018.10.12 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 空自スクランブル、過去2番目の多さ 上半期561回 対中国機は58回増
<1811-101205> 2018.10.12 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 韓国国防相「南北、黄海の平和水域化を継続的に進展」
<1811-101204> 2018.10.12 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 米戦略兵器展開と対北防衛・反撃計画 非核化と絡め柔軟に検討=韓国軍
<1811-101203> 2018.10.12 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米軍、F35 戦闘機の運用停止=墜落受け、全世界で点検
<1811-101202> 2018.10.12 NAA (Yahoo) インド ロ製兵器調達の対印制裁、米が近日中に判断
<1811-101201> 2018.10.12 時事通信 (Yahoo) サウジへの武器売却凍結せず=反体制記者行方不明で―米大統領
<1811-101105> 2018.10.11 Inside Defense Army readying plan to accelerate LTAMDS schedule, field first operational system by 2023
<1811-101104> 2018.10.11 日経新聞 政府、新早期警戒機を追加取得へ 最大9機3000億円超
<1811-101103> 2018.10.11 日経新聞 イスラエルと外務・防衛協議
<1811-101102> 2018.10.11 時事通信 (Yahoo) 中国、中間選挙に「前例ない」介入=世論への影響警戒―米国土安保長官
<1811-101101> 2018.10.11 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 日豪2プラス2 政変にぶれる対中安保 「準同盟国」不安な側面
<1811-101006> 2018.10.10 Defense News The Army wants to direct energy and information in more powerful ways
<1811-101005> 2018.10.10 Jane's 360 DroneShield releases new counter-UAV system
<1811-101004> 2018.10.10 Record China パキスタンがロシアから Su-35 輸入か、中国の FC-1 ではインドに対抗不能―中国メディア
<1811-101003> 2018.10.10 日経新聞 日豪部隊地位協定、早期妥結を確認 中国にらみ「準同盟国」明確に
<1811-101002> 2018.10.10 中央日報 (Yahoo) 日経「ポンペオ氏、韓国外交長官に『いったい何を考えているのか』激怒」
<1811-101001> 2018.10.10 東京新聞 米国の武器輸出額が33%増 6兆円超、規制緩和を受け
<1811-100905> 2018.10.09 Defense Update Combat vehicles will soon be flying drones
<1811-100904> 2018.10.09 Stars & Stripes Largest NATO drill in 16 years brings carrier, US forces to Norway
<1811-100903> 2018.10.09 Defense News Mattis orders fighter jet readiness to jump to 80 percent — in one year
<1811-100902> 2018.10.09 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 日メコン首脳会議で人材育成など協力「東京戦略2018」採択
<1811-100901> 2018.10.09 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 露国防相 日本の要請受け、北方領土演習取りやめ
<1811-100805> 2018.10.08 Defense News What's the rush? US Army races to get missile defense radar early
<1811-100804> 2018.10.08 Jane's 360 AUSA 2018: IAI announces new SAHAR C-IED unmanned ground vehicle
<1811-100803> 2018.10.08 日経新聞 防衛装備品 価格抑制へ調達見直し 原価上がれば利益減に 防衛省
<1811-100802> 2018.10.08 NHK 中国の海洋調査船 日本の排他的経済水域で活動
<1811-100801> 2018.10.08 NHK 海自最大の護衛艦「かが」 インド洋で初の合同訓練
<1811-100705> 2018.10.07 Stars & Stripes Turkey-backed Syrian forces begin implementing Idlib truce
<1811-100704> 2018.10.07 Record China 日本が比米と共同訓練、日本の装甲車が第2次大戦以来初めて外国の領土に―仏メディア
<1811-100703> 2018.10.07 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) ラトビア 議会選 親露派が第1党維持
<1811-100702> 2018.10.07 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 岩屋防衛相「装備調達、これからは米国からのみならず」
<1811-100701> 2018.10.07 日経新聞 中国「一帯一路」に誤算 親中政権の敗北相次ぐ
<1811-100603> 2018.10.06 Marine Tines Marines connect F-35 jet to HIMARS rocket shot for first time
<1811-100602> 2018.10.06 産経新聞 北朝鮮の寧辺核施設に変化見られず 米分析サイトが発表
<1811-100601> 2018.10.06 日経新聞 北朝鮮ハッカー集団、金融機関攻撃で1億ドル超盗む
<1811-100505> 2018.10.05 Defense Update Saab, Raytheon to demonstrate a guided munition for Carl Gustaf M4 recoilless rifle
<1811-100504> 2018.10.05 産経新聞 (Yahoo) インド、露ミサイルシステム導入で合意 米反発必至
<1811-100503> 2018.10.05 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) サウジ、南アフリカの軍事産業と広範な提携交渉
<1811-100502> 2018.10.05 NHK 北朝鮮 ミサイル発射場解体は停止 米長官の訪朝結果見極めか
<1811-100501> 2018.10.05 産経新聞 (Yahoo) ペンス米副大統領「尖閣は日本の施政権下」 中国政策演説、中間選挙への干渉を非難
<1811-100407> 2018.10.04 Inside Defense Air Force designates air-launched X-60 as new test bed for hypersonic research and development
<1811-100406> 2018.10.04 Inside Defense Raytheon to demo two directed-energy systems in Air Force's counter-UAS experiment
<1811-100405> 2018.10.04 Defense News Missile Defense Review complete, Shanahan says
<1811-100404> 2018.10.04 日経新聞 三菱重工の最新鋭潜水艦「おうりゅう」が進水
<1811-100403> 2018.10.04 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 「日米部隊創設など統合運用強化を」 中朝の脅威…米超党派研究者が報告書
<1811-100402> 2018.10.04 時事通信 (Yahoo) スリランカ海軍と共同訓練=海自、中国念頭に連携強化
<1811-100401> 2018.10.04 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛省 空自 F2 後継機は新規開発 既存改良はコスト高く
<1811-100307> 2018.10.03 Inside Defense DARPA awards contracts to develop booster for potential ground-launched hypersonic weapon
<1811-100306> 2018.10.03 Stars & Stripes Turkey renews mandate for military operations in Syria, Iraq
<1811-100305> 2018.10.03 日経新聞 中国「一帯一路」向け投資、過去最高に 17年3割増の2.2兆円に
<1811-100304> 2018.10.03 産経新聞 (Yahoo) パキスタン、中国「一帯一路」関連事業見直し 鉄道事業で融資20億ドル削減
<1811-100303> 2018.10.03 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 米軍、中国製品への過度な依存に対処へ 国防総省が調査
<1811-100302> 2018.10.03 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 中国が尖閣諸島付近にブイ設置 日本政府が抗議
<1811-100301> 2018.10.03 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) NATO 米代表、ミサイル開発でロシアに警告 破壊措置も示唆
<1811-100208> 2018.10.02 Stars & Stripes Syria FM says Iran coordinated its ballistic missile strikes
<1811-100207> 2018.10.02 Defense News Army continues push for integrated sensors and shooters with latest IBCS contract
<1811-100206> 2018.10.02 Jane's 360 NATO announces plans to counter Russian hybrid warfare
<1811-100205> 2018.10.02 Jane's 360 MALD-N programme transitions into TMRR phase, splits off jammer payload
<1811-100204> 2018.10.02 Jane's 360 French Navy set to receive MM40 Block 3C Exocet
<1811-100203> 2018.10.02 Jane's 360 Bulgaria receives MiG replacement offers
<1811-100202> 2018.10.02 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 陸自が英陸軍と共同訓練 米軍以外とは国内初
<1811-100201> 2018.10.02 東京新聞 中国艦船が異常接近 航行の自由作戦の米艦に
<1811-100107> 2018.10.01 Inside Defense MDA pins SM-3 Block IIA January flight test failure on device needed to ignite rocket
<1811-100106> 2018.10.01 Defense News Macedonia just took a big step to becoming NATO's 30th member
<1811-100105> 2018.10.01 産経新聞 陸自と米海兵隊が水陸両用訓練 種子島、国内で初実施
<1811-100104> 2018.10.01 NHK イラン テロ報復でシリア東部をミサイル攻撃
<1811-100103> 2018.10.01 朝鮮日報 韓国統一部長官「北は核兵器20~60個を保有」
<1811-100102> 2018.10.01 Focus 台湾 (Yahoo) 米から購入のフリゲート2隻、11月に就役へ 対中抑止力に効果/台湾
<1811-100101> 2018.10.01 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) マケドニア 国名変更の国民投票は不成立
<1811-100014> 2018.10 International Defence Review Hunter and the hunted: Project SEA 5000 launches GCS franchise
<1811-100013> 2018.10 International Defence Review Well connected: US Army seeks an improved future network
<1811-100012> 2018.10 International Defence Review Nuclea reaction: United States ponders alternative power possibilities
<1811-100011> 2018.10 International Defence Review Northrop Grumman explres airburst munitions for C-UAS applicarions
<1811-100010> 2018.10 International Defence Review JHU/APL completes first year of BOLT hypersonic boundary layer research
<1811-100009> 2018.10 International Defence Review Lockheed Martin secures second hypersonic air-to-surface weapon contract
<1811-100008> 2018.10 International Defence Review Barak-8 to equip Israeli Sa'ar 6 corvettes
<1811-100007> 2018.10 International Defence Review IBCS test links multiple nodes across three US states
<1811-100006> 2018.10 International Defence Review MALD-X stand-in jammer completes free flight testing
<1811-100005> 2018.10 International Defence Review US Army kick starts JAGM acquisition
<1811-100004> 2018.10 International Defence Review Dynetics, Raytheon chase HEL TVD prize
<1811-100003> 2018.10 International Defence Review Rafaekl unveils Spike ER2
<1811-100002> 2018.10 International Defence Review Russia's new Spectrum EW system enters service
<1811-100001> 2018.10 International Defence Review DARPA effort seeks alternative to GPS
<1811-092612> 2018.09.26 Jane's Defence Weekly Army eyes in the sky
<1811-092611> 2018.09.26 Jane's Defence Weekly Silencing the airwaves
<1811-092610> 2018.09.26 Jane's Defence Weekly 'Vostok 2018': A window on Russia's strategic ambition
<1811-092609> 2018.09.26 Jane's Defence Weekly AVIC secures record exports
<1811-092608> 2018.09.26 Jane's Defence Weekly A-Darter missile completes flight tests
<1811-092607> 2018.09.26 Jane's Defence Weekly Indian MoD gives green light to buy equipment worth USD1.25 billion
<1811-092606> 2018.09.26 Jane's Defence Weekly PLAN ready to fly night-time combat ops from carrier
<1811-092605> 2018.09.26 Jane's Defence Weekly South Korea's DSME launches first KSS-Ⅲ submarine
<1811-092604> 2018.09.26 Jane's Defence Weekly USAF B-52 bomber conducts Arctic flight
<1811-092603> 2018.09.26 Jane's Defence Weekly Wilson expects 24% squadron growth in USAF by 2025-30
<1811-092602> 2018.09.26 Jane's Defence Weekly Insitu unveils Integrator Extended Range ISR UAV
<1811-092601> 2018.09.26 Jane's Defence Weekly IDF says Syruan military entirely responsible for downing Russian Il-20
<1811-091915> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly Bagged up
<1811-091914> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly Meggitt expands involvement in Korean KFX programme
<1811-091913> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly Iran claims successful ballistic missile intercept test
<1811-091912> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly Iranian missiles improve performance against Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq
<1811-091911> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly Houthis use UAV for spotting
<1811-091910> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly Further details emerge of PLAN's nuclear ambitions
<1811-091909> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly South Korea to begin mass-producing K806, K808 armored combat vehicles
<1811-091908> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly Poland gives details of new, fourth devision
<1811-091907> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly USAF awards Lockheed Martin USD51m contract for initial work on JASSM-XR
<1811-091906> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly Hyundai Rotem readies K2 MBT for Middle East sales
<1811-091905> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly RoKA unveils 'Dronebot Warrior' unit plan
<1811-091904> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly Pentagon downplays Sino-Russian military relationship
<1811-091903> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly India, US sign major communications pact to deepen defence ties
<1811-091902> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan, US successfully conduct BMD intercept flight test from JS Atago
<1811-091901> 2018.09.19 Jane's Defence Weekly MEPs lobby for total inernational ban on lethal autonomous weapons
<1811-091709> 2018.09.17 Aviation Week & ST U.S. Air Force prepares for future of GPS Ⅲ
<1811-091708> 2018.09.17 Aviation Week & ST Beyond GPS
<1811-091707> 2018.09.17 Aviation Week & ST B-52 readied for intense hypersonic weapons test and depooyment role
<1811-091706> 2018.09.17 Aviation Week & ST Better buffs
<1811-091705> 2018.09.17 Aviation Week & ST Anatomy of F-35 development challenges and solutions
<1811-091704> 2018.09.17 Aviation Week & ST Lessons learned
<1811-091703> 2018.09.17 Aviation Week & ST Russia places first Su-57 order
<1811-091702> 2018.09.17 Aviation Week & ST Germany seeks $70 billion for defense
<1811-091701> 2018.09.17 Aviation Week & ST Japan weighs options for attack helicoprer program
<1811-091208> 2018.09.12 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan eyes exports of F-35 components
<1811-091207> 2018.09.12 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan's Improved Atago-class to field SM-6
<1811-091206> 2018.09.12 Jane's Defence Weekly Poland to conduct Baltic air policing with F-16s due to MiG-29s being grounded
<1811-091205> 2018.09.12 Jane's Defence Weekly Raytheon offers APG-79(V)4 for USMS's Hornet radar
<1811-091204> 2018.09.12 Jane's Defence Weekly Australian DoD receives prototype CEATAC radar
<1811-091203> 2018.09.12 Jane's Defence Weekly UK Royal Navy ship conducts FONOP in South China Sea
<1811-091202> 2018.09.12 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia deploys tanker aircraft to Syria
<1811-091201> 2018.09.12 Jane's Defence Weekly Pakistan's arsenal could contain up to 250 nuclear warheads by 2025, says report
<1811-090302> 2018.09.03 Aviation Week & ST Uncertainty surrounds F-35C combat-ready date
<1811-090301> 2018.09.03 Aviation Week & ST Beyond Ballistic

参 照 番 号
年 月 日
出   典
標              題
<1810-093001> 2018.09.30 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米駆逐艦が「航行の自由作戦」=中国実効支配の南沙付近
<1810-092902> 2018.09.29 読売新聞 (Yahoo) 東シナ海の中間線付近、中国が新たな掘削施設
<1810-092901> 2018.09.29 東亞日報 KAI の高等練習機、米国空軍の受注に失敗 海外輸出の先行きに暗雲
<1810-092810> 2018.09.28 Inside Defense MDA awards 21 new contracts to mature hypersonic defense weapon system concepts
<1810-092809> 2018.09.28 Stars & Stripes US, Philippines increase number of joint military activities
<1810-092808> 2018.09.28 Stars & Stripes F-35B Lightning II fighter jet crashes, pilot ejects in South Carolina
<1810-092807> 2018.09.28 Defense News US government may gain new power to track drones and shoot them down
<1810-092806> 2018.09.28 Defense News With historic first F-35B landings on HMS Queen Elizabeth, the UK is back in the saddle of carrier aviation
<1810-092805> 2018.09.28 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) ロシアなどCIS加盟7カ国の空軍が合同軍事演習(27日)
<1810-092804> 2018.09.28 Focus 台湾 (Yahoo) 台湾は中国軍の侵攻を阻止可能=米外交専門誌
<1810-092803> 2018.09.28 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米爆撃機と共同訓練=東シナ海で、中国けん制―空自
<1810-092802> 2018.09.28 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) フィリピン発明家の「空飛ぶスポーツカー」、初の公開飛行を披露
<1810-092801> 2018.09.28 時事通信 (Yahoo) 「イランに秘密核倉庫」=イスラエル首相が主張
<1810-092705> 2018.09.27 Military Times Marine Corps F-35 flies first combat mission in Afghanistan
<1810-092704> 2018.09.27 Jane's 360 Kaohsiung Maritime 2018: Taiwan confirms contract for first amphibious assault ship
<1810-092703> 2018.09.27 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 日本のヘリ空母、南シナ海に向かう英軍艦と共同訓練
<1810-092702> 2018.09.27 AP (Yahoo) 超音速対艦巡航ミサイル ロシア北方艦隊が発射実験
<1810-092701> 2018.09.27 時事通信 (Yahoo) 東・南シナ海に戦略爆撃機=米軍、中国をけん制
<1810-092604> 2018.09.26 Inside Defense Navy taps Raytheon to launch next-generation EW decoy: the MALD-N
<1810-092603> 2018.09.26 Defense News US to remove several missile defense systems from the Middle East
<1810-092602> 2018.09.26 Defense News France to bolster defense spending by $2 billion. Here’s the military equipment already on order
<1810-092601> 2018.09.26 Jane's 360 India registers fewer PLA incursions across LoAC
<1810-092504> 2018.09.25 Jane's 360 Egypt pursues defence co-operation with India
<1810-092503> 2018.09.25 Stars & Stripes Ronald Reagan sailors give back on Guam after wrapping up Valiant Shield drills
<1810-092502> 2018.09.25 時事通信 (Yahoo) 中国、米軍艦の香港寄港拒否=制裁めぐり対抗措置
<1810-092501> 2018.09.25 時事通信 (Yahoo) 台湾に戦闘機部品売却へ=米、総額372億円
<1810-092405> 2018.09.24 Military Times Turkey promises 'safe zones' in Kurdish-held parts of Syria
<1810-092404> 2018.09.24 朝日新聞 ロシア、シリアに地対空ミサイル供与 イスラエルを牽制
<1810-092403> 2018.09.24 時事通信 (Yahoo) 離島防衛に超音速滑空弾=防衛省、26年度実用化目指す―沖縄に配備念頭
<1810-092402> 2018.09.24 産経新聞 (Yahoo) モルディブ大統領選で野党候補勝利、親中の現職敗れる 「中国依存」転換へ
<1810-092401> 2018.09.24 時事通信 (Yahoo) モルディブ大統領選、野党候補が勝利宣言=親中派の現職敗北
<1810-092105> 2018.09.21 Jane's 360 US coastal patrol ships complete Griffin missile shoot
<1810-092104> 2018.09.21 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 日エストニア防衛相会談 サイバー防衛分野の協力強化
<1810-092103> 2018.09.21 時事通信 (Yahoo) ロシア戦闘機 SU35 を初確認=日本海上空、空自機緊急発進―防衛省
<1810-092102> 2018.09.21 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 露最新鋭兵器調達で中国装備発展部長に制裁 米政府、敵対国への制裁法を適用
<1810-092101> 2018.09.21 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 米、中国軍の兵器管理部門を制裁対象に 対ロ制裁違反で
<1810-092004> 2018.09.20 Stars & Stripes Paratroopers fill the sky as war games start in Germany
<1810-092003> 2018.09.20 Stars & Stripes Ukraine pushes ahead with plans to secure NATO membership
<1810-092002> 2018.09.20 Jane's 360 AAD 2018: CSOC reveals details of armed USV concept
<1810-092001> 2018.09.20 Jane's 360 Hyundai cuts steel for Philippine Navy’s second 107 m frigate
<1810-091905> 2018.09.19 Inside Defense Air Force sees 'easiest path' compared to Army, Navy to fielding hypersonic weapon
<1810-091904> 2018.09.19 東京新聞 防衛省、極超音速ミサイル開発へ 敵基地攻撃能力懸念も
<1810-091903> 2018.09.19 時事通信 (Yahoo) 正恩氏、年内にもソウル訪問=核ミサイル施設廃棄も―南北首脳「平壌宣言」に署名
<1810-091902> 2018.09.19 時事通信 (Yahoo) 先制サイバー攻撃も可能に=中ロの脅威で、米新戦略公表
<1810-091901> 2018.09.19 時事通信 (Yahoo) ポーランドで米軍基地設置検討=トランプ氏「ロシアは攻撃的」
<1810-091807> 2018.09.18 Stars & Stirpes US Air Force to join large-scale aviation exercise in Ukraine
<1810-091806> 2018.09.18 Defense News 'Fort Trump': US considers permanent base in Poland
<1810-091805> 2018.09.18 Jane's 360 Russian surveillance aircraft mistakenly shot down by Syrian ally
<1810-091804> 2018.09.18 時事通信 (Yahoo) ロシア軍機撃墜「シリアの責任」=イスラエル
<1810-091803> 2018.09.18 時事通信 (Yahoo) シリア沖でロシア軍機撃墜=イスラエルに「原因」と非難
<1810-091802> 2018.09.18 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米空軍、航空部隊を24%増=中ロへ対抗、30年までに
<1810-091801> 2018.09.18 時事通信 (Yahoo) シリア総攻撃、当面回避=非武装地帯で合意―ロシア・トルコ
<1810-091707> 2018.09.17 Defense News US Army weapons and munitions tech development gets congressional cash injection
<1810-091706> 2018.09.17 Defense News The US Navy is going to need a bigger boat, and it’s getting ready to buy one
<1810-091705> 2018.09.17 Record China ロシア海軍が日本海で史上最大規模演習、日本の懸念招く―仏メディア
<1810-091704> 2018.09.17 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 南シナ海の海自潜水艦訓練で安倍晋三首相「特定の国想定せず」 「15年前から実施」とも
<1810-091703> 2018.09.17 産経新聞 (Yahoo) ベトナム、海自潜水艦初寄港を歓迎 対中牽制で連携
<1810-091703> 2018.09.17 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 多国籍監視軍に陸自隊員の派遣検討 安保関連法の新任務
<1810-091702> 2018.09.17 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 海自潜水艦、南シナ海で極秘訓練を実施 中国を牽制
<1810-091701> 2018.09.17 日経新聞 中国にかみついたナウル大統領
<1810-091602> 2018.09.16 日経新聞 シリア空港に向けミサイル イスラエルの攻撃と報道
<1810-091601> 2018.09.16 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 離島奪還へ初の訓練場 候補地に鹿児島・臥蛇島 防衛省検討
<1810-091502> 2018.09.15 China Defense The fifth Type 071 LPD
<1810-091501> 2018.09.15 時事通信 (Yahoo) 台湾への海兵隊派遣見送り=国防総省「要員不足」―米報道
<1810-091407> 2018.09.14 Inside Defense USAF awards Lockheed contract for up to $7.2B in sole-source GPS III Follow-On deal
<1810-091406> 2018.09.14 Inside Defense Army tapped for key roles in new DOD-wide effort to develop, build common hypersonic weapon
<1810-091405> 2018.09.14 Jane's 360 New unmanned bomb boat found off Yemen
<1810-091404> 2018.09.14 Jane's 360 DX Korea 2018: RoKA outlines plans for new 'Dronebot Warrior' unit
<1810-091403> 2018.09.14 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 空自が宇宙監視演習に参加へ 「宇宙部隊」創設へ準備
<1810-091402> 2018.09.14 日経新聞 英陸軍と国内で初訓練 陸自、30日から
<1810-091401> 2018.09.14 中央日報 (Yahoo) 韓国の独自設計による3000トン級潜水艦「島山安昌浩」が進水
<1810-091305> 2018.09.13 Inside Defense DOD eyes Common Hypersonic Glide Body for use across Army, Navy, Air Force
<1810-091304> 2018.09.13 Defense News US clears P-8, Patriot missile sales for South Korea
<1810-091303> 2018.09.13 Jane's 360 Japan, US successfully conduct BMD intercept flight test from JS Atago
<1810-091302> 2018.09.13 時事通信 (Yahoo) ロシア爆撃機がアラスカ接近=防空識別圏内、米軍機が緊急発進
<1810-091301> 2018.09.13 東京新聞 北朝鮮、ICBM 関連施設解体か 米分析サイト
<1810-091207> 2018.09.12 China Defense PLA in Russia Far East
<1810-091206> 2018.09.12 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛省 イージス艦迎撃ミサイル「SM3」試験成功
<1810-091205> 2018.09.12 NHK バルト海 天然ガスの新パイプライン整備 アメリカは反対
<1810-091204> 2018.09.12 東亞日報 「北朝鮮、今年に5~8個の核兵器生産した可能性」 米 NBC 報道
<1810-091203> 2018.09.12 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、IS 掃討で最終段階=シリア北東部で地上作戦
<1810-091202> 2018.09.12 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、イランに「断固たる対応」=在イラク公館攻撃で警告
<1810-091201> 2018.09.12 時事通信 (Yahoo) 謎の「攻撃」、ロシア主犯か=キューバなどで外交官健康被害―米 TV
<1810-091103> 2018.09.11 Jane's 360 Japan cleared to buy more Advanced Hawkeyes
<1810-091102> 2018.09.11 NHK ベンガル湾周辺6ヵ国が合同軍事訓練 インド
<1810-091101> 2018.09.11 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) ドイツ、シリアでの軍事行動検討 連立の SPD は強く反対
<1810-090901> 2018.09.09 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 弾道ミサイルは登場せず 米を意識? “北”パレード
<1810-090804> 2018.09.08 NHK ロシア初の地中海軍事演習でアサド政権支援か
<1810-090803> 2018.09.08 中央日報 (Yahoo) 韓米、平沢基地へのパトリオットミサイル配備を協議中
<1810-090802> 2018.09.08 産経新聞 (Yahoo) シリア情勢 ロシアとイラン、トルコの3カ国協議物別れ 大規模攻撃の懸念強まる
<1810-090801> 2018.09.08 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、シリア南部で演習=ロシア軍事作戦に警告か
<1810-090705> 2018.09.07 Inside Defense DOD IG to audit Army's Integrated Air and Missile Defense program
<1810-090704> 2018.09.07 Defense News US Army close to greenlighting extra lethal Stinger missiles
<1810-090703> 2018.09.07 産経新聞 (Yahoo) シリア最終局面へ、支援、慎重…思惑さまざま ロシア・イラン・トルコ
<1810-090702> 2018.09.07 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 豪、NZ が北朝鮮の瀬取り監視に参加 7月中旬から沖縄に哨戒機派遣
<1810-090701> 2018.09.07 中央日報 (Yahoo) 設計から製作まで100%韓国産ロケット 来月打ち上げ
<1810-090608> 2018.09.06 Inside Defense MDA chief says MQ-9 missile-tracking sensor configuration needs more work
<1810-090607> 2018.09.06 Military Times Nearly 300,000 troops ready for massive Russian war games to begin, general sayse
<1810-090606> 2018.09.06 Marine Times 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit will head to Norway to join 40,000 troops strong NATO exercise
<1810-090605> 2018.09.06 Jane's 360 Poland to conduct Baltic air policing with F-16s because of MiG-29 grounding
<1810-090604> 2018.09.06 Jane's 360 BEL awarded USD1.28 billion order for LRSAM systems for the Indian Navy
<1810-090603> 2018.09.06 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米印、防衛協力を強化=合同演習実施、軍事情報協定締結―中国念頭、初の2プラス2
<1810-090602> 2018.09.06 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 英海軍の艦艇、南シナ海の西沙諸島周辺を航行=関係筋
<1810-090601> 2018.09.06 中央日報 (Yahoo) 中国、米国に対抗したステルス戦闘機「殲20」量産へ
<1810-090514> 2018.09.05 Jane's Defence Weekly Trading places
<1810-090513> 2018.09.05 Jane's Defence Weekly Basic instincts
<1810-090512> 2018.09.05 Jane's Defence Weekly UK announces contingency plan funding for domestic GNSS alternative to Galileo
<1810-090511> 2018.09.05 Jane's Defence Weekly Qatar announces new airbase construction
<1810-090510> 2018.09.05 Jane's Defence Weekly China trials second aircraft carrier, first Type 055 destroyer
<1810-090509> 2018.09.05 Jane's Defence Weekly F-35B conducts trials with UK-built weapons
<1810-090508> 2018.09.05 Jane's Defence Weekly Truman DCGS departs on 'dynamic' deployment
<1810-090507> 2018.09.05 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia's fifth-gen weapons unlikely to enter series production
<1810-090506> 2018.09.05 Jane's Defence Weekly South Korea increase spending to support military reforms
<1810-090505> 2018.09.05 Jane's Defence Weekly Japanese MoD asks for 2.1% budget increase for FY2019
<1810-090504> 2018.09.05 Jane's Defence Weekly Shoigu outline Russia's massive 'Vostok 2018' exercise
<1810-090503> 2018.09.05 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia says naval build-up in the Mediterranean is for exercise
<1810-090502> 2018.09.05 Defense News Germany unveils growth plan for the Bundeswehr
<1810-090501> 2018.09.05 産経新聞 1年半で200超の攻撃 シリア領内でイスラエル軍
<1810-090409> 2018.09.04 Inside Defense Griffin estimates 1,000 space-based interceptors could cost $20 billion
<1810-090408> 2018.09.04 Stars & tripes US, Japanese carriers link up for training in contentious South China Sea
<1810-090407> 2018.09.04 時事通信 (Yahoo) ロシアがイドリブ空爆再開=3週間ぶり、総攻撃迫る―シリア
<1810-090406> 2018.09.04 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 米支援停止でパキスタン窮地 決定に反発もタリバンとの関係遮断困難
<1810-090405> 2018.09.04 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 軍事境界線付近の地雷撤去に200年必要 韓国陸軍関係者
<1810-090404> 2018.09.04 時事通信 (Yahoo) 島国ナウル、中国代表団の入国拒否=太平洋諸島フォーラム
<1810-090403> 2018.09.04 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) イスラエル、イラク国内のイラン軍装備を攻撃する可能性示唆
<1810-090402> 2018.09.04 時事通信 (Yahoo) 中国、軍事協力拡大=アフリカに新基地建設も
<1810-090401> 2018.09.04 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) ロシア艦艇28隻、宗谷海峡を航行 防衛省が発表
<1810-090305> 2018.09.03 Focus 台湾 (Yahoo) 潜水艦の自主建造に向けた初の試作艦、2025年にも完成の見通し/台湾
<1810-090304> 2018.09.03 産経新聞 (Yahoo) カスピ海は湖か? 海か? 20年越しの論争が決着 権益めぐりイランが譲歩、背景に米の圧力
<1810-090303> 2018.09.03 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) イラク外務省、イランからのミサイル移動巡る報道は「証拠ない」
<1810-090302> 2018.09.03 時事通信 (Yahoo) 太平洋諸国、安保枠組み議論=中国影響力踏まえ―首脳会議開幕
<1810-090301> 2018.09.03 日経新聞 動き出す日本版「海兵隊」 10月、米と南シナ海で演習
<1810-090202> 2018.09.02 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 露軍機が日本列島を周回、空自スクランブル 東方経済フォーラムの前に「特異な飛行」
<1810-090201> 2018.09.02 産経新聞 NATO のサイバー演習、日本が本格参加へ 知見多く蓄積…関係進化目指す
<1810-090105> 2018.09.01 Focus 台湾 (Yahoo) 中国、台湾侵攻準備を2020年までに整える方針=国防部報告
<1810-090104> 2018.09.01 東京新聞 海自護衛艦がフィリピン寄港 大統領の対中姿勢に変化も
<1810-090103> 2018.09.01 東京新聞 中国軍が岩礁制圧を研究 南シナ海で陸海空一体作戦
<1810-090102> 2018.09.01 産経新聞 旧ソ連小国の「革命」、いらだつプーチン政権 民主化・民族自決へロシア離れの象徴に
<1810-090101> 2018.09.01 日経新聞 防衛費、過去最大 実態はさらに大きく
<1810-090011> 2018.09 International Defence Review Survival of the fittest: pods and pylons still in vogue for fast jet self-protection
<1810-090010> 2018.09 International Defence Review Oshkosh Defense contracted to develop US Army leader/follower technology
<1810-090009> 2018.09 International Defence Review V-Bat UAS gets Persistent Systems' MPUS MANET radio
<1810-090008> 2018.09 International Defence Review China's CASC reveals enhanced CH-804C hybrid UAV
<1810-090007> 2018.09 International Defence Review US NSW targets precison engagement capability
<1810-090006> 2018.09 International Defence Review ESSM Block 2 completes GTV-1 flight test
<1810-090005> 2018.09 International Defence Review Spice 250 operational capability expected in 2019
<1810-090004> 2018.09 International Defence Review UK considers options for off-the-shelf Harpoon replacement
<1810-090003> 2018.09 International Defence Review StormBreaker entes operational test phase
<1810-090002> 2018.09 International Defence Review ONR commences FXR radar studies
<1810-090001> 2018.09 International Defence Review USMC takes delivety of first GaN G/ATOR
<1810-082915> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly Big money for big returns
<1810-082914> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly India and Japan atree to deepen industrial engagement
<1810-082913> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly Saudi Patriot PAC-3 capability confirmed
<1810-082912> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly Iran unveils F-5F as 'new' fighter type
<1810-082911> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly RoKA to withdraw from some DMZ guard posts
<1810-082910> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly China reveals new all-terrain tracked carrier
<1810-082909> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly RoKN considering F-35Bs for carrier ops
<1810-082908> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly India and Japan to hold first joint army exercise
<1810-082907> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly Equipment begins arriving in Norway for NATO exercise 'Trident Juncture'
<1810-082906> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly UK carrier sets sail for F-35 trials in US
<1810-082905> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly Russian MoD signs contracts worth RUB130 billion
<1810-082904> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia unveils new SHORAD system
<1810-082903> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly Singapore lanches RSN's seventh Littoral Mission Vessel
<1810-082902> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia increases naval presence in Med
<1810-082901> 2018.08.29 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan reveals substanrial increase in spending on US military equipment
<1810-082210> 2018.08.22 Jane's Defence Weekly On the threshold
<1810-082209> 2018.08.22 Jane's Defence Weekly Unmanned assailants
<1810-082208> 2018.08.22 Jane's Defence Weekly China closing the satellite imagery capability gap
<1810-082207> 2018.08.22 Jane's Defence Weekly UK signs for Drone Dome C-UAV system
<1810-082206> 2018.08.22 Jane's Defence Weekly Sweden signs Patriot deal
<1810-082205> 2018.08.22 Jane's Defence Weekly UK parliamentarians call for greater ambition and more resources for Arctic
<1810-082204> 2018.08.22 Jane's Defence Weekly Finnish MoD seeks 11% budget boost
<1810-082203> 2018.08.22 Jane's Defence Weekly China's overwater bomber capabilities aimed at US says DoD
<1810-082202> 2018.08.22 Jane's Defence Weekly UAE deploys Wing Loong Ⅱ UAV to Eritrea
<1810-082201> 2018.08.22 Jane's Defence Weekly Iran unveils Fateh Mobin tactical ballistic missile variant
<1810-082005> 2018.08.20 Aviation Week & ST Plug to play
<1810-082004> 2018.08.20 Aviation Week & ST Japan chooses Locheed Martin radar for missile defence
<1810-082003> 2018.08.20 Aviation Week & ST Record flight showcases Zephyr pseudosatellite capabilities
<1810-082002> 2018.08.20 Aviation Week & ST A perfect storm
<1810-082001> 2018.08.20 Aviation Week & ST First U.S. Air Force Rapid Respose Hypersonic Weapon designated AGM-183A
<1810-081508> 2018.08.15 Jane's Defence Weekly Embryonic expansion
<1810-081507> 2018.08.15 Jane's Defence Weekly South Korea announces defence procument reforms
<1810-081506> 2018.08.15 Jane's Defence Weekly India successfully tests local missile interceptor system
<1810-081505> 2018.08.15 Jane's Defence Weekly India lifts ban on dealings with IAI, Rafael
<1810-081504> 2018.08.15 Jane's Defence Weekly IAF to 'assume ownership' of indigenous LCA programme
<1810-081503> 2018.08.15 Jane's Defence Weekly Philippine, Russian navies consider diesel-electric submarine collaborarion
<1810-081502> 2018.08.15 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan confirms development of electromagnetic railgun
<1810-081501> 2018.08.15 Jane's Defence Weekly China declares successful test of experimental hypersonic waverider
<1810-080815> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly Made in Korea
<1810-080814> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly US government eases India export licence requirements
<1810-080813> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan withdraws PAC-3 inteceptoers as NK threat eases
<1810-080812> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly India approves import of NASAMS air-defence system
<1810-080811> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly Australian DoD accepts second AWD
<1810-080810> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan launches first Improved Atago-class destroyer
<1810-080809> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly Bolivia receives new military aid package from China
<1810-080808> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly USCG working on new Arctic strategy
<1810-080807> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly Taiwan proposes 5.6% defence budget increase for 2019
<1810-080806> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly France could replace US parts in SCALP to bypass ITAR restrictons for Egypt
<1810-080805> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly EU approves Operation 'Atalanta' headquarters move
<1810-080804> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly China launched first stretched Type 052D destroyer
<1810-080803> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly Lockheed Martin to provide radar for Japan's Aegis Ashore BMD systmes
<1810-080802> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia commissions Project 22350 frigate Adnmiral Gorshkov
<1810-080801> 2018.08.08 Jane's Defence Weekly Saudi large crude carrier tankers diverted away from Red Sea

参 照 番 号
年 月 日
出   典
標              題
<1809-083105> 2018.08.31 Defense news US Navy selects builder for new MQ-25 Stingray aerial refueling drone
<1809-083104> 2018.08.31 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛費概算要求過去最大 実質6%超の大幅増
<1809-083103> 2018.08.31 時事通信 (Yahoo) 陸上イージスに2352億円=防衛省要求、過去最大5.3兆円
<1809-083102> 2018.08.31 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 新たな軍情報部隊を創設 1日に発足式=韓国軍
<1809-083102> 2018.08.31 中央日報 (Yahoo) 北朝鮮、黄海道の基地でミサイル開発を継続
<1809-083004> 2018.08.30 Defense News Russia to hold Mediterranean drills as Syria tensions rise
<1809-083003> 2018.08.30 C4ISR net Northrop Grumman gets a start on next-gen missile warning satellites
<1809-083002> 2018.08.30 日経新聞 トランプ氏「演習再開なら大規模に」 北朝鮮けん制
<1809-083001> 2018.08.30 聯合ニュース トランプ氏「韓米軍事演習に大金使う理由なし」
<1809-082908> 2018.08.29 Military Times 300,000 troops, 900 tanks: It's called the most massive Russian military exercise since the Cold War, and China's role is growing
<1809-082907> 2018.08.29 Defense News Ukraine tests cruise missile — can it hit Moscow?
<1809-082906> 2018.08.29 Defense News US Army to bring new vehicle protection technologies to fleet as early as 2020
<1809-082905> 2018.08.29 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 中国軍用機1機が韓国防空圏進入 今年5回目
<1809-082904> 2018.08.29 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) ロシア、ソ連崩壊後最大の軍事演習を9月に実施 中国も参加
<1809-082903> 2018.08.29 日経新聞 海保、概算要求2338億円 尖閣周辺警戒などで過去最高額に
<1809-082902> 2018.08.29 NHK イラン シリアと軍事協定 軍事顧問の派遣維持など盛り込む
<1809-082901> 2018.08.29 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 米韓合同軍事演習、追加的な中止は計画せず=米国防長官
<1809-082806> 2018.08.28 Record China 空母・遼寧を改造、艦橋から飛行管制所を撤去―中国
<1809-082805> 2018.08.28 時事通信 (Yahoo) 韓国国防予算案、8.2%増=日本の防衛費に近づく
<1809-082804> 2018.08.28 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 韓国国防予算案が8.2%大幅増 文政権「力を通じた平和」追求
<1809-082803> 2018.08.28 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛白書 中国の実戦能力向上に強い警戒感
<1809-082802> 2018.08.28 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛白書 30年版を閣議決定 北朝鮮の脅威「これまでにない重大かつ差し迫った」 中国の動向には「安全保障上の強い懸念」
<1809-082801> 2018.08.28 河北新聞 (Yahoo) 地上イージス 秋田に発射装置3基 防衛省、全体構想初めて提示
<1809-082701> 2018.08.27 Jane's 360 DARPA effort seeks alternative to GPS
<1809-082601> 2018.08.26 Defense Update US Navy to field a networked decoy/jammer
<1809-082503> 2018.08.25 産経新聞 (Yahoo) シリア北部高まる緊張 アサド政権側、大規模攻撃の観測 大国の思惑錯綜
<1809-082502> 2018.08.25 Record China 中国の大型駆逐艦055型、一番艦が初の試験航海
<1809-082501> 2018.08.25 日経新聞 敵ミサイル情報を米軍と同時共有 防衛省、20年から
<1809-082408> 2018.08.24 Stars & Stripes Turkey warns against Syrian government offensive on Idlib
<1809-082407> 2018.08.24 Jane's 360 Russia forms new paramilitary Naval Military Police
<1809-082406> 2018.08.24 Inside Defense Milley: Army Futures Command to oversee $30B to $50B
<1809-082405> 2018.08.24 Defense News Iron Curtain is out as possible active protection system for Stryker
<1809-082404> 2018.08.24 日経新聞 シンガポール・マレーシア、高速鉄道計画延期で合意 現地報道
<1809-082403> 2018.08.24 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、対エルサルバドル関係見直し=台湾と断交「重大懸念」
<1809-082403> 2018.08.24 時事通信 (Yahoo) 日韓軍事情報協定を再延長=韓国
<1809-082402> 2018.08.24 讀賣新聞 (Yahoo) 日中衝突、即回避できず…「48時間待機」規定
<1809-082401> 2018.08.24 Record China 韓国最強の潜水艦の進水式が延期、当局が発表した情報を削除―韓国メディア
<1809-082310> 2018.08.23 Stars & Stripes Two Navy ships boost US presence in Black Sea
<1809-082309> 2018.08.23 Jane's 360 Army 2018: Russia unveils Sosna SHORAD system production version
<1809-082308> 2018.08.23 Jane's 360 Japan seeks to boost maritime security co-operation with Sri Lanka
<1809-082307> 2018.08.23 Jane's 360 Northrop Grumman explores airburst munitions for C-UAS applications
<1809-082306> 2018.08.23 東亞日報 中国、米国の目の前で軍事基地の建設か
<1809-082305> 2018.08.23 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 日印2プラス2 閣僚級に格上げで合意 来年にも初会合
<1809-082304> 2018.08.23 中央日報 (Yahoo) ドローンが偵察・爆撃…韓国軍、未来戦ドローン部隊を10月創設
<1809-082303> 2018.08.23 日経新聞 最新鋭戦闘機を2019年配備へ ロシア軍、スホイ57
<1809-082302> 2018.08.23 東京新聞 海自、NATO と合同演習 バルト海、護衛艦参加
<1809-082301> 2018.08.23 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 北朝鮮ミサイル発射場の解体作業停滞 米分析サイト
<1809-082207> 2018.08.22 日経新聞 (Yahoo) 次期戦闘機、日本で5割超生産 日米同盟の基盤強化
<1809-082206> 2018.08.22 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) オスプレイ 米軍横田基地10月1日に正式配備
<1809-082205> 2018.08.22 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 陸上イージスに2352億円 防衛省概算要求、過去最大
<1809-082204> 2018.08.22 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛予算5兆2986億円 概算要求 過去最大、7年連続増
<1809-082203> 2018.08.22 日経新聞 自衛隊、電子戦に本格対応 F15改修や管制システム能力向上
<1809-082202> 2018.08.22 時事通信 (Yahoo) マレーシア、中国との鉄道中止=「一帯一路」事業、習氏に伝達
<1809-082201> 2018.08.22 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 北朝鮮の核開発停止、兆候みられず=IAEA
<1809-082109> 2018.08.21 C4ISR Net Air Force’s next GPS satellite ready to boost accuracy, anti-jamming capabilities
<1809-082108> 2018.08.21 Jane's 360 Australian defence exports on the rise
<1809-082107> 2018.08.21 Jane's 360 India and Japan deepen industrial engagement
<1809-082106> 2018.08.21 日経新聞 海自艦3隻が長期航海へ 中国けん制、インド洋に
<1809-082105> 2018.08.21 東京新聞 ロシアがトルコにミサイル供与へ 19年、最新鋭地対空
<1809-082104> 2018.08.21 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) イラン、軍事力強化へ 国産新型戦闘機を公開
<1809-082103> 2018.08.21 NHK 極東地域でのロシア軍大規模軍事演習 中国軍が初参加へ
<1809-082102> 2018.08.21 中央日報 日英、年末に太平洋公海で北船舶の瀬取り合同監視へ
<1809-082101> 2018.08.21 日経新聞 宇宙ごみを衛星で監視 防衛省が打ち上げ検討
<1809-082006> 2018.08.20 Defense Update Israeli Drone Dome answers Britain's urgent need to counter drones
<1809-082005> 2018.08.20 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 「物品役務相互提供協定」協議開始で合意 日印防衛相会談
<1809-082004> 2018.08.20 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 韓国海軍3千トン級潜水艦 来月進水式=20年末に実戦配備
<1809-082003> 2018.08.20 中央日報 (Yahoo) 共同通信「北朝鮮、弾道ミサイル関連 ICAO 査察受け入れ」
<1809-082002> 2018.08.20 讀賣新聞 (Yahoo) 不審船、AI 駆使し探知…北「瀬取り」監視へ
<1809-082001> 2018.08.20 日経新聞 哨戒機開発・生産 独仏と協力で協議 政府、国産機部品など提供目指す
<1809-081802> 2018.08.18 Stars & Stripes Taiwan improves missiles to counter China military expansion
<1809-081801> 2018.08.18 朝鮮日報 (Yahoo) 韓国海軍新型揚陸艦、米ステルス「F35B」配備を検討
<1809-081708> 2018.08.17 Stars & Stripes USS Ronald Reagan kicks off patrol by drilling with Japan in Philippine Sea
<1809-081707> 2018.08.17 中央日報 38ノース「北SLBM 潜水艦の建造情況」…金正恩氏「実戦配備」の指示有効
<1809-081706> 2018.08.17 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 中国海兵隊、2年後に3倍 台湾・尖閣占拠、視野か 米国防総省の年次報告
<1809-081705> 2018.08.17 時事通信 (Yahoo) 日米視野に爆撃機飛行拡大か=中国、28年に国防費26兆円超―国防総省
<1809-081704> 2018.08.17 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) トンガ、中国への債務帳消し共同要請案を撤回
<1809-081703> 2018.08.17 読売新聞 (Yahoo) 日本の衛星守れ、宇宙ゴミを衛星監視…政府検討
<1809-081702> 2018.08.17 日経新聞 日本の周辺、軍事費増強 中国に呼応し東南アジアも
<1809-081701> 2018.08.17 中央日報 中国、南シナ海上空に衛星10基打ち上げ…紛争地域の領有権強化
<1809-081607> 2018.08.16 Stars & Stripes Russian strategic bombers deploy near Alaska
<1809-081606> 2018.08.16 Defense News Endgame begins for German anti-missile program
<1809-081605> 2018.08.16 Jane's 360 Lockheed Martin secures second hypersonic air-to-surface weapon contract
<1809-081604> 2018.08.16 東京新聞 地方で初のサイバー防護隊新設へ 陸自西部方面隊に、中国を見据え
<1809-081603> 2018.08.16 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) トランプ米大統領、政府のサイバー兵器配備制限を緩和=報道
<1809-081602> 2018.08.16 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) カタールが対トルコ投資約束、リラ高後押し 米国は関税維持方針
<1809-081601> 2018.08.16 産経新聞 ノルウェーが米海兵隊の駐留倍増を発表 ロシアの脅威念頭か
<1809-081506> 2018.08.15 Defense News US Army's future missile defense battle manager put to test in multidomain ops
<1809-081505> 2018.08.15 Defense News Japan's defense industry continues to grow. But is it in for rough seas?
<1809-081504> 2018.08.15 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 海水から「イエローケーキ」抽出に成功、米科学者グループが発表
<1809-081503> 2018.08.15 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 南シナ海での行動、中国は再考を=フィリピン大統領
<1809-081502> 2018.08.15 時事通信 (Yahoo) ロシアの宇宙兵器に懸念=衛星攻撃能力を警戒―米
<1809-081501> 2018.08.15 産経新聞 超小型衛星で尖閣監視 政府が検討 中国船の追跡可能に
<1809-081406> 2018.08.14 Jane's 360 Hyundai lays keel for New Zealand’s naval fleet tanker
<1809-081405> 2018.08.14 Jane's 360 Philippines considers Russian loan to support submarine procurement
<1809-081404> 2018.08.14 Defense News Construction issues still plague Polish Aegis Ashore site
<1809-081403> 2018.08.14 Defense News Space-based laser weapons could ultimately take out missile threats in boost phase
<1809-081402> 2018.08.14 NHK 米 トルコへの F35 売却を凍結 米国人牧師拘束に圧力
<1809-081401> 2018.08.14 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米国防権限法が成立=総額80兆円、軍再建・対中警戒
<1809-081304> 2018.08.13 Stars & Stripes UN report: Up to 30,000 ISIS members in Iraq, Syria
<1809-081303> 2018.08.13 日経新聞 中国、ウクライナでも影響力拡大、ロシアは容認か
<1809-081302> 2018.08.13 日経新聞 中央アジアでも中国依存のワナ、トルクメン経済危機
<1809-081301> 2018.08.13 日経新聞 シリア反体制派最終拠点に攻撃 アサド政権、一気に掃討か
<1809-081202> 2018.08.12 Jane's 360 Austal set for Philippine OPV programme
<1809-081201> 2018.08.12 東京新聞 カスピ海の領有権解決 沿岸5ヵ国が協定署名
<1809-081102> 2018.08.11 Stars & Stripes Iran says 10 militants killed in Kurdish area near Iraq
<1809-081101> 2018.08.11 時事通信 (Yahoo) 「新たな同盟国探し」も=トルコ大統領、米に警告
<1809-081001> 2018.08.10 時事通信 (Yahoo) 非核化でも「核技術保持」=米国への不信感鮮明―北朝鮮外相
<1809-080903> 2018.08.09 Stars & Stripes USS Wasp strike group departs Sasebo for patrol of Western Pacific
<1809-080902> 2018.08.09 Stars & Stripes NATO's top general visits candidate member Macedonia
<1809-080901> 2018.08.09 産経新聞 (Yahoo) ガザからロケット弾150発超 イスラエル報復攻撃、妊婦ら3人死亡
<1809-080807> 2018.08.08 Inside Defense Air Force report finds MQ-9B procurement more expensive, riskier than other options
<1809-080806> 2018.08.08 Inside Defense Trump administration officials pledge 'streamlined' arms sales to boost defense industry
<1809-080805> 2018.08.08 Stars & Stripes US military exercise in Georgia on anniversary of war with Russia
<1809-080804> 2018.08.08 Stars & Stripes Trump to sign $716 billion defense policy bill at Fort Drum
<1809-080803> 2018.08.08 Defense News Army takes serious steps toward interim cruise missile protection capability
<1809-080802> 2018.08.08 Jane's 360 Zephyr claims new endurance record
<1809-080801> 2018.08.08 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 24年から軍需品輸送用ドローン導入 韓国国防部が推進
<1809-080705> 2018.08.07 Defense Update Russian giant helicopter prepares for maiden flight
<1809-080704> 2018.08.07 Defense News Lockheed-Dynetics team and Raytheon locked in battle to build 100-kilowatt laser for US Army
<1809-080703> 2018.08.07 Jane's 360 Japan confirms development of electromagnetic railgun
<1809-080702> 2018.08.07 Jane's 360 Philippine, Russian navies consider submarine agreement
<1809-080701> 2018.08.07 日経新聞 ロシア、マケドニアの NATO 加盟阻止へ工作活動
<1809-080608> 2018.08.06 Inside Defense Air Force to award light-attack contract in late FY-19
<1809-080607> 2018.08.06 Inside Defense Lockheed to win potential $780 million development, production contract for hypersonic ARRW program
<1809-080606> 2018.08.06 Defense News Congress offers millions in budget to cyber-harden missile defense systems
<1809-080605> 2018.08.06 Jane's 360 CASC highlights enhanced CH-804C hybrid UAV
<1809-080604> 2018.08.06 Focus 台湾 (Yahoo) 19年度国防予算、約665億円増へ 蔡総統、国防強化の決意示す/台湾
<1809-080603> 2018.08.06 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) サウジアラビア、紅海経由の原油輸送を再開
<1809-080602> 2018.08.06 Defense News Congress intensifies push for reluctant MDA to focus on space-based missile defense
<1809-080601> 2018.08.06 産経新聞 陸自水陸機動団、尖閣周辺に展開 離島奪還部隊、年度内にも
<1809-080503> 2018.08.05 Record China 中国が「超高速飛行体」の実験に成功=同国初のウェーブライダー式、次世代ミサイル技術で米国に対抗か
<1809-080502> 2018.08.05 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 中国、「極超音速飛翔体」兵器の実験に成功 マッハ6で飛行
<1809-080501> 2018.08.05 日経新聞 トルコ大統領「米閣僚の資産凍結」、制裁に対抗
<1809-080404> 2018.08.04 NHK "北朝鮮が核開発継続 新たな手口で制裁逃れも" 国連 報告書
<1809-080403> 2018.08.04 産経新聞 (Yahoo) ポンペオ国務長官が南シナ海の安保支援などへ3億ドル拠出表明
<1809-080402> 2018.08.04 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米装備品、事務処理を代行=価格透明化図る―日本政府
<1809-080401> 2018.08.04 NHK ロシア軍 択捉島に戦闘機を試験配備か
<1809-080305> 2018.08.03 Jane's 360 Japan, Greece discuss defence trade co-operation
<1809-080304> 2018.08.03 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 北朝鮮船に「瀬取り」疑い 10件目、東シナ海で
<1809-080303> 2018.08.03 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 英海軍揚陸艦が晴海に寄港 中朝念頭、東アジアでプレゼンス強化
<1809-080302> 2018.08.03 時事通信 (Yahoo) イラン、大規模演習開始=ホルムズ海峡封鎖能力誇示か―米メディア
<1809-080301> 2018.08.03 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 米国防予算枠80兆円、9年で最大 上院で法案可決 中国へ厳然対処
<1809-080206> 2018.08.02 Inside Defense Air Force launches new ISR flight plan to shape next-gen enterprise
<1809-080205> 2018.08.02 Jane's 360 Saudi tankers diverted away from Red Sea
<1809-080204> 2018.08.02 Stars & Stripes US military watching closely as Iranian ships gather at key oil shipping route
<1809-080203> 2018.08.02 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 南シナ海、名指し避けつつ中国に自制促す ASEAN 外相会議、北非核化も協議
<1809-080202> 2018.08.02 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) イラン、大規模演習準備か 米国との緊張激化受け=米当局者
<1809-080201> 2018.08.02 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) イスラエル、イランが紅海の海峡封鎖なら軍派遣へ
<1809-080102> 2018.08.01 C4ISR net US Army increases investment on counter-drone program
<1809-080101> 2018.08.01 日経新聞 中国、豪主導の合同軍事演習に初参加へ
<1809-080011> 2018.08 International Defence Review Phoenix rising: Singapore's air force strives to maintain techgnological edge
<1809-080010> 2018.08 International Defence Review Spiral strategy: SEWIP evolves to keep pace with the electromagnetic threat
<1809-080009> 2018.08 International Defence Review Prompt strike: ground-launched hypersonic target missile defences
<1809-080008> 2018.08 International Defence Review Fire and ice: Russia arms itself for the Arctic
<1809-080007> 2018.08 International Defence Review MHTK interceptor moves to EMD phase
<1809-080006> 2018.08 International Defence Review Dynatics ramps up GBU-69/B production for USSOCOM
<1809-080005> 2018.08 International Defence Review IAI, IMI reveal Rampage stand-off ASM
<1809-080004> 2018.08 International Defence Review Denel Dynamics unveils layered C-RAM system
<1809-080003> 2018.08 International Defence Review RNoAF signs off on Joint Strike Missile development phase
<1809-080002> 2018.08 International Defence Review US Army's JAGM enters initial production
<1809-080001> 2018.08 International Defence Review China CETC International showcases acoustic gunfire detection device
<1809-073003> 2018.07.30 Aviation Week & ST Tokyo wants advanced peformance level from Aegis Ashore
<1809-073002> 2018.07.30 Aviation Week & ST Capitol Hill kills J-Stars recap
<1809-073001> 2018.07.30 Aviation Week & ST Build it and will they come?
<1809-072510> 2018.07.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Programmed for the future
<1809-072509> 2018.07.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan, US looks to smooth defence trade processes
<1809-072508> 2018.07.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Israel accused of second airstrike deep inside Syria
<1809-072507> 2018.07.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Boening bidding F-16 upgrade campaigns
<1809-072506> 2018.07.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Raytheon details hypersonic weapon work
<1809-072505> 2018.07.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Saab open to future fighter partneship
<1809-072504> 2018.07.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Europe 'to settle on one fihgter solution'
<1809-072503> 2018.07.25 Jane's Defence Weekly F-35 moving to rapid capability insertion model
<1809-072502> 2018.07.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Team Tempest outlines future strategies and technologies
<1809-072501> 2018.07.25 Jane's Defence Weekly UK unveils Tempest fighter concept as part of new Combat Air Strategy
<1809-071814> 2018.07.18 Jane's Defence Weekly Heading North
<1809-071813> 2018.07.18 Jane's Defence Weekly Canberra looks to retain sovereign share in ASC Shipbuilding
<1809-071812> 2018.07.18 Jane's Defence Weekly Tensions rise on Israel-Syria border
<1809-071811> 2018.07.18 Jane's Defence Weekly China's Yaoying Ⅱ MALE UAV conducts maiden flight
<1809-071810> 2018.07.18 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan advances radar development project
<1809-071809> 2018.07.18 Jane's Defence Weekly RSAF's SPYDER air defence system attains FOC status
<1809-071808> 2018.07.18 Jane's Defence Weekly India's Tejas LCA misses FOC deadline
<1809-071807> 2018.07.18 Jane's Defence Weekly US Navy's FFG(X) potential gowth comes under scrutiny
<1809-071806> 2018.07.18 Jane's Defence Weekly US Air Firce schedules first flight of attrirable XQ-58A UAV for later this year
<1809-071805> 2018.07.18 Jane's Defence Weekly ESSM Block Ⅱ test intercepts target
<1809-071804> 2018.07.18 Jane's Defence Weekly US Army selects potential venfors to deliver manoeurable, survivable SHORAD
....and proceeds with implementation of tactical network modernisation strategy
<1809-071803> 2018.07.18 Jane's Defence Weekly New Russian long-range air-to-air missile integration to expand to four fighter models
<1809-071802> 2018.07.18 Jane's Defence Weekly New Zealand announces Poseidon MPA procurement
<1809-071801> 2018.07.18 Jane's Defence Weekly No final decision yet on UK defence review
<1809-071603> 2018.07.16 Aviation Week & ST Yearlong endurance envisaged for new British solar pseudo-satellites
<1809-071602> 2018.07.16 Aviation Week & ST KF-X design approved, first flight due in 2022
<1809-071601> 2018.07.16 Aviation Week & ST Unite or die?
<1809-071116> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Haze on the horizon
<1809-071115> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly The RAF at 100
<1809-071114> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan looks to develop space technologies for defence
<1809-071113> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly China launches two Type 055 destroyers
<1809-071112> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan develops new wheeled 155mm SPH
<1809-071111> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Indonesian Navy launches tank landing ship
<1809-071110> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia reactivates self-propelled artillery
<1809-071109> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Risk rise in UK defence procurement programme
<1809-071108> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia signs up for first Su-57 fifth-gen fighters
<1809-071107> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly MEPs approve EU defence capability pilot budget, but long-term funding uncertain
<1809-071106> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Joint Expeditionary Force achives FOC
<1809-071105> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly US Marine Corps seeks new 'delivery drone'
<1809-071104> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly New Zealand announces new strategic defence policy
<1809-071103> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly China planning for operations in the Arctic
<1809-071102> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Absence of PLAN will not dent RIMPAC, say USN leaders
<1809-071101> 2018.07.11 Jane's Defence Weekly EDA nations prepare to prove their commitments to PESCO

参 照 番 号
年 月 日
出   典
標              題
<1808-073105> 2018.07.31 Defense News Israel activated its David’s Sling missile system for the first time. Will more sales start booming?
<1808-073104> 2018.07.31 Jane's 360 China launches first stretched Type 052D destroyer
<1808-073103> 2018.07.31 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 北朝鮮が新たに ICBM を製造疑惑 「6.12」後初発覚 米紙報道
<1808-073102> 2018.07.31 讀賣新聞 (Yahoo) 陸上イージス、費用大幅に膨らみ運用2年遅れも
<1808-073101> 2018.07.31 NHK 米 インド太平洋地域に125億円拠出へ 中国けん制の狙いか
<1808-073010> 2018.07.30 Stars & Stripes US wraps up nearly 2-week minesweeping exercise with India, Japan
<1808-073009> 2018.07.30 Stars & Stripes Oversight of Army’s 3 Europe-based brigades shifts to a one-star general
<1808-073008> 2018.07.30 Defense News Congress says Pentagon must come up with boost phase missile defense plan next year
<1808-073007> 2018.07.30 Defense News Japan launches first ship of new destroyer class
<1808-073006> 2018.07.30 Jane's 360 Japan launches first Improved Atago-class destroyer
<1808-073005> 2018.07.30 Jane's 360 Indian MoD approves import of NASAMS air-defence system
<1808-073004> 2018.07.30 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 海自7隻目のイージス護衛艦「まや」 横浜で進水式
<1808-073003> 2018.07.30 讀賣新聞 (Yahoo) 無人偵察機運用へ新部隊創設…陸海空自共同で
<1808-073002> 2018.07.30 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) PAC3、北海道と中四国は撤収へ 北朝鮮警戒を緩和
<1808-073001> 2018.07.30 讀賣新聞 (Yahoo) 陸上イージス、1基1340億円…2基導入へ
<1808-072904> 2018.07.29 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛省、装輪装甲車の開発中止へ 当初計画、白紙に
<1808-072903> 2018.07.29 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛省 自衛隊に電子攻撃機の導入検討 敵の通信を妨害
<1808-072902> 2018.07.29 朝日新聞 アサド政権とクルド人勢力、内戦終結に向け協議 シリア
<1808-072901> 2018.07.29 日経新聞 救難飛行艇、ギリシャ輸出検討 防衛装備初の売却狙う
<1808-072802> 2018.07.28 Defense Update Lasers to Extend the Missions of Solar Powered Drones
<1808-072801> 2018.07.28 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 韓国軍が大幅な人員削減 兵役期間も短縮へ 対北抑止「弱まる」批判も
<1808-072703> 2018.07.27 Jane's 360 China's AVIC reveals solar-electric UAV development
<1808-072702> 2018.07.27 Jane's 360 Australia's second AWD accepted by Department of Defence
<1808-072701> 2018.07.27 中央日報 (Yahoo) 中国軍用機1機、韓国防空識別圏に侵入…4時間後に離脱
<1808-072602> 2018.07.26 Defense News Patriot missile breaks its own distance record to defeat threat target in test
<1808-072601> 2018.07.26 NHK EU独自の位置情報システム衛星打ち上げ成功 英と対立懸念も
<1808-072506> 2018.07.25 Stars & Stripes US decides to release suspended military aid to Egypt
<1808-072505> 2018.07.25 Stars & Stripes US troops building up Polish, Romanian bases
<1808-072504> 2018.07.25 Stars & Stripes US, Japan and South Korea practice investigating ships for WMD material
<1808-072503> 2018.07.25 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 日米韓が房総半島沖で訓練 北朝鮮念頭、核拡散防止狙う
<1808-072502> 2018.07.25 時事通信 (Yahoo) サイバー攻撃で深刻度基準=国民生活への影響評価―政府
<1808-072501> 2018.07.25 NHK 「イージス・アショア」配備 候補地の反発で調査を延期へ
<1808-072410> 2018.07.24 Stars & Stripes Qatar plans $1.8 billion in improvements to air base used by US military
<1808-072409> 2018.07.24 Stars & Stripes French general: At least 2 to 3 months of fighting remains in Syria to end ISIS caliphate
<1808-072408> 2018.07.24 Jane's 360 Iran announces mass production of Fakour air-to-air missile
<1808-072407> 2018.07.24 Jane's 360 India's first indigenous aircraft carrier to begin sea trials in 2020
<1808-072406> 2018.07.24 Jane's 360 China developing large autonomous underwater vehicles
<1808-072405> 2018.07.24 時事通信 (Yahoo) シリア戦闘機を撃墜=「2キロ領空侵犯」―イスラエル軍
<1808-072404> 2018.07.24 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 非武装地帯からの撤収推進へ 南北首脳会談の履行措置=韓国軍
<1808-072403> 2018.07.24 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) ロシアのハッカー、米電力会社ネットワークに昨年侵入=WSJ
<1808-072402> 2018.07.24 読売新聞 (Yahoo) 海自・空自、地上任務の一部を陸自に移管へ
<1808-072401> 2018.07.24 NHK 北朝鮮でミサイル試験場解体の動き 米研究グループ分析
<1808-072306> 2018.07.23 Inside Defense Re-test of SM-3 Block IIA this fall will cost $47.8 million less than previously estimated
<1808-072305> 2018.07.23 Inside Defense GBSD teams complete latest round of design reviews
<1808-072304> 2018.07.23 朝鮮日報 (Yahoo) 在韓米軍司令官「北朝鮮は挑発はしていないが核開発はやめていない」
<1808-072303> 2018.07.23 東京新聞 地上イージス2基4千億円 防衛省内の新試算で倍増
<1808-072302> 2018.07.23 産経新聞 イージス・アショア 2基で総額6千億円超 関連施設など含めると想定の3倍に 防衛省試算
<1808-072301> 2018.07.23 日経新聞 イスラエル軍、シリアの市民組織を救助 約800人が脱出
<1808-072201> 2018.07.22 日経新聞 ホルムズ海峡封鎖を支持 イラン指導者、原油禁輸に
<1808-072101> 2018.07.21 日経新聞 タイ空軍レーダーの受注失敗 三菱電機製
<1808-072004> 2018.07.20 Defense News The US Navy's new anti-ship missile scores a hit at RIMPAC, but there's a twist
<1808-072003> 2018.07.20 Military Times Pentagon announces $200 million in aid for Ukraine
<1808-072002> 2018.07.20 NHK インドと ASEAN 中国を念頭に海洋安全保障会議
<1808-072001> 2018.07.20 産経新聞 (Yahoo) シリア政権軍、南部ほぼ制圧 反体制派が撤退開始
<1808-071906> 2018.07.19 Stars & Stripes Syria rebels agree to surrender frontier with Israel
<1808-071905> 2018.07.19 Stars & Stripes US to give Philippine police $26.5 million to fight terrorism
<1808-071904> 2018.07.19 産経新聞 ロシア最新鋭ステルス機「Su57」来年配備へ 日本の頼みの綱「F35」より優位に?
<1808-071903> 2018.07.19 日経新聞 「イスラエルはユダヤ人の国」、イスラエル国会が法案可決
<1808-071902> 2018.07.19 時事通信 (Yahoo) 日米韓など大量破壊兵器防止で訓練=25日に房総沖、北朝鮮反発も
<1808-071901> 2018.07.19 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米大統領、NATO集団防衛に疑問? =モンテネグロ介入なら「第3次大戦」
<1808-071805> 2018.07.18 Jane's 360 Indian Army shelves plans for new fighting corps
<1808-071804> 2018.07.18 Inside Defense Navy looking to dramatically increase range, speed of SM-6 with larger rocket motor
<1808-071803> 2018.07.18 Stars & Stripes China to begin large-scale military exercise 'tailored for Taiwan separatists' in East China Sea
<1808-071802> 2018.07.18 産経新聞 海保、小笠原に巡視船配備 警戒強化、宮古島に射撃場
<1808-071801> 2018.07.18 中央日報 (Yahoo) 韓国産ヘリコプターを改造した海兵隊ヘリコプター墜落…5人死亡1人負傷
<1808-071708> 2018.07.17 Idside Defense Navy says $12.3M needed immediately to keep AMDR development, DDG-51 Flight III schedule
<1808-071707> 2018.07.17 Stars & Stripes ISIS is making a comeback in Iraq less than a year after Baghdad declared victory
<1808-071706> 2018.07.17 Defens News Here's who could soon lead the US Army's Futures Command
<1808-071705> 2018.07.17 Jane's 360 India tests BrahMos cruise missile under 'extreme weather conditions'
<1808-071704> 2018.07.17 中央日報 (Yahoo) 米軍「斬首作戦」戦力が静かに出港…北朝鮮を意識か
<1808-071703> 2018.07.17 読売新聞 (Yahoo) F2 戦闘機後継「高すぎる」国際共同開発に暗雲
<1808-071702> 2018.07.17 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 北の秘密核施設特定 平壌近郊 ウラン濃縮は15年前から 米誌など
<1808-071701> 2018.07.17 日経新聞 英、次期戦闘機「テンペスト」開発へ 日本と連携も
<1808-071605> 2018.07.16 Defense Update London set to develop a new fighter for the 2030s
<1808-071604> 2018.07.16 Defense News What's going on with America's next fighter designs?
<1808-071603> 2018.07.16 Defense News Britain reveals combat air strategy alongside new Tempest fighter jet design
<1808-071602> 2018.07.16 中央日報 (Yahoo) 日本防衛省、サイバー司令部新設…防御を越えて攻撃も可能
<1808-071601> 2018.07.16 産経新聞 陸上イージス高性能レーダー、月内選定へ 防衛省内、米2社製で激しい綱引き
<1808-071503> 2018.07.15 産経新聞 フランス インド太平洋安保に名乗り 日豪印との連携軸に 中国の覇権に対抗
<1808-071502> 2018.07.15 東京新聞 来年度防衛予算、過去最大要求へ 5兆2千億円、7年連続増
<1808-071501> 2018.07.15 産経新聞 鹿児島・馬毛島を海・空自拠点に 中国脅威防衛強化 F15 戦闘機展開
<1808-071403> 2018.07.14 Stars & Stripes Israel exchanges intense fire with Hamas militants in Gaza
<1808-071402> 2018.07.14 東京新聞 米陸軍に「未来司令部」 中国、ロシア念頭に近代化推進
<1808-071401> 2018.07.14 時事通信 (Yahoo) 革命記念日パレードに陸自参加=日仏外交160周年で―パリ
<1808-071308> 2018.07.13 Jane's 360 Syrian government advance towards border with occupied Golan risks provoking major Israeli military response
<1808-071307> 2018.07.13 Stars & Stripes Army test-fires naval strike missile off Hawaii
<1808-071306> 2018.07.13 Marine Times F−35Bs leave with 13th MEU on first deployment with stateside unit
<1808-071305> 2018.07.13 Defense News Israel again fires Patriot missile at drone from Syria
<1808-071304> 2018.07.13 NHK 自衛隊と仏軍 食料や弾薬など相互提供協定締結へ
<1808-071303> 2018.07.13 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 米大統領、NATO 加盟国の米国からの武器購入を支援する方針
<1808-071302> 2018.07.13 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) NATO 加盟国、防衛費の対 GDP 比2%達成を確約=事務総長
<1808-071301> 2018.07.13 東京新聞 北朝鮮、瀬取り89回 米、安保理制裁委に通告
<1808-071207> 2018.07.12 Jane's 360 Indonesia enacts law to boost collaboration with South Korea
<1808-071206> 2018.07.12 Deense News New US Pacific Fleet Commander backs away from '3rd Fleet Forward'
<1808-071205> 2018.07.12 Record China パキスタン債務リスクがCPEC建設に影響? 中国側「事実と異なる」
<1808-071204> 2018.07.12 日経新聞 米、ドイツのロシア産ガス輸入計画で制裁も
<1808-071203> 2018.07.12 NHK イスラエル シリアを報復空爆 新たな緊張高まる
<1808-071202> 2018.07.12 NHK 海保の巡視船 インドネシアで合同訓練 中国の海洋進出を念頭に
<1808-071201> 2018.07.12 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) トランプ米大統領、防衛費 GDP 比4%への拡大要請 NATO 首脳会議
<1808-071106> 2018.07.11 China Defense CCTV capture of the day: CJ-10 ground-based land-attack missile's parking cave
<1808-071105> 2018.07.11 Defense News NATO has a new Baltic command structure
<1808-071104> 2018.07.11 Jane's 360 Saudi-led coalition announces another ballistic missile intercept
<1808-071103> 2018.07.11 Jane's 360 Philippines to upgrade Rafael Ramos naval base to support larger ships
<1808-071102> 2018.07.11 産経新聞 即応予備自衛官を招集 政府、300人規模で
<1808-071101> 2018.07.11 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米大統領、独を名指しで批判=天然ガス輸入をやり玉に―NATO首脳会議
<1808-071005> 2018.07.10 Inside Defense MDA working with space community on hypersonic defense
<1808-071004> 2018.07.10 Defense News NATO missile interceptor tests new tech in latest shot
<1808-071003> 2018.07.10 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 韓国が官民軍の有事対応訓練 来年から実施=韓米演習廃止の可能性も
<1808-071002> 2018.07.10 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 韓国、8月の政府動員演習を中止 米韓合同軍事演習中止の一環で
<1808-071001> 2018.07.10 日経新聞 トランプ氏、北朝鮮の非核化に「中国が負の圧力」
<1808-070902> 2018.07.09 Jane's 360 MQ-8C Fire Scout completes initial operational test and evaluation
<1808-070901> 2018.07.09 Record China 中国空母の次期戦搭載闘機、ステルスFC-31ベースに開発か=現行のJ-15には「欠陥機」との評価も
<1808-070802> 2018.07.08 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛費 来年度、過去最大に 概算要求5兆円超か
<1808-070801> 2018.07.08 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米軍艦が台湾海峡航行=中国けん制か―台湾国防部
<1808-070703> 2018.07.07 China Defense Type054 mod of the day: High speed law enforcement ship
<1808-070702> 2018.07.07 NHK 北朝鮮「遺憾極まりない」非核化迫った米を批判
<1808-070701> 2018.07.07 朝鮮日報 (Yahoo) 相次ぐ「変数」でストップした国防改革
<1808-070604> 2018.07.06 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 米ノースロップが参画を模索、空自の F2 後継機=関係者
<1808-070603> 2018.07.06 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 南太平洋での中国の影響力拡大、国家安全保障の脅威に=NZ
<1808-070602> 2018.07.06 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 米海軍、イランがホルムズ海峡封鎖なら航海の自由確保の用意=報道官
<1808-070601> 2018.07.06 日経新聞 日米、イージス艦搭載レーダーの共同開発検討
<1808-070505> 2018.07.05 Jane's 360 Islamic State militants kill three Iranian fighters in Syria's Deir al-Zour
<1808-070504> 2018.07.05 日経新聞 マレーシア、中国主導の鉄道計画を中止
<1808-070503> 2018.07.05 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 北朝鮮と推定されるサイバー攻撃 南北首脳会談後も活発
<1808-070502> 2018.07.05 時事通信 (Yahoo) 中国空母艦載機に欠陥=墜落事故4回、代替機を開発―香港紙
<1808-070501> 2018.07.05 NNA (Yahoo) インド 北部州、防衛産業に5千億ルピー投資見込む
<1808-070423> 2018.07.04 Jane's Defence Weekly Locking arms
<1808-070422> 2018.07.04 Jane's Defence Weekly South Korea updates offset policy to support collaboration exports
<1808-070421> 2018.07.04 Jane's Defence Weekly More Burkan-2H attacks on Saudi Arabia reveals
<1808-070420> 2018.07.04 Jane's Defence Weekly BAE Systems to supply AAV7A1s to Taiwan
<1808-070419> 2018.07.04 Jane's Defence Weekly South Korean military drills put off 'indefinitely'
<1808-070418> 2018.07.04 Jane's Defence Weekly South Korea to procure MPAs through FMS
<1808-070417> 2018.07.04 Jane's Defence Weekly Poland plans fourth division
<1808-070416> 2018.07.04 Jane's Defence Weekly USAF procures improved 'bunkrt busters'
<1808-070415> 2018.07.04 Jane's Defence Weekly OPCW gets power to identify perpetrators
<1808-070414> 2018.07.04 Jane's Defence Weekly Australia to acquire six MQ-4C Triton UAVs
<1808-070413> 2018.07.04 Jane's Defence Weekly GA-ASI's Protector to make transatlantic flight for RIAT
<1808-070412> 2018.07.04 Jane's Defence Weekly Control over China Coast Guard to be transferred to CMC
<1808-070411> 2018.07.04 Jane's Defence Weekly BAE Systems to build nine next-generation frigates for Australia
<1808-070410> 2018.07.04 Jane's 360 German draft budget to propose defence funding increase
<1808-070409> 2018.07.04 Jane's 360 Lockheed Martin engages with Taiwan on titanium technologies
<1808-070408> 2018.07.04 日経新聞 ミャンマー計画・財務相、中国の港湾投資「規模縮小を」
<1808-070407> 2018.07.04 日経新聞 モルドバで広がる反政府デモ、「親欧米」隠れみのに金権政治まん延
<1808-070406> 2018.07.04 東亞日報 ポンペオ長官の訪朝控え米国で「FFVD」の新概念登場、焦点は検証の徹底
<1808-070405> 2018.07.04 日経新聞 装備品調達、米の人件費負担 納期短縮狙う
<1808-070404> 2018.07.04 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 中国海警局の公船、軍編入後初の領海侵入 外務省は抗議
<1808-070403> 2018.07.04 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 4日、中国海警3隻が日本の領海侵入
<1808-070402> 2018.07.04 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 海自ヘリ空母「かが」、9月から南シナ海・インド洋へ派遣=関係者
<1808-070401> 2018.07.04 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 防衛省、陸上イージスのレーダーにロッキード製選定=関係者
<1808-070305> 2018.07.03 産経新聞 EU 独自の防衛協力に米国の「壁」 テロ、露の脅威、ハイブリッド戦…課題は山積
<1808-070304> 2018.07.03 時事通信 中国、新型駆逐艦2隻進水=空母打撃群編成急ぐ
<1808-070303> 2018.07.03 中央日報 『スター・ウォーズ』が現実に…中国、レーザー銃の試作品開発に成功
<1808-070302> 2018.07.03 朝日新聞 イージス・アショアに「SSR」搭載へ 1千キロ超探知
<1808-070301> 2018.07.03 讀賣新聞 陸上イージスに最新鋭レーダー、朝鮮半島監視へ
<1808-070210> 2018.07.02 Aviation Week & ST Bell advances Valor's development
<1808-070209> 2018.07.02 Aviation Week & ST Laser dazzlling of U.S. military pilots spreads to Pacific
<1808-070208> 2018.07.02 Aviation Week & ST South Korea chooses Poseidon
<1808-070207> 2018.07.02 Aviation Week & ST Into the next 100 years
<1808-070206> 2018.07.02 Aviation Week & ST Lightning league
<1808-070205> 2018.07.02 Aviation Week & ST How soon could the US create a Space Force?
<1808-070204> 2018.07.02 Defense Update Raytheon is building a 100kW tactical laser
<1808-070203> 2018.07.02 Marine Times Marines in Taiwan? State Department officials are asking, but China's not happy
<1808-070202> 2018.07.02 時事通信 (Yahoo) 北朝鮮のミサイル施設拡張か=米紙
<1808-070201> 2018.07.02 産経新聞 陸自が輸送艦導入へ 南西諸島防衛で海上輸送を強化
<1808-070103> 2018.07.01 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 北朝鮮ミサイル警戒を緩和 日本政府、常時展開を解除
<1808-070102> 2018.07.01 讀賣新聞 (Yahoo) 中国海警が軍直轄に…日本、武装強化を警戒
<1808-070101> 2018.07.01 産経新聞 沖縄に初の陸自補給処 中国の離島侵攻に備え
<1808-070013> 2018.07 International Defence Review NASAMS: beyond an air-defence system
<1808-070012> 2018.07 International Defence Review Lethal enforcers: New-generation glide munitions take to the air
<1808-070011> 2018.07 International Defence Review China's Poly Technologies showcases C-UAV system
<1808-070010> 2018.07 International Defence Review LRASM completes second dual-missile flight test
<1808-070009> 2018.07 International Defence Review Russia to modernise Kh-22 air-to-surface missiles
<1808-070008> 2018.07 International Defence Review Rafael unveils Firefly loitering weapon system
<1808-070007> 2018.07 International Defence Review DARPA developing lower-cost, generic seeker for precision-guided weapons
<1808-070006> 2018.07 International Defence Review Rafael unveils EPIK add-on precision guidance kit for rocket artillery
<1808-070005> 2018.07 International Defence Review Continuing Resolation impacts Marime Strike Tomahawk schedule
<1808-070004> 2018.07 International Defence Review Singapore reveals 'digital sandbox' for defence innovation
<1808-070003> 2018.07 International Defence Review Czech Army showcases MKEB Ⅱ mobile EW system
<1808-070002> 2018.07 International Defence Review USN seeks hard-kill aircraft self-protection systems
<1808-070001> 2018.07 International Defence Review Rafael advances 'downscaleed' Trophy APS development
<1808-062709> 2018.06.27 Jane's Defence Weekly Seychells withdraws offer for Indian base
<1808-062708> 2018.06.27 Jane's Defence Weekly Images show possible YJ-18 ASCM in Shang-class sub
<1808-062707> 2018.06.27 Jane's Defence Weekly France and Germany intend to develop future tank and other weapon systems
<1808-062706> 2018.06.27 Jane's Defence Weekly Chinese LCAC facility spotted near Zhanjiang
<1808-062705> 2018.06.27 Jane's Defence Weekly China threatening US DoD's technical, industrial base, says Pentagon officials
<1808-062704> 2018.06.27 Jane's Defence Weekly Images shows possible design of China's third carrier
<1808-062703> 2018.06.27 Jane's Defence Weekly US and South Korea suspend 'Ulchi Freedom Guardian' military exercise
<1808-062702> 2018.06.27 Jane's Defence Weekly BAE Systems wins competition for US Marine Corp's ACV 1.1
<1808-062701> 2018.06.27 Jane's Defence Weekly UK parliamentarians call for defence spending increase towards 3% of GDP
<1808-062008> 2018.06.20 Jane's Defence Weekly Mind the gap
<1808-062007> 2018.06.20 Jane's Defence Weekly Middle Eastern MoD orders 70 DroneGuns
<1808-062006> 2018.06.20 Jane's Defence Weekly Denel sheds light on new C-RAM missile
<1808-062005> 2018.06.20 Jane's Defence Weekly OPCW confirms another sarin attack in Syria
<1808-062004> 2018.06.20 Jane's Defence Weekly China moves closer to commissioning DF-41 ICBM after latest test launch
<1808-062003> 2018.06.20 Jane's Defence Weekly Azerbaijan desplays new long-range missile systems
<1808-062002> 2018.06.20 Jane's Defence Weekly Lockheed Martin calls on Raytheon to supply F-35 DAS
<1808-062001> 2018.06.20 Jane's Defence Weekly US Navy progresses HAAWC high-altitude anti-submatine capability for Poseidon
<1808-061802> 2018.06.18 Aviation Week & ST To counter Russia's lead, USAF wants hypersonic weapon by 2022
<1808-061801> 2018.06.18 Aviation Week & ST Directed-Energy capability targeted by Prat F-35 engine upgrade plan
<1808-061321> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Silver bullet solution
<1808-061320> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Nuclear rivals
<1808-061319> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly South Korea strengthens import subsititutuinon measures
<1808-061318> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly US, Turkey reach agreement on Manbij
<1808-061317> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan orders third Advanced Hawkeye
<1808-061316> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly North Korea reshuffles officials ahead of summit
<1808-061315> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Taiwan starts XAT-5 prototype production
<1808-061314> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Pakistani government signs deal for two more Type 054A frigates from China
<1808-061313> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Infrastructure work at Yongzhou Lingling Airport suggest expanded military role
<1808-061312> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Georgia reveals Python SAMs with Ground Master 200, 400 mobile air defence radars
<1808-061311> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia pressures Ukraine with naval build-up in Sea of Azov and builds new weapon and ammo strage facilities
<1808-061310> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Estonian think-tabnk finds gaps in Balistic air defence and proposes improvements
<1808-061309> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Canada now seeks only three-ship icebreaker fleet
<1808-061308> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Esper's US Army vision emphasises unmanned platforms
<1808-061307> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly F-35 Block 4 funding 'should be restricted until DoD lays out soud buisiness case'
<1808-061306> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Image emerges of China's stealthy Dark Sword UCAV
<1808-061305> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly India to further S-400 acquisition talks with Russia despite US sanction issue
<1808-061304> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Taiwan welcomes potential US policy shift in military sales
<1808-061303> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly NATO ministers approve new standby deployment plan
<1808-061302> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly China's Yunzhou Tech demonstrates swarming USVs
<1808-061301> 2018.06.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Liaoning carrier group reaches initial operational capability

参 照 番 号
年 月 日
出   典
標              題
<1807-063002> 2018.06.30 日経新聞 北朝鮮の非核化意思に疑義 米情報機関分析と報道
<1807-063001> 2018.06.30 讀賣新聞(Yahoo) 中国海軍の病院船、尖閣周辺の接続水域を航行
<1807-062906> 2018.06.29 C4ISR net US Army executes active electronic attack in Europe for first time since Cold War
<1807-062905> 2018.06.29 Defense News Australia officially announces $26B frigate contract. Here are the build details
<1807-062904> 2018.06.29 Jane's 360 Azerbaijan parades SOM cruise missile
<1807-062903> 2018.06.29 ロイタ通信(Yahoo) 陸上イージス、概算要求に取得費計上へ 近くレーダー選定=関係者
<1807-062902> 2018.06.29 讀賣新聞(Yahoo) 日米共同訓練、着実な実施を確認…防衛相会談
<1807-062901> 2018.06.29 産経新聞(Yahoo) 菅義偉官房長官「極めて遺憾」 東シナ海の中国掘削船設置
<1807-062807> 2018.06.28 Defense News US Army’s interim short-range air defense solution crystallizes
<1807-062806> 2018.06.28 Jane's 360 USAF procures new and improved 'bunker buster' bombs
<1807-062805> 2018.06.28 東京新聞 米長官、在韓兵力の維持を表明 「同盟の象徴」と再確認
<1807-062804> 2018.06.28 東京新聞 NATO 防衛費増求める書簡送付 加盟国に米大統領
<1807-062803> 2018.06.28 産経新聞(Yahoo) PAC3 など北朝鮮ミサイル警戒態勢を解除 河野統幕長が示唆
<1807-062802> 2018.06.28 讀賣新聞(Yahoo) 機雷探知、初の国産無人潜水機で…離島奪還想定
<1807-062801> 2018.06.28 NHK 仏 兵役導入見送り 16歳男女に1か月間の集団生活義務化
<1807-062706> 2018.06.27 Jane's 360 Chinese navy conducts training exercises near Taiwan
<1807-062705> 2018.06.27 Stars & Stripes US upgrading Korea missile defense even as war games halted
<1807-062704> 2018.06.27 Stars & Stripes 7th Fleet ships stop in the Philippines, 'a favorite port visit for sailors'
<1807-062703> 2018.06.27 NHK 北朝鮮船籍の船「瀬取り」か 政府 監視強める
<1807-062702> 2018.06.27 朝日新聞(Yahoo) C2 輸送機の JV 製造検討へ 防衛省、コスト管理に甘さ
<1807-062701> 2018.06.27 ロイタ通信(Yahoo) 米検察、中国の大学を輸出法違反で起訴 軍事利用可能な機器入手で
<1807-062608> 2018.06.26 Stars & Stripes Australia to buy 6 US-made Triton drones for $5.1 billion
<1807-062607> 2018.06.26 Stars & Stripes Estonia to buy South Korean howitzers in $54 million deal
<1807-062606> 2018.06.26 Jane's 360 US, Japan seek to better integrate JMSDF into carrier strike group operations
<1807-062605> 2018.06.26 時事通信(Yahoo) 英、EU離脱法が成立
<1807-062604> 2018.06.26 産経新聞(Yahoo) 中国で元軍人デモが拡大 数千人集結、強制排除でけが人
<1807-062603> 2018.06.26 ロイタ通信(Yahoo) 欧州で新たな軍事部隊が発足、仏主導 英独なども参加
<1807-062602> 2018.06.26 読売新聞(Yahoo) 安倍首相、NATO 首脳会議へ出席で調整
<1807-062601> 2018.06.26 中央日報 韓国型先端戦闘装備「ウォリアープラットフォーム」初公開
<1807-062506> 2018.06.25 Jane's 360 NATO certifies Bundeswehr's Panzerlehrbrigade 9 as Very High Readiness Joint Task Force
<1807-062505> 2018.06.25 Defense News The new B-21 Raider could hit a big milestone this year
<1807-062504> 2018.06.25 NHK 中国の影響力強まるカンボジアの港に日本支援の新ターミナル
<1807-062503> 2018.06.25 聯合ニュース(Yahoo) 韓国軍が米 P8 哨戒機導入へ 「言い値」購入で議論呼ぶ可能性
<1807-062502> 2018.06.25 時事通信(Yahoo) 豪、バヌアツと安保条約交渉=中国に対抗
<1807-062501> 2018.06.25 聯合ニュース(Yahoo) 自走砲射撃訓練も中止か 「板門店宣言に抵触」=韓国軍
<1807-062402> 2018.06.24 MIZUHO no KUNI 海保】小笠原諸島に初の巡視船 中国サンゴ密漁備え体制強化 西之島の影響で EEZ 拡大
<1807-062401> 2018.06.24 China Defense PLA unit of the day: 651st Independent Air Defense Brigade, Tibet MD
<1807-062305> 2018.06.23 Defense News As threats mount, US Navy grapples with costly Ballistic Missile Defense mission
<1807-062304> 2018.06.23 産経新聞(Yahoo) 米韓演習さらに2つ中止 非核化交渉へ信頼醸成、即応態勢低下の懸念も
<1807-062303> 2018.06.23 時事通信(Yahoo) 「ハイブリッド攻撃」に備え=軍事・非軍事併用の脅威―欧州
<1807-062302> 2018.06.23 東京新聞 東シナ海、米軍機にレーザー照射 中国漁船か、米紙報じる
<1807-062301> 2018.06.23 朝日新聞 サウジの思惑裏目に 断交のカタール、イランと関係強化
<1807-062207> 2018.06.22 Stars & Stripes Cyprus, Israel, Greece pledge deeper military ties
<1807-062206> 2018.06.22 Defense News US Army aims to get attack recon helicopter prototype flying by 2023
<1807-062205> 2018.06.22 日経新聞 インド、軍事拠点探しで苦戦、インド洋の島国で
<1807-062204> 2018.06.22 時事通信(Yahoo) 国産空母、年内就役も=22年までに3隻運用―中国紙
<1807-062203> 2018.06.22 中央日報(Yahoo) 日本、尖閣防御目的で初の夜間訓練実施へ…中国の反発予想
<1807-062202> 2018.06.22 産経新聞(Yahoo) キューバの米大使館で1人に症状 「音響攻撃」の被害は25人に
<1807-062201> 2018.06.22 朝日新聞(Yahoo) 空自 C2 輸送機、価格高騰に疑義 1機あたり70億円増
<1807-062105> 2018.06.21 Defense News One of these 3 missiles could be the Army's pick to protect against indirect fires
<1807-062104> 2018.06.21 Jane's 360 Philippines moves ahead with 'second horizon' modernisation
<1807-062103> 2018.06.21 時事通信(Yahoo) 陸上イージスに疑問相次ぐ=北朝鮮軟化でも政府推進
<1807-062102> 2018.06.21 朝日新聞(Yahoo) ミサイル避難訓練中止へ 政府、発射の可能性低いと判断
<1807-062101> 2018.06.21 朝鮮日報 在韓米軍司令部 ソウルから移転へ=29日開館式
<1807-062008> 2018.06.20 Defense Update Germany Joins France to Establish a Joint European Intervention Force
<1807-062007> 2018.06.20 Inside Defense Senate wants Army plan to assess, experiment with Israeli-developed Iron Dome
<1807-062006> 2018.06.20 Defense News Here's what the Czech military wants to buy with its record $4.5B modernization program
<1807-062005> 2018.06.20 Jane's 360 MBDA unveils evolved Licorne VSHORAD C2 system
<1807-062004> 2018.06.20 時事通信(Yahoo) 政権軍、ホデイダの空港制圧=反政府勢力が劣勢―イエメン
<1807-062003> 2018.06.20 時事通信(Yahoo) 中国空母の情報漏えいか=国有企業社長に監察委調査
<1807-062002> 2018.06.20 聯合ニュース(Yahoo) 韓国軍 単独の指揮所演習も延期=来週実施予定
<1807-062001> 2018.06.20 時事通信(Yahoo) 独仏首脳、ユーロ圏予算創設で一致=EU首脳会議に提案へ
<1807-061911> 2018.06.19 Jane's 360 BAE wins Marine Corps contract to build new amphibious combat vehicle
<1807-061910> 2018.06.19 Military Times US-led coalition destroys Islamic State narcotics cache — including 300,000 so-called 'Jihadi pills'
<1807-061909> 2018.06.19 Defense News BAE wins Marine Corps contract to build new amphibious combat vehicle
<1807-061908> 2018.06.19 Jane's 360 UK parliamentarians call for defence spending increase towards 3% of GDP
<1807-061907> 2018.06.19 Jane's 360 Elta 3D air-defence radar excluded from NATO air-defence architecture
<1807-061906> 2018.06.19 Jane's 360 Dynetics ramps up GBU-69/B production for USSOCOM
<1807-061905> 2018.06.19 Focus 台湾(Yahoo) 米上院、国防権限法案を可決 台湾軍事演習への米軍の参加求める
<1807-061904> 2018.06.19 聯合ニュース(Yahoo) 韓米軍当局 8月の韓米軍事演習中止を発表
<1807-061903> 2018.06.19 時事通信(Yahoo) 「宇宙軍」創設を指示=陸海空軍と同格、内部反発も―米
<1807-061902> 2018.06.19 ロイタ通信(Yahoo) トランプ大統領、「宇宙軍」新設を指示 米国の優位狙う
<1807-061901> 2018.06.19 時事通信(Yahoo) シリア要衝周辺に展開=トルコ軍
<1807-061804> 2018.06.18 Stars & Stripes Senate may require Pentagon to study permanent US presence in Poland
<1807-061803> 2018.06.18 東亞日報 韓米軍事演習中止、東倉里の廃棄を見極めてから決定
<1807-061802> 2018.06.18 時事通信(Yahoo) 世界の核兵器1万4千発以上=北朝鮮「技術的進展」―国際平和研
<1807-061801> 2018.06.18 産経新聞(Yahoo) 攻撃・偵察、中国軍が無人艇開発 56隻で「群れ」世界最大の実験
<1807-061703> 2018.06.17 Defense News The US Navy is fed up with ballistic missile defense patrols
<1807-061702> 2018.06.17 朝鮮日報 北朝鮮最前線の長距離砲撤去問題 南北が協議開始
<1807-061701> 2018.06.17 毎日新聞(Yahoo) 防衛省 米国からの有償軍事援助 長期化検討
<1807-061504> 2018.06.15 Jane's 360 Eurosatory 2018: Middle Eastern MoD orders 70 DroneGuns
<1807-061503> 2018.06.15 東京新聞 モルディブと海洋安保協力 外相会談で一致
<1807-061502> 2018.06.15 中央日報(Yahoo) 「8月の韓米合同軍事演習中断」 米国防長官、日本側に伝達
<1807-061501> 2018.06.15 中央日報(Yahoo) 潜水艦導入を推進しているフィリピン、韓国とロシアを視野に
<1807-061406> 2018.06.14 Stars & Stripes UAE official says US rejects military aid request in Yemen port assault
<1807-061405> 2018.06.14 時事通信(Yahoo) 要衝の港で攻防激化=イエメン、人道危機に懸念
<1807-061404> 2018.06.14 時事通信(Yahoo) 在韓米軍、縮小検討せず=米国防長官が小野寺防衛相に
<1807-061403> 2018.06.14 産経新聞(Yahoo) シリア中部の空爆で化学兵器使用の可能性 禁止機関 OPCW が報告書
<1807-061402> 2018.06.14 時事通信(Yahoo) 米韓演習凍結に当惑=トランプ氏「挑発的、不適切」―今後の交渉で苦境も
<1807-061401> 2018.06.14 朝日新聞 演習中止で抑止力低下も…トランプ氏発言、落とし穴露呈
<1807-061304> 2018.06.13 Jane's 360 Denel Dynamics sheds light on new C-RAM missile
<1807-061303> 2018.06.13 朝鮮日報 ホワイトハウス「大規模な韓米演習は中断、通常の演習は継続」=米紙
<1807-061302> 2018.06.13 時事通信(Yahoo) 米韓演習凍結「驚かず」=国防長官
<1807-061301> 2018.06.13 朝日新聞 米朝あいまいすぎる合意 結局、北朝鮮の主張ほぼ丸のみ
<1807-061206> 2018.06.12 Stars & Stripes US suspends military drills with South Korea in surprise overture to North
<1807-061205> 2018.06.12 産経新聞 情報収集衛星レーダー6号機の打ち上げ成功 北朝鮮や中国の監視強化
<1807-061204> 2018.06.12 日経新聞 「インド太平洋戦略」で連携へ 日マレーシア首脳会談
<1807-061203> 2018.06.12 産経新聞(Yahoo) 大規模サイバー攻撃で対露制裁 米政府
<1807-061202> 2018.06.12 時事通信(Yahoo) 米韓軍事演習凍結に驚き=戦力削減への伏線か―防衛省
<1807-061201> 2018.06.12 NHK トルコ クルド人勢力に軍事作戦開始 イラクに地上部隊派遣
<1807-061101> 2018.06.11 Jane's 360 US Navy progresses HAAWC high-altitude ASW capability for Poseidon
<1807-060902> 2018.06.09 Stars & Stripes Turkish official says US and Turkish troops to patrol Manbij
<1807-060901> 2018.06.09 東京新聞 米超音速ミサイル機密を窃取 中国政府のハッカーと報道
<1807-060804> 2018.06.08 Jane's 360 UK parliamentarians push for defence spending
<1807-060803> 2018.06.08 Jane's 360 Lockheed Martin develops Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon
<1807-060802> 2018.06.08 中央日報(Yahoo) 韓国の原子力潜水艦保有計画、韓米同盟に摩擦も
<1807-060801> 2018.06.08 時事通信(Yahoo) NATO新司令部、米独に設置=対ロシア、即応体制も強化
<1807-060707> 2018.06.07 Military Times Syrian Kurdish leader: No Turkish or allied forces in Manbij
<1807-060706> 2018.06.07 Jane's 360 Image emerges of China’s stealthy Dark Sword UCAV
<1807-060705> 2018.06.07 Jane's 360 Northrop Grumman completes acquisition of Orbital ATK
<1807-060704> 2018.06.07 日経新聞 早期警戒衛星で日米協力 宇宙計画の中間とりまとめ
<1807-060703> 2018.06.07 Focus 台湾(Yahoo) 米軍の台湾軍事演習への参加促す=米上院軍事委可決の国防権限法案
<1807-060702> 2018.06.07 ロイタ通信(Yahoo) 中国駐在の米外交官が一部帰国、原因不明の病気=米国務省
<1807-060701> 2018.06.07 東京新聞 ミサイル実験発射台を撤去 米国拠点の北朝鮮分析サイト
<1807-060616> 2018.06.06 Jane's Defence Weekly The fifth domain
<1807-060615> 2018.06.06 Jane's Defence Weekly Lürssen and Civmec establich Australian shipbuilding joint venture to build OPVs
<1807-060614> 2018.06.06 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan's ruling party calls for defence budget increase
<1807-060613> 2018.06.06 Jane's Defence Weekly China to receives final 10 Su-35s
<1807-060612> 2018.06.06 Jane's Defence Weekly Chinese missiles to receive jamming-resistant antenna
<1807-060611> 2018.06.06 Jane's Defence Weekly Australia launched Pacific Patrol Boat
<1807-060610> 2018.06.06 Jane's Defence Weekly China seeking to surpass US in military technologiew, say Canadian report
<1807-060609> 2018.06.06 Jane's Defence Weekly China vows to boost air, naval combat readiness in SCS following US FONOP
<1807-060608> 2018.06.06 Jane's Defence Weekly MND proposes permanent US military presence in Poland
<1807-060607> 2018.06.06 China Defense Photos of the day: 5th and 6th Type 071 LDP fitting out in Shanghai
<1807-060606> 2018.06.06 Jane's 360 China's Yongzhou Lingling airport likely to have expanded military role
<1807-060605> 2018.06.06 Inside Defense Senate panel more than doubles USAF hypersonic prototype project funding in FY-19
<1807-060604> 2018.06.06 Defense News Here's how the US is preparing for a possible Russian attack in Europe
<1807-060603> 2018.06.06 Jane's 360 India to further S-400 acquisition talks with Russia despite US sanctions
<1807-060602> 2018.06.06 日経新聞 大規模攻撃への対処強化 政府の新サイバー戦略案
<1807-060601> 2018.06.06 中央日報(Yahoo) 米無人偵察機がグアムから日本へ、シンガポール会談後の北核監視用?
<1807-060505> 2018.06.05 Record China 英仏合同で南シナ海に艦船航行=中国専門家「明らかな挑発行為」―中国紙
<1807-060504> 2018.06.05 時事通信(Yahoo) クルド人勢力、シリア北部拠点から撤退へ=「米国供与の武器も回収」―トルコ
<1807-060503> 2018.06.05 Focus 台湾(Yahoo) 米国の対台湾武器供与、個別審査に変更か 国防部「コメント控える」
<1807-060502> 2018.06.05 ロイタ通信(Yahoo) 米、台湾海峡への軍艦派遣を検討 中国の反発必至
<1807-060501> 2018.06.05 ロイタ通信(Yahoo) 核合意無効ならウラン濃縮活動を加速=イラン最高指導者
<1807-060407> 2018.06.04 Aviation Week & ST U.S. Army gets serious about Future Vertical LIft
<1807-060406> 2018.06.04 Aviation Week & ST The F-35's combat debut
<1807-060405> 2018.06.04 Aviation Week & ST Coaxial-rotor high-speed helicopters making progress
<1807-060404> 2018.06.04 Jane's 360 'Malabar' naval war games move to Guam as drills grow in complexity
<1807-060403> 2018.06.04 Inside Defense SM-3 Block IIA cost growth approaching 60 percent, shipping costs from Japan blamed
<1807-060402> 2018.06.04 Stars & Stripes US, Turkey say plan reached to resolve rift over Syria town
<1807-060401> 2018.06.04 Jane's 360 India's Agni V ballistic missile inches closer to induction after successful test-firing
<1807-060304> 2018.06.03 Army Times US-led NATO exercise starts in Baltics, Poland
<1807-060303> 2018.06.03 日経新聞 機雷探知の研究協力推進 日仏防衛相が一致
<1807-060302> 2018.06.03 産経新聞(Yahoo) 米国防長官が台湾問題で中国を牽制
<1807-060301> 2018.06.03 時事通信(Yahoo) サウジ、カタール攻撃警告=ロシアの最新ミサイル獲得なら―仏紙
<1807-060203> 2018.06.02 日経新聞 自衛隊のヘリ部品無償譲渡 日比防衛相会談
<1807-060202> 2018.06.02 Record China 中国で空軍の積極攻勢論「H-6k爆撃機でマラッカ海峡制圧」「J-20戦闘機は防衛用でなく攻撃用」
<1807-060201> 2018.06.02 産経新聞(Yahoo) 各国国防相ら「北問題」「中国海洋進出」を議論 アジア安保会議開幕
<1807-060104> 2018.06.01 Jane's 360 South Korea signals AESA progression
<1807-060103> 2018.06.01 Inside Defense Oahu selected for new Hawaii missile defense radar, three potential sites in consideration
<1807-060102> 2018.06.01 NHK インド・シンガポール 両海軍の協力強化で合意
<1807-060101> 2018.06.01 産経新聞(Yahoo) 中印せめぎ合うイラン港湾・南東部チャバハル港 インド投資も制裁の影
<1807-060017> 2018.06 International Defence Review The big bang theory: planning future main battle tank armaments
<1807-060016> 2018.06 International Defence Review Still soaring: Boeing takes F-15 Eagle to the next level
<1807-060015> 2018.06 International Defence Review Saddle up: External modules offer increased submarine payload capacity
<1807-060014> 2018.06 International Defence Review DARPA's CHASE programme aims to automate enteprise network defence
<1807-060013> 2018.06 International Defence Review 'Lockheed Shields 2018' practises for large-scale cyber incident
<1807-060012> 2018.06 International Defence Review BAE Systems reveals PHASA-35 solar-powered HALE-UAV
<1807-060011> 2018.06 International Defence Review Dynetics chosen to take Gremlins to Phase 3
<1807-060010> 2018.06 International Defence Review US Navy finalises JSOW internal integration on F-35C
<1807-060009> 2018.06 International Defence Review AARGM-ER development to begin in 2019
<1807-060008> 2018.06 International Defence Review GBU-49 to meet urgent moving target requirement fot USMC F-35Bs
<1807-060007> 2018.06 International Defence Review USAF to launch integration of LRSO on the B-52 in 2019
<1807-060006> 2018.06 International Defence Review Raytheon completes SDB Ⅱ developmental testing
<1807-060005> 2018.06 International Defence Review AFRL, HRL investigate additive manufacturing for hypersonic flight structures
<1807-060004> 2018.06 International Defence Review Malaysia confirms NSM choice with missile order
<1807-060003> 2018.06 International Defence Review Italian Air Force finalises AARGM OT&E campaign
<1807-060002> 2018.06 International Defence Review DARPA cancels LightningStrike eVTOL X-plane programme
<1807-060001> 2018.06 International Defence Review Malysian Army showcases Future Soldier System
<1807-053010> 2018.05.30 Jane's Defence Weekly S-500 radar spotted at Ashuluk
<1807-053009> 2018.05.30 Jane's Defence Weekly Going alone together
<1807-053008> 2018.05.30 Jane's Defence Weekly Motoring along
<1807-053007> 2018.05.30 Jane's Defence Weekly China begins construction of pier at Djibouti military base
<1807-053006> 2018.05.30 Jane's Defence Weekly China issues warning over Myanmar border fighting
<1807-053005> 2018.05.30 Jane's Defence Weekly Australia launches final Hobart-class AWD
<1807-053004> 2018.05.30 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan looks to private satellites to gather intelligence
<1807-053003> 2018.05.30 Jane's Defence Weekly Raytheon secures US Army contract to deliver Patriot missile system for Romania
<1807-053002> 2018.05.30 Jane's Defence Weekly Sea Ceptor enters UK Royal Navy service
<1807-053001> 2018.05.30 Jane's Defence Weekly Israeli Adirs confirmed as first F-35s to perform operational missions
<1807-052310> 2018.05.23 Jane's Defence Weekly Souh Korea launches second Dokdo-class helicopter carrier
<1807-052309> 2018.05.23 Jane's Defence Weekly Derivatsiya-PVO SPAAG to enter state trials in 2018
<1807-052308> 2018.05.23 Jane's Defence Weekly Tu-22M3M to make maiden flight in third quarter of 2018
<1807-052307> 2018.05.23 Jane's Defence Weekly USS Milwaukee missile launch starts LCS module testing
<1807-052306> 2018.05.23 Jane's Defence Weekly US kicks off search to replace DPICM
<1807-052305> 2018.05.23 Jane's Defence Weekly UAE conducts amphibious assault on Yemeni port
<1807-052304> 2018.05.23 Jane's Defence Weekly China's Xiapu airbase adds 24 new hardened shelters
<1807-052303> 2018.05.23 Jane's Defence Weekly North Korea issue threat to cancel summit with US
<1807-052302> 2018.05.23 Jane's Defence Weekly Hizbulla leader plays down Israeli airstrike in Syria
<1807-052301> 2018.05.23 Jane's Defence Weekly PLA Navy's second aircraft carrier undertakes its maiden voyage
<1807-052102> 2018.05.21 Aviation Week & ST Japan in the market for electronic-intelligence aircraft
<1807-052101> 2018.05.21 Aviation Week & ST Modular low-cost seeker addresses GPS denial
<1807-051613> 2018.05.16 Jane's Defence Weekly US-proposed hybrid fighter for Japan: motivations and benefits
<1807-051612> 2018.05.16 Jane's Defence Weekly Mitsubishi and Kawasaki point to defence challenges
<1807-051611> 2018.05.16 Jane's Defence Weekly Yemeni rebels launch multiple ballistic missiles at Riyadh
<1807-051610> 2018.05.16 Jane's Defence Weekly L&T develops inclined launcher for BrahMos
<1807-051609> 2018.05.16 Jane's Defence Weekly Vietnam demands China remove military equipment from South China Sea islands
<1807-051608> 2018.05.16 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan, China agree emergency hotline
<1807-051607> 2018.05.16 Jane's Defence Weekly EU's next seven-year budget to include billions for defence R&T and capabilities
<1807-051606> 2018.05.16 Jane's Defence Weekly USAF seeks protection from hostile lasers
<1807-051605> 2018.05.16 Jane's Defence Weekly Jordan unveils CH-4 UAV
<1807-051604> 2018.05.16 Jane's Defence Weekly Australian defence budget on track to meet 2% GDP target
<1807-051603> 2018.05.16 Jane's Defence Weekly US Navy plans to re-establish 2nd Fleet for Atrlatic ops
<1807-051602> 2018.05.16 Jane's Defence Weekly Y-8 transport aircraft spotted on Subi Reef
<1807-051601> 2018.05.16 Jane's Defence Weekly Israel resoonds to rocket fire by striking Iranian targets in Syria
<1807-050911> 2018.05.09 Jane's Defence Weekly Souyh Korea and the Philippines commit to joint militry-industrial engagement
<1807-050910> 2018.05.09 Jane's Defence Weekly Images show J-15 wingtip EW pods
<1807-050909> 2018.05.09 Jane's Defence Weekly Beijing confirms induction of Dong Feng-26 into PLARF
<1807-050908> 2018.05.09 Jane's Defence Weekly Japanese study considers F-35B for carrier operations
<1807-050907> 2018.05.09 Jane's Defence Weekly Insitu unveals ITAR-free ScanEagle 3 UAS
<1807-050906> 2018.05.09 Jane's Defence Weekly Electronic warfare attacks on US aircraft increasing in Syria
<1807-050905> 2018.05.09 Jane's Defence Weekly Indonesia wants to renegotiate KFX fighter agreement
<1807-050904> 2018.05.09 Jane's Defence Weekly China constructing stretched Tyoe 052D destroyer
<1807-050903> 2018.05.09 Jane's Defence Weekly China launches second Type 055 destroyer
<1807-050902> 2018.05.09 Jane's Defence Weekly Netanyahu reveals little that is new about Iran's nuclear weapon programme
<1807-050901> 2018.05.09 Jane's Defence Weekly Canada, Australia to deploy maritime patrol aircraft to monitor North Korean vessels
<1807-050709> 2018.05.07 Aviation Week & ST Power via laser beam moves closer to reality
<1807-050708> 2018.05.07 Aviation Week & ST Airborne recovery could expand operations by unmanned aircraft
<1807-050707> 2018.05.07 Aviation Week & ST Electronic Warfare's 'Little Brothers'
<1807-050706> 2018.05.07 Aviation Week & ST U.S. aims for faster, easier exports of military unmanned aircrat
<1807-050705> 2018.05.07 Aviation Week & ST Australia begins upgrading farseeing radars
<1807-050704> 2018.05.07 Aviation Week & ST Surveillance drone is a test of European Cooperation
<1807-050703> 2018.05.07 Aviation Week & ST DARPA has canceled plans to build and fly Aurora Flight Science' XV-24A
<1807-050702> 2018.05.07 Aviation Week & ST BAE Systems has partnered with Farnborough
<1807-050701> 2018.05.07 Aviation Week & ST The V-280 Valor tiltrotor
<1807-050010> 2018.05 International Defence Review Couraw corretion: US Navy looks to proven parent pedigree for FFG(X)
<1807-050009> 2018.05 International Defence Review Drone defence: Operators rush to tackle asymmetric threat of unmanned aircraft
<1807-050008> 2018.05 International Defence Review Light saber: US Navy HRLIOS award set to bring laser weapons into the fleet
<1807-050007> 2018.05 International Defence Review USSOCOM boosts GBU-69/B SGM stocks
<1807-050006> 2018.05 International Defence Review Singapore reveals first oimages of Aster 30 SAM system, confirms delivery
<1807-050005> 2018.05 International Defence Review MBDA UK to develop 'Brimstone 3'
<1807-050004> 2018.05 International Defence Review Latvia takes delivery of first TPS-77 Multi-Role Radar
<1807-050003> 2018.05 International Defence Review Russia expands ATV roles
<1807-050002> 2018.05 International Defence Review Swiftshipa readies future landing craft for US Navy
<1807-050001> 2018.05 International Defence Review USMC to upgrade Hornets with new AESA radar

参 照 番 号
年 月 日
出   典
標              題
<1806-053102> 2018.05.31 NHK 「北朝鮮核施設で煙確認」 核燃料再処理の兆候も 米研究グループ
<1806-053101> 2018.05.31 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、「インド太平洋軍」に改名=司令官交代、ハリス氏駐韓大使へ
<1806-053004> 2018.05.30 Jane's 360 Australia launches first Pacific Patrol Boat
<1806-053003> 2018.05.30 Defense News Japan buys radar warning receivers that adapt to new threats
<1806-053002> 2018.05.30 朝日新聞 インドとインドネシアが防衛協力 対中国で思惑一致
<1806-053001> 2018.05.30 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 米軍 F22 嘉手納に暫定配備 4年ぶり、14機 米朝会談前に北に圧力か
<1806-052908> 2018.05.29 Inside Defense DOD leaders give Raytheon provisional green light for SM-3 Block II build
<1806-052907> 2018.05.29 Inside Defense Air Force seeks information on off-the-shelf, airborne laser to defend aircraft, bases
<1806-052906> 2018.05.29 Jane's 360 Canada expands air defence zone to include all national Arctic territory
<1806-052905> 2018.05.29 時事通信 (Yahoo) ベトナム漁船、中国警備艇と衝突=西沙諸島周辺で沈没
<1806-052904> 2018.05.29 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 北朝鮮船「瀬取り」の疑い 中国船か 自衛隊機が確認
<1806-052903> 2018.05.29 中央日報 (Yahoo) 「会談を望むなら韓米訓練中断を」…また米国に圧力加える北朝鮮
<1806-052902> 2018.05.29 産経新聞 (Yahoo) マレーシア、中国の“野望”に反旗 東海岸鉄道も再交渉
<1806-052901> 2018.05.29 産経新聞 イランのハッカー集団が米軍施設にサイバー攻撃 イラン核合意離脱・制裁再開への報復か
<1806-052807> 2018.05.28 Stars & Stripes Poland says Russian gas pipeline is a 'new hybrid weapon'
<1806-052806> 2018.05.28 Stars & Stripes Poland seeks permanent US troop presence, offers financing
<1806-052805> 2018.05.28 産経新聞 F35A 最新鋭ステルス戦闘機5機を追加配備 青森・三沢に米から到着
<1806-052804> 2018.05.28 日経新聞 カタール、4ヵ国からの輸入禁止 サウジなど対立長期化
<1806-052803> 2018.05.28 中央日報 (Yahoo) 韓国軍、大型輸送艦3番艦「白リョン島」事業に着手へ…F-35B 搭載すれば軽空母に
<1806-052802> 2018.05.28 時事通信 (Yahoo) 占領地、迫るイランの脅威=ロケット標的のゴラン高原―イスラエル
<1806-052801> 2018.05.28 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 宇宙政策委員 元防衛省統合幕僚長の折木良一氏を任命
<1806-052703> 2018.05.27 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米艦2隻「航行の自由作戦」=西沙諸島の12カイリ内―南シナ海
<1806-052702> 2018.05.27 産経新聞 (Yahoo) F2 後継機は日本主導 秋にも国際共同開発案 防衛省検討
<1806-052701> 2018.05.27 朝日新聞 米国の揺さぶりに危機感が一致 南北首脳、突然の会談
<1806-052601> 2018.05.26 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米トルコ、シリアで治安協力へ=火種のクルド人組織の町めぐり
<1806-052510> 2018.05.25 Jane's 360 Japan's mission to NATO agreed
<1806-052509> 2018.05.25 Defense News Turkey threatens retaliation if new bill stops F-35 sale
<1806-052508> 2018.05.25 朝日新聞 イスラエル、軍用空港にミサイル? アサド政権軍が迎撃
<1806-052507> 2018.05.25 Focus 台湾 (Yahoo) 中国大陸軍機、2日連続で台湾周辺を飛行
<1806-052506> 2018.05.25 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 護衛艦「せとぎり」がマニラ寄港 アデン湾で日本の客船守った帰路
<1806-052505> 2018.05.25 読売新聞 (Yahoo) インド洋、円借款で港整備…海上交通の確保狙う
<1806-052504> 2018.05.25 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛費2%提言 周辺脅威に高額装備で対応 政府に転換促す
<1806-052503> 2018.05.25 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛費、GDP比2%明記 自民提言全容 「多用途母艦」導入
<1806-052502> 2018.05.25 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米朝首脳会談、中止=トランプ氏、挑発行為に警告―日韓にも連絡
<1806-052501> 2018.05.25 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米軍態勢に変化なし=国防総省
<1806-052404> 2018.05.24 Defense News This Russian unit is being blamed for downing Malaysian Flight MH17
<1806-052403> 2018.05.24 産経新聞 (Yahoo) マレーシア航空機撃墜はロシア軍搬入のミサイルと発表 国際捜査チーム
<1806-052402> 2018.05.24 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 核実験場廃棄 2・4・3番坑道の順で爆破=北朝鮮
<1806-052401> 2018.05.24 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、環太平洋演習から中国排除=南シナ海問題でけん制
<1806-052302> 2018.05.23 日経新聞 「ハリス駐韓米国大使」にいら立つ北朝鮮
<1806-052301> 2018.05.23 日経新聞 米、イラン人5人に制裁 弾道ミサイル技術提供
<1806-052209> 2018.05.22 Inside Defense MDA solicits ideas for kinetic interceptors to destroy ICBMs during boost-phase
<1806-052208> 2018.05.22 Stars & Stripes Russian sub test-fires 4 intercontinental missiles in salvo
<1806-052207> 2018.05.22 Stars & Stripes Fort Hood armored brigade arrives in Europe, ready to roll into Poland
<1806-052206> 2018.05.22 Defense News The F-35 just made its combat debut
<1806-052205> 2018.05.22 Jane's 360 Rolls-Royce to leverage Kawasaki partnership in new Japanese programme
<1806-052204> 2018.05.22 産経新聞 (Yahoo) イージス駆逐艦「ミリアス」が横須賀入港 過去最大の14隻態勢に
<1806-052203> 2018.05.22 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 米国防総省、「太平洋軍」を「インド太平洋軍」に改称へ
<1806-052202> 2018.05.22 朝鮮日報 (Yahoo) 韓国軍:「8月の韓米合同演習、縮小される可能性が高い」
<1806-052201> 2018.05.22 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 海保、北違法操業を漁期前に監視 大和堆 巡視船5隻、新潟港に
<1806-052107> 2018.05.21 Stars & Stripes At Finland's Arrow exercise, Marines shoot where they sleep – in their tanks
<1806-052106> 2018.05.21 Jane's 360 Rafael unveils EPIK add-on precision guidance kit for rocket artillery
<1806-052105> 2018.05.21 Jane's 360 Australia launches third and final Hobart-class Air Warfare Destroyer
<1806-052104> 2018.05.21 Jane's 360 India, Vietnam to conduct first joint naval exercise
<1806-052103> 2018.05.21 日経新聞 対北朝鮮、密輸監視で圧力 英豪加と協力
<1806-052102> 2018.05.21 東京新聞 シリア政権軍、首都掌握 IS撤退で7年ぶり
<1806-052101> 2018.05.21 中央日報 (Yahoo) 米 B-52 爆撃機、17日に日本と訓練…なぜ韓国は不参加?
<1806-052001> 2018.05.20 NHK 中国海警局と海軍 南シナ海で合同パトロール 連携活動活発化か
<1806-051904> 2018.05.19 Stars & Stripes China lands bomber on South China Sea island for first time
<1806-051903> 2018.05.19 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 南シナ海 中国空軍が初めて爆撃機を着陸
<1806-051902> 2018.05.19 東京新聞 米爆撃機訓練に韓国不参加 首脳会談前の緊張懸念
<1806-051901> 2018.05.19 産経新聞 (Yahoo) ミャンマー国境武力衝突 中国人3人死亡
<1806-051803> 2018.05.18 Jane's 360 US lawmaker proposes banning F-35 sales to Turkey
<1806-051802> 2018.05.18 東京新聞 米、核兵器引き渡し要求 北朝鮮に年内の行動迫る
<1806-051801> 2018.05.18 時事通信 (Yahoo) 初の国産空母、試験航海終了=中国
<1806-051704> 2018.05.17 Inside Defense Confident in U.S. hypersonic strike technology, DOD eyes new Air Force prototype project
<1806-051703> 2018.05.17 時事通信 (Yahoo) 空自機に新迎撃システム=標的情報を日米共有へ―防衛省
<1806-051702> 2018.05.17 産経新聞 (Yahoo) イラク総選挙 サドル師派が第1勢力の公算 反米、イラン批判…連立交渉注目
<1806-051701> 2018.05.17 産経新聞 SM3 ブロック2A、ICBMも迎撃実験の計画 日米共同開発ミサイル
<1806-051605> 2018.05.16 Inside Defense MDA touts potential capability of Aegis interceptor against ICBMs
<1806-051604> 2018.05.16 産経新聞 在韓米軍家族の退避指示 平昌五輪前にトランプ大統領
<1806-051603> 2018.05.16 日経新聞 フィジーのバイニマラマ首相と首脳会談
<1806-051602> 2018.05.16 中央日報 北、「韓米マックスサンダー訓練」を非難…南北高官級会談中止を通知
<1806-051601> 2018.05.16 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、クリミア橋建設でロシア非難
<1806-051506> 2018.05.15 Stars & Stripes USS Milius enters 7th Fleet waters en route to new Pacific homeport
<1806-051505> 2018.05.15 朝鮮日報 「在韓米軍2万2千人以上」 米法案に「米と緊密協力」=韓国政府
<1806-051504> 2018.05.15 時事通信 (Yahoo) 戦闘機F35Aを追加配備=三沢基地、月内に7機態勢
<1806-051503> 2018.05.15 Focus 台湾 (Yahoo) 中国大陸に対抗の「空母キラー」量産へ/台湾
<1806-051502> 2018.05.15 東京新聞 海洋計画、安保重視を前面に 新指針を閣議決定
<1806-051501> 2018.05.15 NHK トルコ 駐米大使と駐イスラエル大使を召還の方針
<1806-051406> 2018.05.14 China Defense Photos of the day: PLAAF's Anti-Cruise Missile point defense in action
<1806-051405> 2018.05.14 C4ISR net DARPA has a full team to grab drones mid-air
<1806-051404> 2018.05.14 Stars & Stripes Germany eyes goal of 1.5 percent defense spending by 2025
<1806-051403> 2018.05.14 Defense News Why is China expanding its airbase 160 miles from Taiwan?
<1806-051402> 2018.05.14 Record China 中国の近年の軍艦建造は驚異的=総数は伝統的な海上大国に匹敵―米メディア
<1806-051401> 2018.05.14 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米大使館、エルサレムに移転=イスラエル軍銃撃52人死亡―式典開催、和平不透明に
<1806-051304> 2018.05.13 China Defense Routine patrol with AKD20 ALCM
<1806-051303> 2018.05.13 産経新聞 露戦略爆撃機がアラスカ沖の米防空識別圏に侵入 米機が緊急発進
<1806-051302> 2018.05.13 時事通信 (Yahoo) 中国初の国産空母が試験航海=来年にも就役、実戦配備想定
<1806-051301> 2018.05.13 東京新聞 被災地支援に「病院船」 海上からの医療活動が有効
<1806-051202> 2018.05.12 産経新聞 (Yahoo) ネパールと協力強化で一致=中国の浸透阻止へインド首相
<1806-051201> 2018.05.12 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 中国軍機8機が宮古海峡上空を飛行 防衛省は特異な飛行と判断
<1806-051107> 2018.05.11 Jane's 360 Rafael advances 'downscaled' Trophy APS development
<1806-051106> 2018.05.11 Inside Defense DOD wants Army equipped with new hypersonic, tactical weapon
<1806-051105> 2018.05.11 Inside Defense House panel to impose reporting requirements on Army Futures Command
<1806-051104> 2018.05.11 China Defense Photos of the day: ALIT CH-4 ELINT variant UCAV
<1806-051103> 2018.05.11 時事通信 (Yahoo) 中国軍、台湾周辺で最新鋭機飛行=蔡英文政権を威嚇
<1806-051102> 2018.05.11 産経新聞 (Yahoo) マハティール氏、首相復帰 マレーシア 92歳「法の支配尊重」
<1806-051101> 2018.05.11 時事通信 (Yahoo) 「一線越えた」=イスラエル首相、イランを非難
<1806-051006> 2018.05.10 Stars & Stripes Israel, Iran engage in serious confrontation in Syria
<1806-051005> 2018.05.10 Jane's 360 Iranian rocket fire into Israel indicates strengthening of hardliners and increases likelihood of war involving Hizbullah
<1806-051004> 2018.05.10 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、イランの攻撃非難=イスラエルの自衛権支持
<1806-051003> 2018.05.10 時事通信 (Yahoo) イランがイスラエル占領地砲撃=シリア領内に報復、23人死亡―軍事衝突本格化懸念
<1806-051002> 2018.05.10 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) イスラエル、シリアのイラン軍基盤に攻撃 ロケット弾発射受け
<1806-051001> 2018.05.10 時事通信 (Yahoo) 軍需産業協力強化へフォーラム=米台の接近象徴
<1806-050910> 2018.05.09 DARPA HP Gremlins on track for demonstration flights in 2019
<1806-050909> 2018.05.09 Defense News Finland, Sweden and US sign trilateral agreement, with eye on increased exercises
<1806-050908> 2018.05.09 Jane's 360 Australian defence budget on track to meet 2% GDP target
<1806-050907> 2018.05.09 Jane's 360 Exercise marks final validation of Joint Expeditionary Force
<1806-050906> 2018.05.09 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) マッハ10の「極超音速」で飛ぶミサイル、ロシア軍公開
<1806-050905> 2018.05.09 時事通信 (Yahoo) 海空メカニズムで合意=安倍氏、年内訪中へ調整―官民フォーラム設置・日中首相
<1806-050904> 2018.05.09 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) イスラエル、米国が核合意離脱の表明直後にシリア攻撃か
<1806-050903> 2018.05.09 NHK 「イスラエルのミサイル迎撃」 シリア国営テレビ伝える
<1806-050902> 2018.05.09 時事通信 (Yahoo) サウジ歓迎、シリアは非難=米の核合意離脱
<1806-050901> 2018.05.09 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) トランプ米大統領、イラン核合意離脱を表明 経済制裁再開へ
<1806-050803> 2018.05.08 Inside Defense MDA exploring options to add anti-air warfare capability to Aegis Ashore
<1806-050802> 2018.05.08 Record China 中国の新ステルス戦闘機がうっかり写り込む?―台湾メディア
<1806-050801> 2018.05.08 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 陸自が海上輸送力の整備検討、南西諸島で機動展開=関係者
<1806-050703> 2018.05.07 Military Times US, Philippines launch largest military drills under Duterte
<1806-050702> 2018.05.07 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛協力で囲い込み 中国の南シナ海拠点化 装備品移転協定拡大中
<1806-050701> 2018.05.07 東京新聞 「イランはすぐに核兵器所持」 ネタニヤフ氏、合意修正を要求
<1806-050602> 2018.05.06 時事通信 (Yahoo) サイバー分野で協力強化=日エストニア防衛相会談
<1806-050601> 2018.05.06 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 自衛隊 ジブチ拠点強化へ 機能拡大、防衛大綱に明記
<1806-050503> 2018.05.05 東京新聞 米サイバー軍が格上げ 日系ナカソネ氏が司令官
<1806-050502> 2018.05.05 中央日報 (Yahoo) 韓国の斬首部隊用の潜入ヘリコプター事業、事実上の白紙化
<1806-050501> 2018.05.05 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米海軍、第2艦隊を再編成=ロシアへの警戒強化
<1806-050405> 2018.05.04 Stars & Stripes Navy to re-establish 2nd Fleet as Russia increases activity in the Atlantic
<1806-050404> 2018.05.04 時事通信 (Yahoo) 在韓米軍縮小を検討か=トランプ氏が指示―米報道
<1806-050403> 2018.05.04 日経新聞 中国軍、米軍にレーザー照射 操縦士2人負傷
<1806-050402> 2018.05.04 産経新聞 尖閣監視の衛星回線増強 海保、中国公船に対応 編集専従の映像処理官ら配置
<1806-050401> 2018.05.04 日経新聞 次期戦闘機、F22主体 ロッキードが日本に打診
<1806-050304> 2018.05.03 Jane's 360 BAE Systems reveals PHASA-35 solar-powered HALE UAV
<1806-050303> 2018.05.03 Jane's 360 US Navy looks to grow BMD ship force
<1806-050302> 2018.05.03 東京新聞 南沙にミサイル初配備か 中国、軍事拠点化を加速
<1806-050301> 2018.05.03 読売新聞 (Yahoo) 自衛隊、サイバー反撃能力保有へ…武力伴う場合
<1806-050218> 2018.05.02 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia displays cruise missiles 'shot down' in Syria
<1806-050217> 2018.05.02 Jane's Defence Weekly Indonesia receives second Nagapasa-class submarine
<1806-050216> 2018.05.02 Jane's Defence Weekly China's Liaoning carrier group conducts first 'combat execise' in Western Pacific
<1806-050215> 2018.05.02 Jane's Defence Weekly PLARF sets up new brigade
<1806-050214> 2018.05.02 Jane's Defence Weekly Pakistan releases images of Zarb coastal defence system
<1806-050213> 2018.05.02 Jane's Defence Weekly Lockheed Martin 'capable of fielding MQ-25 prototype in one year', says conpany offficial
<1806-050212> 2018.05.02 Jane's Defence Weekly Pentagon planning to consolidates its hypersonic efforts
<1806-050211> 2018.05.02 Jane's Defence Weekly Eurofighter touts Typhoon as the pathway to FCAS
<1806-050210> 2018.05.02 Jane's Defence Weekly Government approve development of Franco-German future fighter aircraft
<1806-050209> 2018.05.02 Jane's Defence Weekly Russian Navy to upgrade Kuznetsov
<1806-050208> 2018.05.02 Jane's Defence Weekly Lockheed Martin positions fifth-gen fighter for Japan
<1806-050207> 2018.05.02 Jane's Defence Weekly US warns pilots of unauthorised high-power laser activity on Djibouti
<1806-050206> 2018.05.02 Jane's 360 US MDA tests THAAD upgrade and ability to link with Patriot
<1806-050205> 2018.05.02 東京新聞 防衛、サイバー連携で一致 日イスラエル首脳
<1806-050204> 2018.05.02 時事通信 (Yahoo) モロッコ、イランと断交=「西サハラに軍事支援」と批判
<1806-05023> 2018.05.02 産経新聞 (Yahoo) EU 上級代表「イランの核合意順守に疑問生まれない」 イスラエル首相「証拠」公表に
<1806-050202> 2018.05.02 時事通信 (Yahoo) イラン核開発「兆候ない」=IAEA、イスラエルに反論
<1806-050201> 2018.05.02 産経新聞 (Yahoo) イスラエル首相、イラン核開発の「証拠」公表 「嘘つき」と非難
<1806-050103> 2018.05.01 Defense News US Navy wants future ship-killing missile for its new frigate, Raytheon says
<1806-050102> 2018.05.01 Inside Defense House lawmakers keep pushing for conventional LRSO despite Air Force opposition
<1806-050101> 2018.05.01 Record China 中国がロシアのために空母建設?―米メディア
<1806-042518> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly US revising UAV, conventional arms transfer regulations
<1806-042517> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Yemeni rebels step up Qasef-1 'flying bomb' attacks
<1806-042516> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly IDF highlights Iranian presence in Syria
<1806-042515> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Qatar attend Saudi exercise
<1806-042514> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Pakistan test-fires enhanced version of Babur missile
<1806-042513> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly PLAN shpwcases largest ever formation of ships for review
<1806-042512> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly German 1st Panzer Division prepares to lead NRF high-readiness task force in 2019
<1806-042511> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly US Army wants unmanned, autonomous capability for helicopter, ground vehicles
<1806-042510> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly USAF awards Lockheed Martin hypersonic conventional strile weapon contract
<1806-042509> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly USAF performs first B-21 Raider software drop
<1806-042508> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly MPC unveils new Cloud Leopard variant
<1806-042507> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly China Norinco reveals Fire Dragon 280A tactical missile
<1806-042506> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Indonesia considers pulling out of KFX/IFX programme
<1806-042505> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Hanwha and AVP Engineering's New Tigon 6×6 armoured wheeled vehicle unveiled
<1806-042504> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Kongsberg signs NSM contract with RMN
<1806-042503> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly China's ALIT unveils WS-32 MRL upgrade
<1806-042502> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Indian Air Force withdraws from FGFA project, leaving Russia to go it alone
<1806-042501> 2018.04.25 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia disputes effectiveness of allies' air striles on Syrian targets
<1806-042302> 2018.04.23 Aviation Week & ST U.S. Army rediscovers impotance of air defense
<1806-042301> 2018.04.23 Aviation Week & ST Help for hypersonics
<1806-041815> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly Robotic recruits
<1806-041814> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly Russian MoD corroborates improved performance of Syrian air defences
<1806-041813> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly Australia orders more SUASs to explore future roles
<1806-041812> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly Chinese yard launches final Type C13B for Bangladesh
<1806-041811> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly Australia receives first 'full combat' F-35As
<1806-041810> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly US Navy on track to install laser weapon on LPD 27
<1806-041809> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly MQ-8C Fire Scout to begin initial operational testing
<1806-041808> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly US squares off against China for Pacific Influence
<1806-041807> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly USAF to integrate LRSO missile onto B-52 from 2019
<1806-041806> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly India industry lines up in support of US-2i procurement
<1806-041805> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly DRDO showcases guided variant of Pinaka Mk Ⅱ
<1806-041804> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly MiG-31 Kinzhals and Su-57s to fly over Red Square during Victory Day parade in May
<1806-041803> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly US approves marketing licence in support of Taiwanese submarine programme
<1806-041802> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly F-35 achieves developmental flight testing milestone
<1806-041801> 2018.04.18 Jane's Defence Weekly US Navy ramps up surveillance off Syrian coast amid rising tensions
<1806-041113> 2018.04.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Blue water PLAN
<1806-041112> 2018.04.11 Jane's Defence Weekly On the radar
<1806-041111> 2018.04.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan's E-767s to get upgrade
<1806-041110> 2018.04.11 Jane's Defence Weekly RoKN receives third LST-2
<1806-041109> 2018.04.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia delivers initial S-400 set to China
<1806-041108> 2018.04.11 Jane's Defence Weekly RTAF commissions first four Golden Eagles
<1806-041107> 2018.04.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Singapore reveals new Aster 30 SAM system
<1806-041106> 2018.04.11 Jane's Defence Weekly US proceeds with V-22 deployment to Japan
<1806-041105> 2018.04.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Belarus to get fifth Tor-M2 battery and more Yak-130s
<1806-041104> 2018.04.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Wary of China, Japan to upgrade Iwo Jima radar system
<1806-041103> 2018.04.11 Jane's Defence Weekly China confirms development fo UAVs for aircraft carriers
<1806-041102> 2018.04.11 Jane's Defence Weekly F-35 JPO rolling out Block 4 capabilities
<1806-041101> 2018.04.11 Jane's Defence Weekly Manbij stand-off continues as Trump signals withdrawal from Syria
<1806-040901> 2018.04.09 Aviation Week & ST Will the U.S. Navy's F-35 be ready on time?
<1806-040416> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly Wargames look to improve NATO defence fo the Baltics
<1806-040415> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly MBDA highlights rising exports in 2017
<1806-040414> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly UAE stops runway work on Bab al-Mnadab island base
<1806-040413> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly PLA Marine Corps possibly equipped with PLL-09 SPG
<1806-040412> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly Manila receives remaining TC-90s
<1806-040411> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly JGSDF reorganises under single command and launches rapid amphibious brigade
<1806-040410> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly China reveals sale of advanced missile-tracking technology to Paikistan
<1806-040409> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly RAF receives BriteCloud expendable active decoys
<1806-040408> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly Poland signs Patriot agreement for Wista
<1806-040407> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly US Navy to launch Super Hornet Block 3 with sevice-life modification contract
<1806-040406> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly US Army eyes manned-unmanned team for its Nest-Generation Combat Vehicle
<1806-040405> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly US Navy complets carrier qualification for F-35C
<1806-040404> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly US senators press Trump to allow sale of fifth-gen fighter jets to Taiwan
<1806-040403> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly First F-35A for South Korea rolled out
<1806-040402> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly North Korean leader reiterates openness to decuclearisation during visit to China
<1806-040401> 2018.04.04 Jane's Defence Weekly Saudi Patrionts mitigated ballistic missile barrage, says CENTCOM chif
<1806-040017> 2018.04 International Defence Review Aiming high: South Korea's unmanned ambitions
<1806-040016> 2018.04 International Defence Review All quiet on the eastern front: EW in Russia's new-generation warfare
<1806-040015> 2018.04 International Defence Review Singapore outlines new measures to boost military cyber defence
<1806-040014> 2018.04 International Defence Review Northrop Grumman launches testbed to help develop swarm tactics
<1806-040013> 2018.04 International Defence Review US Army request expeditionary and mobile systems to counter, 'low slow, and small' unmanned aircraft systems
<1806-040012> 2018.04 International Defence Review China's CASC readies improved CH-4 UAV
<1806-040011> 2018.04 International Defence Review USAF seeks next-generation area-attack weapon to replace cluster munitions
<1806-040010> 2018.04 International Defence Review Raytheon to embody Maritime Targeting Capability in Tomahawk Block Ⅳ
<1806-040009> 2018.04 International Defence Review US to double annual production of laser guidance kit for Joint Direct Attack Munition
<1806-040008> 2018.04 International Defence Review USSOCOM seeks powered stand-off precision-guided munition for gunships and other aircraft
<1806-040007> 2018.04 International Defence Review US Stare Department approves USD3.2 billion Patriot package for Sweeden
<1806-040006> 2018.04 International Defence Review JASSM-ER achieves FOC on F-15E Strile Eagle multirole strike fighter
<1806-040005> 2018.04 International Defence Review USMC set to deploy APKWS on F/A-18 Hornet aircraft
<1806-040004> 2018.04 International Defence Review Harpoon Block Ⅱ+ seeker upgrade included in US fiscal year 2019 budget
<1806-040003> 2018.04 International Defence Review MBDA studies Sea Venom for surface-launched coastal defence role
<1806-040002> 2018.04 International Defence Review Ukraine seeks improved artillery capabilities
<1806-040001> 2018.04 International Defence Review USN contracts Boeing to begin conformal fuel tank work for Super Hornet Block 3

参 照 番 号
年 月 日
出   典
標              題
<1805-043004> 2018.04.30 Stars & Stripes Missile strikes in Syria kill over a dozen, mostly Iranians
<1805-043003> 2018.04.30 NHK シリア「ミサイル攻撃」の情報 26人死亡 イスラエル関与か
<1805-043002> 2018.04.30 日経新聞 経済・防衛で協力深化 日 UAE が共同声明へ
<1805-043001> 2018.04.30 NHK シリア クルド人勢力 東部の村奪還 政権側との緊張高まり懸念
<1805-042904> 2018.04.29 Stars & Stripes Panel seeks study of new missile defenses for Hawaii
<1805-042903> 2018.04.29 時事通信 政権軍、クルド勢力と交戦=シリア東部で攻勢
<1805-042902> 2018.04.29 朝日新聞 日英初の共同訓練、北朝鮮にらみ関東沖で 洋上給油など
<1805-042901> 2018.04.29 NHK 中国とインド 首脳会談 両国の関係改善で一致
<1805-042802> 2018.04.28 産経新聞 中国機が韓国防空圏進入 2月以来
<1805-042801> 2018.04.28 NHK 瀬取り監視でオーストラリア・カナダ軍機が日本に派遣へ
<1805-042706> 2018.04.27 Inside Defense Navy places order for fourth AMDR contract, aligns new radar buy with current Flight III program
<1805-042705> 2018.04.27 Jane's 360 US warns pilots of laser attacks in Djibouti
<1805-042704> 2018.04.27 産経新聞 護衛艦「いずも」F35B などの運用に「高い潜在能力」防衛省調査
<1805-042703> 2018.04.27 毎日新聞 ヘリ搭載型護衛艦 いずも改修で空母化可能 防衛省報告書
<1805-042702> 2018.04.27 中央日報 南北首脳会談 共同宣言文「年内に終戦宣言…韓半島非核化目標を確認」
<1805-042701> 2018.04.27 中央日報 南北首脳会談 共同宣言文「5月に軍事会談…一切の敵対行為を中止」
<1805-042610> 2018.04.26 Jane's 360 Russia displays cruise missiles 'shot down' in Syria
<1805-042609> 2018.04.26 Stars & Stripes Defense minister says Israel will strike Tehran if Iran attacks Tel Aviv
<1805-042608> 2018.04.26 Stars & Stripes Mattis pledges re-energized ISIS fight in Syria, says US would regret leaving
<1805-042607> 2018.04.26 Defense News China deploys advanced DF-26 missile
<1805-042606> 2018.04.26 Defense News France says it will consider letting UK join fighter aircraft partnership with Germany
<1805-042605> 2018.04.26 産経新聞 米、ドイツに国防費増額要請へ NATO 外相理事会で
<1805-042604> 2018.04.26 Focus 台湾 中国大陸軍機がまた台湾周辺を飛行 今月中旬以来4回目
<1805-042603> 2018.04.26 時事通信 「サイバー防衛先進国に」=安倍首相
<1805-042602> 2018.04.26 聯合ニュース 韓米軍事訓練きょう事実上終了か 南北首脳会談前に融和ムード演出
<1805-042601> 2018.04.26 読売新聞 自衛隊の宇宙対応力「危機的に不足」…自民委
<1805-042503> 2018.04.25 Record China 海自の艦艇が間もなくフィリピン訪問=「3ヵ月で3隻目」中国メディア注目
<1805-042502> 2018.04.25 ロイタ通信 ドイツとフランスの哨戒機共同開発、日本が参画検討=関係者
<1805-042501> 2018.04.25 産経新聞 統合司令部を創設 防衛省、最終調整へ 自衛隊を常時・一元指揮
<1805-042402> 2018.04.24 時事通信 イラン、NPT脱退を警告=米の核合意離脱けん制
<1805-042401> 2018.04.24 時事通信 対サウジ、ミサイル発射激化=幹部殺害で報復も―イエメン武装組織
<1805-042301> 2018.04.23 産経新聞 ベトナム漁船が中国船の攻撃で沈没 銃所持、書類への署名・押印要求
<1805-042203> 2018.04.22 Jane's 360 Indonesia, Singapore enhance bilateral naval drills amid increased terrorism threats
<1805-042205> 2018.04.22 Jane's 360 Canada, Japan sign Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement
<1805-042204> 2018.04.22 Jane's 360 Australia releases new defence industrial plan
<1805-042203> 2018.04.22 NHK 中国海警局の船4隻が日本の領海に侵入 官邸が対策室
<1805-042202> 2018.04.22 日経新聞 化学兵器調査団、ようやくシリア現地入り
<1805-042201> 2018.04.22 日経新聞 中国空母が沖縄・宮古島間を通過 防衛省が確認
<1805-042103> 2018.04.21 中央日報 韓国大宇造船、インドネシアに潜水艦1隻引き渡しへ
<1805-042102> 2018.04.21 読売新聞 F2 後継に無人機搭載、遠方の敵探知…防衛省
<1805-042101> 2018.04.21 聯合ニュース 北朝鮮 核実験と ICBM 発射の中止を決定=党中央委総会
<1805-042003> 2018.04.20 Jane's 360 India withdraws from FGFA project, leaving Russia to go it alone
<1805-042002> 2018.04.20 ロイタ通信 空自 F2 後継機、米社が F22 と F35 両機ベースの開発案打診
<1805-042001> 2018.04.20 産経新聞 ロシアとシリア 化学兵器使用現場を「清浄」 証拠隠滅と米政府が非難
<1805-041902> 2018.04.19 NNA 日マ政府、防衛装備品・技術移転協定に署名
<1805-041901> 2018.04.19 産経新聞 シリア攻撃、比大統領は露支持
<1805-041810> 2018.04.18 Stars & Stripes USS Milius to boost 7th Fleet's destroyer numbers in late May
<1805-041809> 2018.04.18 Jane's 360 DSA 2018: Malaysia's Deftech showcases Aludra Camar surveillance UAV
<1805-041808> 2018.04.18 C4ISR net Dynetics wins $38 million contract for Gremlins drone program
<1805-041807> 2018.04.18 Defense News Mysterious Iranian missile on display in Army Day parade
<1805-041806> 2018.04.18 Defense News Air Force awards nearly $1 billion contract for a hypersonic cruise missile
<1805-041805> 2018.04.18 産経新聞 欧州委が交渉開始を勧告 西バルカン2国の EU 加盟めぐり
<1805-041804> 2018.04.18 NHK 北方領土などで軍事演習開始 ロシア 兵士2500人以上参加
<1805-041803> 2018.04.18 産経新聞 米軍撤収後、合同部隊派遣も トランプ政権、中東・湾岸諸国に協力要請
<1805-041802> 2018.04.18 産経新聞 米国の海上偵察用無人機「ガーディアン」が国内初飛行へ 5月に長崎の海上で
<1805-041801> 2018.04.18 朝日新聞 「飛来」誤認でした…「ミサイル撃墜」報道、シリア訂正
<1805-041708> 2018.04.17 Inside Defense Pentagon tech chief sets sights on ambitious developments, including space-based lasers
<1805-041707> 2018.04.17 Jane's 360 Pakistan test-fires enhanced version of Babur cruise missile
<1805-041706> 2018.04.17 中央日報 中国空軍、第4世代ステルス機「J-10C」実戦配備
<1805-041705> 2018.04.17 Focus 台湾 国産高等練習機、6月にも組み立てへ 2020年初飛行目指す/台湾
<1805-041704> 2018.04.17 時事通信 「基地上空でミサイル迎撃」=シリア国営メディア
<1805-041703> 2018.04.17 産経新聞 大規模サイバー攻撃計画か 露系ハッカー集団、コンピューターのルーター標的に
<1805-041702> 2018.04.17 東京新聞 ロシアの記者死亡で臆測 OSCEが捜査呼び掛け
<1805-041701> 2018.04.17 NHK 日本開発の飛行艇「US-2」インドで製造に向け合意
<1805-041601> 2018.04.16 東京新聞 シリア化学兵器使用疑惑390件 14年以降、英指摘
<1805-041501> 2018.04.15 Jane's 360 MdCN missile makes operational debut in allied strikes on Syrian CW sites
<1805-041413> 2018.04.14 Defense News Coalition launched 105 weapons against Syria, with none intercepted, DoD says
<1805-041412> 2018.04.14 Jane's 360 Naval missile barrage anchors Syrian attack
<1805-041411> 2018.04.14 Jane's 360 US, UK, and French forces launch 105 missiles at Syrian targets
<1805-041410> 2018.04.14 時事通信 攻撃「精密、圧倒的」=シリア防空システム効果なし―米軍高官
<1805-041409> 2018.04.14 NHK 「ミサイル103発中71発をシリアが迎撃」ロシア軍
<1805-041408> 2018.04.14 時事通信 アサド政権のサリン使用示唆=米政府、シリア攻撃を正当化
<1805-041407> 2018.04.14 Aflo 米英仏シリア攻撃 仏国防相、巡航ミサイル発射映像を公開
<1805-041406> 2018.04.14 産経新聞 シリア攻撃 英空軍4機が空爆 軍施設に巡航ミサイル「明確なメッセージ」
<1805-041405> 2018.04.14 時事通信 「ミサイル13発撃墜」=アサド政権、攻撃は「うそ隠し」―シリア
<1805-041404> 2018.04.14 時事通信 米大統領、再びシリア撤収表明
<1805-041403> 2018.04.14 毎日新聞 米英仏 シリア攻撃「正義の力」 化学兵器施設標的
<1805-041402> 2018.04.14 NHK 自衛隊機のスクランブル 20%余減少も中国機の活動範囲広がる
<1805-041401> 2018.04.14 ロイタ通信 米国、シリア政権が化学兵器使用した証拠入手=国務省
<1805-041304> 2018.04.13 Marine Times Thousands of US troops and Marines arrive in Jordan
<1805-041303> 2018.04.13 Jane's 360 RAF deploys Sentinel to Cyprus
<1805-041302> 2018.04.13 Jane's 360 Russian MoD corroborates improved performance of Syrian air defences
<1805-041301> 2018.04.13 産経新聞 海保、尖閣航空要員を増強 新型2機60人増、哨戒強化
<1805-041211> 2018.04.12 Inside Defense Navy's sixth-gen fighter AOA delayed about a year
<1805-041210> 2018.04.12 Jane's 360 Boeing makes investment in UK's Reaction Engines
<1805-041209> 2018.04.12 ロイタ通信 シリア政府軍、反体制派拠点ドゥーマを完全掌握=ロシア通信社
<1805-041208> 2018.04.12 ロイタ通信 米・トルコ大統領、シリア問題を協議=ホワイトハウス
<1805-041207> 2018.04.12 時事通信 中国、史上最大の海上閲兵=習氏「世界一流海軍」要求
<1805-041206> 2018.04.12 ロイタ通信 米空母打撃群が南シナ海で軍事訓練、中国の大規模演習に対抗か
<1805-041205> 2018.04.12 産経新聞 迎撃ミサイル「SM3 ブロック2」年内再実験へ 日米開発 「特定部品に問題」と分析
<1805-041204> 2018.04.12 時事通信 シリア政権軍、基地から退去=米ミサイルを警戒
<1805-041203> 2018.04.12 ロイタ通信 英首相、シリア攻撃開始に備え潜水艦の移動を命令=報道
<1805-041202> 2018.04.12 産経新聞 防衛省 OB ら標的、中国ハッカー集団関与か 情報流出の恐れ
<1805-041201> 2018.04.12 ロイタ通信 サウジ、フーシ派のミサイル迎撃 首都上空などで
<1805-041111> 2018.04.11 Stars & Stripes Britain sends warships to Asia to monitor North Korean trade
<1805-041110> 2018.04.11 C4ISR net With the rise of hypersonics, the Missile Defense Agency wants more sensors
<1805-041109> 2018.04.11 Inside Defense MDA director says F-35 missile defense capability 'six to seven years' out
<1805-041108> 2018.04.11 Inside Defense Coast Guard leaving door open to buying six heavy icebreakers
<1805-041107> 2018.04.11 日経新聞 対シリア臨戦態勢 米、攻撃へ英仏と調整
<1805-041106> 2018.04.11 時事通信 シリア攻撃、英は参加に慎重=メイ首相、化学兵器使用の証拠必要―タイムズ紙
<1805-041105> 2018.04.11 時事通信 仏、軍事攻撃近く判断=シリア対応で米英と連携
<1805-041104> 2018.04.11 ロイタ通信 米国のミサイル、シリアに発射なら撃墜=ロシアの駐レバノン大使
<1805-041103> 2018.04.11 日経新聞 米台の防衛産業会議、台湾で初開催へ トランプ政権が了承か
<1805-041102> 2018.04.11 日経新聞 中比首脳が会談 ドゥテルテ氏、軍事協力強化を提案
<1805-041101> 2018.04.11 時事通信 英、北東アジアに揚陸艦派遣=対北朝鮮「同盟国を支援」
<1805-041006> 2018.04.10 Jane's 360 Caspian Flotilla rebasing likely to improve deployability in support of Russian security interests in the Middle East
<1805-041005> 2018.04.10 Inscide Defense MDA exploring Aegis BMD for boost-phase intercept
<1805-041004> 2018.04.10 Military Times Reports of US destroyer being harassed by Russian jets in Syrian waters are false, US Navy says
<1805-041003> 2018.04.10 東京新聞 中国、南沙諸島に電波妨害装置 米国防当局「軍事目的」と警戒
<1805-041002> 2018.04.10 ロイタ通信 バヌアツ、中国による軍事拠点構築に向け協議したとの報道を否定
<1805-041001> 2018.04.10 時事通信 中国、南太平洋に軍事拠点=バヌアツと暫定協議―豪紙
<1805-040906> 2018.04.09 Jane's 360 Singapore’s Wigetworks readies production-spec Airfish 8 WIG craft
<1805-040905> 2018.04.09 日経新聞 シンガポール、対中接近鮮明に 一帯一路で協力強化
<1805-040904> 2018.04.09 時事通信 イスラエル軍機がシリア基地攻撃=レバノン領空からミサイル、14人死亡
<1805-040903> 2018.04.09 時事通信 シリア軍基地にミサイル攻撃=国営メディア―米国は関与否定
<1805-040902> 2018.04.09 産経新聞 ミサイル攻撃「排除せず」 シリア巡り米政府高官
<1805-040901> 2018.04.09 時事通信 政権側の化学兵器使用に「証拠」=仏、確認されればシリア空爆も―EU
<1805-040807> 2018.04.08 China Defense Here it is, the first artist's impression of the H-20 long-range strategic bomber project from a semi-official source
<1805-040806> 2018.04.08 時事通信 シリアは「大きな代償」払う=トランプ米大統領、化学兵器攻撃を非難
<1805-040805> 2018.04.08 時事通信 米、シリアの化学兵器情報注視=ロシアにアサド支援停止要求
<1805-040804> 2018.04.08 時事通信 東グータで化学兵器攻撃か=シリア政権側猛攻、死者90人超―反体制派が撤退で合意
<1805-040803> 2018.04.08 時事通信 イエメンでスーダン兵多数死亡
<1805-040802> 2018.04.08 産経新聞 米政府、台湾の潜水艦自主建造計画を支援 米企業の参加認め、商談許可
<1805-040801> 2018.04.08 讀賣新聞 政府、国境離島の私有地調査…安保強化へ保全策
<1805-040608> 2018.04.06 MDA HP Missile Defense Agency and U.S. Army Test Interoperability of THAAD and PATRIOT Missile Defense Systems
<1805-040607> 2018.04.06 Stars & Stripes Syrian Kurds warn of 'disaster' if US troops exit
<1805-040606> 2018.04.06 Stars & Stripes Hawaii delegation calls on military to handle missile warnings
<1805-040605> 2018.04.06 Defense News Germany, France to move ahead on sixth-generation combat aircraft
<1805-040604> 2018.04.06 Defense News Missile Defense Review expected in May
<1805-040603> 2018.04.06 時事通信 装備品調達、高コスト改善を=防衛予算を議論―財政審
<1805-040602> 2018.04.06 時事通信 米軍、シリア駐留方針変わらず/td>
<1805-040601> 2018.04.06 産経新聞 ロシアが新型衛星攻撃ミサイルの実験に成功
<1805-040407> 2018.04.04 Jane's 360 Boeing awarded further Japanese E-767 AWACS upgrade contract
<1805-040406> 2018.04.04 Stars & Stripes Erdogan: Turkey to keep pushing Kurds out of Syria's north
<1805-040405> 2018.04.04 Defense News China may be making its fighters more stealthy
<1805-040404> 2018.04.04 日経新聞 ロシア、トルコ連携深化 原発でも協力 イランと3者会談、シリア情勢示せぬ出口
<1805-040403> 2018.04.04 ロイタ通信 陸上総隊が本格始動、3自衛隊の統合運用を強化
<1805-040402> 2018.04.04 時事通信 日米印、海洋安保で協力=中国念頭、局長級会合で確認
<1805-040401> 2018.04.04 時事通信 トルコとロシア、緊密さ強調=原発建設開始、ミサイル提供「急ぐ」
<1805-040305> 2018.04.03 Jane's 360 Pakistan test-fires Babur SLCM
<1805-040304> 2018.04.03 Jane's 360 South Korean navy receives third LST-2-class tank landing ship
<1805-040303> 2018.04.03 Stars & Stripes Navy confirms plan to deploy F-35Cs to Japan after 2021
<1805-040302> 2018.04.03 Stars & Stripes Ospreys to arrive at Yokota this week, 2 years ahead of schedule
<1805-040301> 2018.04.03 Record China 中国当局船、また尖閣周辺の領海侵入=今年7回目―中国紙
<1805-040203> 2018.04.02 Military Times US air defense artillery brigade begins new European mission for first time since Cold War
<1805-040202> 2018.04.02 Defense News Short-Range Air Defense battalions will grow in both Army’s active force and National Guard
<1805-040201> 2018.04.02 産経新聞 「防空の空白地域」小笠原諸島に移動レーダー配備へ 防衛省、中国空母の監視強化
<1805-040101> 2018.04.01 時事通信 米韓、軍事演習開始=対話ムードに配慮も
<1805-032813> 2018.03.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Marine management
<1805-032812> 2018.03.28 Jane's Defence Weekly New dimensions
<1805-032811> 2018.03.28 Jane's Defence Weekly F-15 hit by improvised SAM over Yemen
<1805-032810> 2018.03.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Chaina to step up hypersonic flight research
<1805-032809> 2018.03.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan commissions new submarine rescue ship
<1805-032808> 2018.03.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Rheinmetall, Raytheon present GBAD concept for Germany
<1805-032807> 2018.03.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia adjusts defence spending upward
<1805-032806> 2018.03.28 Jane's Defence Weekly LRASM moves forward with successful firing
<1805-032805> 2018.03.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Concern over rivals spurs US to invest in directed energy
<1805-032804> 2018.03.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Pentagon considering new submarine-or surface-based nuclear cruise missile
<1805-032803> 2018.03.28 Jane's Defence Weekly USAF struggling with stabilising airborne lasers
<1805-032802> 2018.03.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Xianglong UAVs spotted on China's Hainan Island
<1805-032801> 2018.03.28 Jane's Defence Weekly Turkey looks to expand Syrian ops
<1805-032603> 2018.03.26 Aviation Week & ST Taiwan considers F-35 buy and upgrades F-CK-1s
<1805-032602> 2018.03.26 Aviation Week & ST Boeing Next-Gen Super Hprnet will be (sort of) stealthy
<1805-032601> 2018.03.26 Aviation Week & ST Manned/Unmanned team in contested airspace
<1805-032111> 2018.03.21 Jane's Defence Weekly Shifting emphasis
<1805-032110> 2018.03.21 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia deploys two frigates to Eastern Mediterranean
<1805-032109> 2018.03.21 Jane's Defence Weekly China to develop J-20 variants, begin research on 'sixth-generation' fighter
<1805-032108> 2018.03.21 Jane's Defence Weekly Seouk signs for additional Taurus cruise missieles
<1805-032107> 2018.03.21 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan commissions first Asahi-class destroyer
<1805-032106> 2018.03.21 Jane's Defence Weekly US Air Force retires Predator UAV
<1805-032105> 2018.03.21 Jane's Defence Weekly Kratos secures clearance to market Mako 'unmanned wingman' internationally
<1805-032104> 2018.03.21 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia shows Kinzhal hypersonic missile
<1805-032103> 2018.03.21 Jane's Defence Weekly GlobalEye makes maiden flight
<1805-032102> 2018.03.21 Jane's Defence Weekly India advancing navy, army 'mission mode projects'
<1805-032101> 2018.03.21 Jane's Defence Weekly China begins work on sixth Type 055 destroyer at Dalian
<1805-031415> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly USCG to be in the vanguard of US maritime presence abroad
<1805-031414> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Israeli Air Force declares SPICE 1000 bomb operational
<1805-031413> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Turkey confident of Afrin victory, despite Kurds sending more fighters
<1805-031412> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Exercise tests IN's ability to conduct 'two-front war'
<1805-031411> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan says indigenenous F-2 replacement still an option
<1805-031410> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Australia selects BAE for JORN upgrade
<1805-031409> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Size of PLA cut by 300,000, says Chinese premier
<1805-031408> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly MV Asterix enters RCN service, will deploy to 'RIMPAC'
<1805-031407> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly .... while US Marine Corps prepares for F-35B maiden operational embarkation
<1805-031406> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Pentagon faces suvstantial increase in price tag of F-35 Block 4 modernisation....
<1805-031405> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly DARPA, USAF to initiate hypersonic weapon tests
<1805-031404> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly China announces 8% increase in defence spending
<1805-031403> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly North Korea continues refit of 'Romeo'-class sub fleet
<1805-031402> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly China signals intent to build nuclear-powered carrier
<1805-031401> 2018.03.14 Jane's Defence Weekly Eying China, hypersonic technology is US DoD's top development priority
<1805-031210> 2018.03.12 Aviation Week & ST SmallSat tsunami
<1805-031209> 2018.03.12 Aviation Week & ST UK's Magma UAV to demonstrate flapess fluidic control
<1805-031208> 2018.03.12 Aviation Week & ST China's electromagnetic weapon surge
<1805-031207> 2018.03.12 Aviation Week & ST Japan deplloys its first F-35 and considers buying more
<1805-031206> 2018.03.12 Aviation Week & ST How the U.S. Sir Force is preparing for war with China
<1805-031205> 2018.03.12 Aviation Week & ST After ordering 11 Su-35s, Indonesia probably wants more
<1805-031204> 2018.03.12 Aviation Week & ST U.S. Air Force's Future battlefield edge hinges on MQ-9 Reaper
<1805-031203> 2018.03.12 Aviation Week & ST Boeing's play for the MQ-25 'Stingray'
<1805-031201> 2018.03.12 Aviation Week & ST Japan's defense minister has denied

参 照 番 号
年 月 日
出   典
標              題
<1804-033103> 2018.03.31 時事通信 (Yahoo) サウジへ再びミサイル、1人負傷=イエメンから発射
<1804-033102> 2018.03.31 NHK 岩国基地 艦載機移転完了 東アジア最大規模の米軍航空基地に
<1804-033101> 2018.03.31 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛省 米海軍への補給17件 17年4~12月
<1804-033002> 2018.03.30 Military Times In private, Trump has mused about Syria pullout for weeks
<1804-033001> 2018.03.30 Defense News Russia tests new intercontinental ballistic missile
<1804-032904> 2018.03.29 Stars & Stripes Syrian town expects US to fend off Turkey's threat of attack
<1804-032903> 2018.03.29 Jane's 360 EU unveils military mobility plan to accelerate pan-European deployments
<1804-032902> 2018.03.29 産経新聞 EU、軍事版「シェンゲン」構築へ 部隊・兵器の域内輸送を迅速化
<1804-032901> 2018.03.29 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) ステルス戦闘機F35A 韓国1号機の引き渡し式=40機配備へ
<1804-032803> 2018.03.28 Stars & Stripes Poland signs $4.75 billion deal to buy US Patriot air defense systems
<1804-032802> 2018.03.28 Defense News South Korea eyes French design for indigenous nuclear sub, sources say
<1804-032801> 2018.03.28 産経新聞 (Yahoo) カナダと外務・防衛次官級協議の開催で一致
<1804-032705> 2018.03.27 Stars & Stripes Navy's F-35C closer to operational status after carrier qualifications
<1804-032704> 2018.03.27 Stars & Stripes USS Theodore Roosevelt returns to Pacific after Middle East mission
<1804-032703> 2018.03.27 Defense News Videos raise questions over Saudi missile intercept claims
<1804-032702> 2018.03.27 朝日新聞 ロシア軍、択捉島を拠点に迎撃訓練 基地化進む可能性
<1804-032701> 2018.03.27 NHK 陸上自衛隊「陸上総隊」きょう発足 創設以来最大の組織改編
<1804-032604> 2018.03.26 Stars & Stripes Army aims to flight test Precision Strike Missile in 2019
<1804-032603> 2018.03.26 Defense News Give Taiwan the F-35 to deter China, top senators tell Trump
<1804-032602> 2018.03.26 産経新聞 オスプレイ5機 千葉・木更津に 佐賀難航、暫定配備へ 防衛省
<1804-032601> 2018.03.26 時事通信 (Yahoo) サウジ、首都上空でミサイル迎撃=イエメン武装組織が発射
<1804-032504> 2018.03.25 Military Times Two Army brigade combat teams will get to test an autonomous robot vehicle this year
<1804-032503> 2018.03.25 産経新聞 在韓米国人の大規模退避訓練実施へ ボランティア参加者約100人を米本土まで移送
<1804-032502> 2018.03.25 産経新聞 「未来の戦争への演習」 中国空軍が西太平洋と南シナ海で同時訓練
<1804-032501> 2018.03.25 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 日中両政府 「海空連絡」合意へ 衝突回避、地域明示せず
<1804-032402> 2018.03.24 時事通信 (Yahoo) ベトナム、南シナ海の油田開発中止=中国の圧力で
<1804-032401> 2018.03.24 産経新聞 トランプ氏「2度と署名しない」 歳出法成立も恨み節、国境の壁費用で不満
<1804-032306> 2018.03.23 Inside Defense MDA exploring potential of SM-3 Block IIA against ICBM threat
<1804-032305> 2018.03.23 Stars & Stripes Kurdish rebels withdraw from Iraq's Sinjar
<1804-032304> 2018.03.23 Defense News France tests radar to detect and track ballistic missiles, satellites
<1804-032303> 2018.03.23 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 中国軍機、特異飛行 空自機がスクランブル 沖縄付近で
<1804-032302> 2018.03.23 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 米駆逐艦、南シナ海で中国造成の人工島付近を航行=当局者
<1804-032301> 2018.03.23 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米軍の豪駐留隊員、過去最高に=中国けん制、日本と訓練も
<1804-032201> 2018.03.22 NHK 中国 海警局部隊を軍指揮下の武装警察傘下に
<1804-032107> 2018.03.21 Jane's 360 Senior DoD technologist favours kinetic boost-phase intercepts in the near term
<1804-032106> 2018.03.21 Military Times Need to destroy a bunch of drones? New technologies target them and take them out
<1804-032105> 2018.03.21 Defense News Laser weapon for KC-135 'still in the infancy stage'
<1804-032104> 2018.03.21 Defense News Norway could agree to additional US Marine presence by summer
<1804-032103> 2018.03.21 Defense News France ups weapon study funds for future jet, tank, aircraft carrier
<1804-032102> 2018.03.21 Defense News U.S. Army successfully demos laser weapon on Stryker in Europe
<1804-032101> 2018.03.21 Jane's 360 South Korean KUS-FS MALE UAV continues flight trials as development draws to a conclusion
<1804-032004> 2018.03.20 Stars & Stripes USS Wasp heads out on patrol after wrapping up 'ready-for-sea assessment'
<1804-032003> 2018.03.20 Jane's 360 China to step up research on hypersonic technologies
<1804-032002> 2018.03.20 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 「多用途防衛型空母」の導入を提言 島嶼防衛想定 防衛大綱へ自民調査会が骨子案
<1804-032001> 2018.03.20 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 新防衛大綱概念に「多次元横断防衛」 自民安保調査会が提言へ
<1804-031905> 2018.03.19 Defense News South Korea to deploy 'artillery killer' to destroy North Korean bunkers
<1804-031904> 2018.03.19 Jane's 360 JMSDF commissions second Awaji-class minesweeper
<1804-031903> 2018.03.19 Jane's 360 USSOCOM boosts GBU-69/B SGM stocks
<1804-031902> 2018.03.19 朝鮮日報 (Yahoo) 韓国軍:平壌の軍事施設を破壊する火力旅団を新設へ
<1804-031901> 2018.03.19 朝鮮日報 (Yahoo) F35A ひっそりお披露目、北への刺激を意識か
<1804-031804> 2018.03.18 Stars & Stripes Turkey forces capture Syrian Kurdish town of Afrin
<1804-031803> 2018.03.18 NHK 中国とカンボジアが合同軍事演習 中国の影響力強化
<1804-031802> 2018.03.18 時事通信 (Yahoo) トルコ、越境作戦で勝利宣言=シリア北西部の町「制圧」
<1804-031801> 2018.03.18 時事通信 (Yahoo) 政権軍、東グータ8割制圧=反体制派は徹底抗戦―シリア
<1804-031602> 2018.03.16 日経新聞 レバノン政府軍増強へ、欧州が資金支援 難民流出の恐れ
<1804-031601> 2018.03.16 東京新聞 「敵基地反撃能力保有を」と自民 新防衛大綱策定へ提言案判明
<1804-031502> 2018.03.15 Jane's 360 Kratos cleared to market Mako 'unmanned wingman' internationally
<1804-031501> 2018.03.15 時事通信 (Yahoo) イラン核武装なら追随=中東覇権争いで敵視鮮明―サウジ皇太子
<1804-031312> 2018.03.13 Defense News South Korea quietly orders 90 more Taurus bunker-busting missiles
<1804-031311> 2018.03.13 Jane's 360 China to develop new J-20 variants, begin research on 'sixth-generation' fighter, says report
<1804-031311> 2018.03.13 Inside Defense MDA's top unfunded FY-19 requirement is new space-based sensor network project
<1804-031309> 2018.03.13 Stars & Stripes US, Japan kick off bilateral exercises in disputed South China Sea
<1804-031308> 2018.03.13 東亞日報 宋永武国防部長官「4年以内に将軍100人削減」
<1804-031307> 2018.03.13 Record China 中国の武器輸出、過去5年間で38%増、この3カ国が貢献―米華字メディア
<1804-031306> 2018.03.13 時事通信 (Yahoo) クルドの空路封鎖解除=国際線再開認める―イラク首相
<1804-031305> 2018.03.13 時事通信 (Yahoo) トルコ軍、アフリンを包囲=クルド排除の越境作戦―シリア
<1804-031304> 2018.03.13 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 米国がシリア空爆ならロシア軍も対処、報復辞さず=参謀総長
<1804-031303> 2018.03.13 朝鮮日報 (Yahoo) 韓国軍 長距離空対地ミサイル90発の追加導入契約を締結
<1804-031302> 2018.03.13 NHK 米 シリア化学兵器使用続けば単独攻撃も
<1804-031301> 2018.03.13 時事通信 (Yahoo) トルコ軍事作戦で2000人避難=クルドの町半分超制圧―シリア
<1804-031203> 2018.03.12 Defense News Tamir and Mini Hit-to-Kill are among the missiles offered to Army to protect against indirect fires
<1804-031202> 2018.03.12 日経新聞 三菱重工、防衛事業も難路 日本の装備 進む米シフト
<1804-031201> 2018.03.12 NHK スリランカ大統領 インフラ整備で日本に期待
<1804-031103> 2018.03.11 Stars & Stripes Mattis warns Syrian forces on use of chemical weapons
<1804-031102> 2018.03.11 Military Times Army missile defense soldiers revive ‘Roving Sands’ exercise, return to maneuver roots
<1804-031101> 2018.03.11 東京新聞 ロシアが最新鋭ミサイル実験 「成功」と国防省
<1804-031004> 2018.03.10 Stars & Stripes US moves to repair relations with Turkey, endangering ties with Kurdish allies
<1804-031003> 2018.03.10 Defense News Is Russia holding back on why it deployed fifth-gen fighters to Syria?
<1804-031002> 2018.03.10 日経新聞 空自レーダー、タイ輸出狙う 政府が入札参加承認
<1804-031001> 2018.03.10 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) トランプ米大統領、北朝鮮の「具体的な」行動なければ会談せず=報道官
<1804-030905> 2018.03.09 China Defense Photos of the day: DF-16 MRBM "unshelled"
<1804-030904> 2018.03.09 Stars & Stripes Turkey's war on Kurds unsettles fronts in northern Syriat
<1804-030903> 2018.03.09 Military Times US airstrikes in Syria drop by half as Kurds depart anti-ISIS fight
<1804-030902> 2018.03.09 Jane's 360 Japan mulls over requests for defence equipment from Southeast Asia
<1804-030901> 2018.03.09 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 正恩氏「核・ミサイル実験停止」 トランプ氏に親書=韓国高官
<1804-030802> 2018.03.08 Military Times Yemen coast a ‘live fire laboratory’ for firing lasers
<1804-030801> 2018.03.08 Defense News With delay in US, South Korea turns to Europe for air-to-air missile technology
<1804-030711> 2018.03.07 Jane's Defense Weekly UkrOboronProm unlikely to shake off its tarnished image
<1804-030710> 2018.03.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Seoul to invest more in4IR technologies
<1804-030709> 2018.03.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Japan seeks to secure FMS repayments from United States
<1804-030708> 2018.03.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Japan launches spy satellite
<1804-030707> 2018.03.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Japan considaers deploying ASM unit Okinawa Island
<1804-030706> 2018.03.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Russia develops future combat aircraft
<1804-030705> 2018.03.07 Jane's Defense Weekly North Korea prepares to upgrade second Najin FFG
<1804-030704> 2018.03.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Iraqi foreign minister confirms interest in S-400
<1804-030703> 2018.03.07 Defense Update Ukrainian APS to protect Turkish tanks in Syria
<1804-030702> 2018.03.07 Military Times Marines arrive in Israel
<1804-030701> 2018.03.07 中央日報 (Yahoo) 対潜能力に優れた韓国の次期護衛艦「大邱」、就役式を無事終了
<1804-030602> 2018.03.06 Jane's 360 US approves sale of MK 15 Phalanx CIWS Block IB Baseline 2 conversion kits to Japan
<1804-030601> 2018.03.06 産経新聞 空自戦闘機 F2 後継、米英企業と共同開発も視野 防衛省が情報要求書を提出
<1804-030507> 2018.03.05 Janae's 360 Australia selects BAE Systems for JORN upgrade
<1804-030506> 2018.03.05 Janae's 360 USMC prepares for F-35B maiden operational embarkation
<1804-030505> 2018.03.05 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 米空母カール・ビンソンがベトナム寄港、1975年の戦争終結以来初
<1804-030504> 2018.03.05 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 海自が独自タンカー取得へ、沖縄基地の給油強化=関係者
<1804-030503> 2018.03.05 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 中国国防費、18年は8.1%増に 全人代で予算報告
<1804-030502> 2018.03.05 NHK シリア 反政府勢力の拠点地区 政権側が4分の1を制圧か
<1804-030501> 2018.03.05 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) F2 後継機の国産断念へ 防衛省、国際共同開発を検討
<1804-030210> 2018.03.02 Stars & Stripes Pentagon looks to adjust missile defense policy to include threats from Russia, China
<1804-030209> 2018.03.02 Defense Update Hypersonic weapons enter service with Russian aviation
<1804-030208> 2018.03.02 Defense News As Putin touts hypersonic weapons, America prepares its own arsenal. Will it be in time?
<1804-030207> 2018.03.02 日経新聞 スリランカ大統領来日、12日から 対中けん制 インド太平洋戦略でも連携
<1804-030206> 2018.03.02 NHK 南シナ海めぐり米中で偶発的な危機のおそれ 防衛研究所
<1804-030205> 2018.03.02 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 防衛相 海自艦「空母化」研究を認める ステルス機搭載
<1804-030204> 2018.03.02 ハンギョレ (Yahoo) 米軍が先週ハワイで北朝鮮との戦争に備えた秘密図上演習を実施
<1804-030203> 2018.03.02 朝鮮日報 中国軍艦の韓中 EEZ 中間線越境、昨年は80回超
<1804-030202> 2018.03.02 NHK 中国 トンガと関係強化 南太平洋での影響力拡大狙いか
<1804-030201> 2018.03.02 時事通信 (Yahoo) アルメニア、トルコとの和解停止
<1804-030111> 2018.03.01 Inside Defense Air Force creating new Stand-In Attack Weapon program, pledges $657M in new plan
<1804-030110> 2018.03.01 Defense News Interim short-range air defense solution to be Stryker-based
<1804-030109> 2018.03.01 Defense News US Coast Guard to release new heavy icebreaker RFP
<1804-030108> 2018.03.01 Defense News Ukraine officially cleared to buy Javelin weapons
<1804-030107> 2018.03.01 Jane's 360 China's CASC readies improved CH-4 UAV
<1804-030106> 2018.03.01 日経新聞 ロシアが新型 ICBM 開発 プーチン氏、選挙控え誇示
<1804-030105> 2018.03.01 日経新聞 「北朝鮮密輸にモルディブ登録の船舶」 野党が声明
<1804-030104> 2018.03.01 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 独政府にサイバー攻撃、報道官「事態は収拾」 ロシア関与か
<1804-030103> 2018.03.01 時事通信 (Yahoo) 中国、原子力空母建造へ=国産3隻目か
<1804-030102> 2018.03.01 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 「北がシリア化学兵器に協力」 資金獲得か 安保理委調査
<1804-030101> 2018.03.01 NHK シリア東グータ 政権側の地上部隊が一部地域を制圧
<1804-030011> 2018.03 International Defence Review Scanning new horizons: Tracking US Navy shipborne radar developments
<1804-030010> 2018.03 International Defence Review SMET advances: US Army selects its robot 'mules' for the next phase
<1804-030009> 2018.03 International Defence Review China's AVIC aims to roll out Wing Loong ⅠD in 2018
<1804-030008> 2018.03 International Defence Review GA-ASI demonstrates MQ-9B launch and recovery feature
<1804-030007> 2018.03 International Defence Review China's Star Shadow stealth UAV aims to fly in 2019
<1804-030006> 2018.03 International Defence Review AFRL plans DE C-UAS weapon demonstration
<1804-030005> 2018.03 International Defence Review NAVAIR approves development of AARGM-ER
<1804-030004> 2018.03 International Defence Review Lockheed Martin tests re-configured MHTK interceptor
<1804-030003> 2018.03 International Defence Review Thales UK finalises LMM firing qualification programme
<1804-030002> 2018.03 International Defence Review Japan outlines submarine modernisation efforts
<1804-030001> 2018.03 International Defence Review ADS achives 'world-first' functionally safe APS
<1804-022811> 2018.02.28 Jane's Defense Weekly Third time lucky
<1804-022810> 2018.02.28 Jane's Defense Weekly Israeli Arrow 3 interceptor test propares way for Alaska trials
<1804-022809> 2018.02.28 Jane's Defense Weekly Singapore announces 4% increase in defence spending
<1804-022808> 2018.02.28 Jane's Defense Weekly Seoul looking to buy more PAC-3 MSE interceptors
<1804-022807> 2018.02.28 Jane's Defense Weekly Two Russian brigades to be turned back into divisions
<1804-022806> 2018.02.28 Jane's Defense Weekly Russia deploys two S-400 batteris near Vladivostok
<1804-022805> 2018.02.28 Jane's Defense Weekly UK launches new Combat Air Strategy to identify future requirements, capabilities
<1804-022804> 2018.02.28 Jane's Defense Weekly UK flies Kaliningrad surveillance missions
<1804-022803> 2018.02.28 Jane's Defense Weekly Su-57 fifth-gen fighter prototypes toudh down in Syria
<1804-022802> 2018.02.28 Jane's Defense Weekly Russian, Chinese hypersonics emerge as a clear concern in Pentagon's 2019 budget
<1804-022801> 2018.02.28 Jane's Defense Weekly Saab rolls out first GlobalEye AEW&C aircraft
<1804-022603> 2018.02.26 Aviation Week & ST MDA advances missile-hunting UAV programs
<1804-022602> 2018.02.26 Aviation Week & ST Border scuffles may speed India's UAS buys
<1804-022601> 2018.02.26 Aviation Week & ST Eight for eight
<1804-022117> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly Growing pains
<1804-022116> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly Yemeni rebels claim UAE Patriot battery destroyed
<1804-022115> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly Insia to get increased access to Omani port of Duqm
<1804-022114> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly Japan considers buying F-35Bs to bolster defence of remote island, says report
<1804-022113> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly PLAAF inducts J-20 into combat units
<1804-022112> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly Missile Defense Agency budget supports Aegis, undeterred by recent test failure
<1804-022111> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly US Army procurement shifts from aviation to artillery, AFVs
<1804-022110> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly US Air Force plans to retire B-2, B-1 strategic bombers when B-21 fielded
<1804-022109> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly USMC requests initial LRIP funds for new amtrack
<1804-022108> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly US Army grows accounts for modernisation
<1804-022107> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly USN plans for 355 ships in 2050s-or decades sooner
<1804-022106> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly US homeland missile defence gets a boost
<1804-022105> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly Trump requists total DoD budget of USD686.1 billion
<1804-022104> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly USAF requests 14% boost in funding
<1804-022103> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly Turkey deploys upgraded M60Ts to Afrin
<1804-022102> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly US intaelligence chief raises concerns over Russia, Chinese pursuit of ASAT weapons
<1804-022101> 2018.02.21 Jane's Defense Weekly Indonesia finalises contract to procure Su-35 fighter
<1804-021411> 2018.02.14 Jane's Defense Weekly Lining up the approach
<1804-021410> 2018.02.14 Jane's Defense Weekly Israel negotiating for additional IMI rocket systems
<1804-021409> 2018.02.14 Jane's Defense Weekly Iran's Mohajer 6 armed UAV goes into production
<1804-021408> 2018.02.14 Jane's Defense Weekly Saudi S-400 talks hindered by tech transfer
<1804-021407> 2018.02.14 Jane's Defense Weekly China launches ninth Dongdiao-class AGI
<1804-021406> 2018.02.14 Jane's Defense Weekly China tests missile intercepter
<1804-021405> 2018.02.14 Jane's Defense Weekly Star Shadow stealth UAV aims to fly in 2019
<1804-021404> 2018.02.14 Jane's Defense Weekly Indonesia studies option for AEW&C aircraft
<1804-021403> 2018.02.14 Jane's Defense Weekly Boeing, Saab position for South Korea's MPA requirement
<1804-021402> 2018.02.14 Jane's Defense Weekly North Korea parades elements of Iskander-like SRBM
<1804-021401> 2018.02.14 Jane's Defense Weekly Fitness app reveals US-led coalition's Middle East bases
<1804-021203> 2018.02.12 Aviation Week & ST Did Raytheon's supersized interceptor fail Aegis Ashore test?
<1804-021202> 2018.02.12 Aviation Week & ST South Korean Marines consider attack version of Surion
<1804-021201> 2018.02.12 Aviation Week & ST Unmanned cargo aircraft head toward flight tests
<1804-020711> 2018.02.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Japan, France to expand defence technology ties
<1804-020710> 2018.02.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Australia launched defence export strategy
<1804-020709> 2018.02.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Morocco reportedly purchases Sky Dragon 50 SAM
<1804-020708> 2018.02.07 Jane's Defense Weekly US warns Assad's evolving CW munitions
<1804-020707> 2018.02.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Trump calls for funding, nuclear force modernisation
<1804-020706> 2018.02.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Turks call heavy artillery against Kurds
<1804-020705> 2018.02.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Russia orders first 10 Tu-160M2s
<1804-020704> 2018.02.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Indian budget gets modest hike of 7.7%
<1804-020703> 2018.02.07 Jane's Defense Weekly China could be about to commence sea trials of electromagnetic gun
<1804-020702> 2018.02.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Aegis Ashore-launched SM-3 Block ⅡA fails to intercept target in BMD test
<1804-020701> 2018.02.07 Jane's Defense Weekly Boeing gets $6.56 billion contract to expand missile defences against North Korea
<1804-020016> 2018.02 International Defence Review Saab touts biz-jet-based GlobalEye and Swordfish platforms
<1804-020015> 2018.02 International Defence Review Sea sentinels: China progresses unmanned systems development
<1804-020014> 2018.02 International Defence Review Testing the water: Saab sets out its future manned/unmanned fleet vision
<1804-020013> 2018.02 International Defence Review US Marine Corps gears up for fire support in the Lightning Ⅱ era
<1804-020012> 2018.02 International Defence Review India successfully tests Ashvin interceptor
<1804-020011> 2018.02 International Defence Review USN reveals JMEWS upgrade plan for Tomahawk Block Ⅳ
<1804-020010> 2018.02 International Defence Review MBDA researching materials for high-speed missiles
<1804-020009> 2018.02 International Defence Review Lockeed Martin, Northrop Grumman awarded low-cost 'Gray Wolf' cruise missile development contracts
<1804-020008> 2018.02 International Defence Review Hero-400EC development set to be finalised in 2018
<1804-020007> 2018.02 International Defence Review Russian bombers to be armed with new Kh-50 theatre-level cruise missile
<1804-020006> 2018.02 International Defence Review Novator reveals details of export version of Club system, missile, and range
<1804-020005> 2018.02 International Defence Review AFRL seeks electronis systems boost via flexible GaN
<1804-020004> 2018.02 International Defence Review USAF tests M-Code integration aboard B-2
<1804-020003> 2018.02 International Defence Review BAE Systems wins Limited Inteim Missile Warning Systems QRC contract
<1804-020002> 2018.02 International Defence Review Saab joins South Korean AESA fighter radar development
<1804-020001> 2018.02 International Defence Review Australia seeks guidance on quantum technologies

参 照 番 号
年 月 日
出   典
標              題
<1803-022803> 2018.02.28 Stars & Stripes Thousands of well-armed rebel fighters are in Syria's Ghouta
<1803-022802> 2018.02.28 NHKニュース 「海洋強国」へ 中国初の原子力空母 開発計画明らかに
<1803-022801> 2018.02.28 東京新聞 米、迎撃ミサイル引き渡し停止 実験失敗受け、日本と共同開発
<1803-022703> 2018.02.27 Asia Press (Yahoo) シリア トルコ軍・武装諸派の攻撃続く北西部アフリン(6)「町が制圧されたら きっと殺される」と住民青年
<1803-022702> 2018.02.27 Jane's 360 USSOCOM seeks powered stand-off precision-guided munition for gunships and other aircraft
<1803-022701> 2018.02.27 聯合ニュース (Yahoo) 中国軍用機1機が韓国の防空圏進入 約4時間半にわたり異例の飛行
<1803-022603> 2018.02.26 Defene News Nonstrategic nukes: What are they good for?
<1803-022602> 2018.02.26 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 米沿岸警備隊のアジア派遣も、北朝鮮の密輸監視を強化へ
<1803-022601> 2018.02.26 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 在イスラエル米大使館、5月にエルサレム移転へ=国務省
<1803-022501> 2018.02.25 日経新聞 金正恩氏のサイバー部隊暗躍、外貨獲得 日本で荒稼ぎ
<1803-022301> 2018.02.23 Defense News US Army seeks new missile to counter drones, rockets and more
<1803-022209> 2018.02.22 Inside Defense Air Force pegs LRSO development at $4.5 billion, dramatically lower than previous estimate
<1803-022208> 2018.02.22 Inside Defense Air Force budget confirms 'Silentbarker' will replenish SBSS constellation
<1803-022207> 2018.02.22 Stars & Stripes US, Israel gear up for missile defense exercises
<1803-022206> 2018.02.22 Defense News In a first, US Navy carrier to visit Vietnam since war
<1803-022205> 2018.02.22 Defense News Possible $3.2B Patriot sale to Sweden gets US State Department approval
<1803-022204> 2018.02.22 Jane's 360 India test-fires nuclear-capable Prithvi II SRBM
<1803-022203> 2018.02.22 Jane's 360 Pentagon budget 2019: Russian, Chinese hypersonics emerge as clear concern
<1803-022202> 2018.02.22 産経新聞 「中国が土地を収奪している」 モルディブの野党指導者、対中批判強める 中国の手法は「債務のわな」
<1803-022201> 2018.02.22 産経新聞 中国、航空戦力を増強 インド国境近くの西部地区に重点配備
<1803-022109> 2018.02.21 Inside Defense DOD doubles planned Conventional Prompt Strike funding, hands Navy program in FY-20
<1803-022108> 2018.02.21 Defense News Army looking to funnel potential budget boost into modernization
<1803-022107> 2018.02.21 NHKニュース 尖閣沖 中国海警局の船3隻 一時領海に侵入
<1803-022106> 2018.02.21 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 日本が20機以上の F35A 追加調達へ、国内組立取りやめも=関係者
<1803-022105> 2018.02.21 朝鮮日報 (Yahoo) 北の新型ミサイルが韓国ミサイルと酷似、設計図流出か
<1803-022104> 2018.02.21 Record China 日本の F15J は中国の J11 に全面的に劣っている―米誌
<1803-022103> 2018.02.21 毎日新聞 (Yahoo) 北朝鮮船籍の船 物資積み替えか 上海沖の公海上
<1803-022102> 2018.02.21 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 露軍爆撃機2機、北方領土から沖縄まで飛行
<1803-022101> 2018.02.21 時事通信 (Yahoo) 政権派部隊、トルコ侵攻地入り=軍事衝突の緊張高まる―シリア
<1803-022003> 2018.02.20 Inside Defense DOD wants more than $400 million in FY-19 for air-launched, hypersonic-strike tech development
<1803-022002> 2018.02.20 Stars & Stripes Navy sends 2 destroyers into the tense Black Sea region
<1803-022001> 2018.02.20 AP 通信 (Yahoo) 沿岸警備艇同士が衝突 トルコとギリシャ緊張高まる
<1803-021906> 2018.02.19 MDA HP IMDO and MDA successfully complete a flight test of the Arrow 3 missile defense system
<1803-021905> 2018.02.19 Defense News Seoul to order new PAC-3 interceptors to counter North Korea
<1803-021904> 2018.02.19 Defense News National Space Defense Center begins 24-hour operations
<1803-021903> 2018.02.19 Jane's 360 Rheinmetall wins first European Defence Fund project
<1803-021902> 2018.02.19 時事通信 (Yahoo) IS が襲撃、民兵27人死亡=イラク
<1803-021901> 2018.02.19 時事通信 (Yahoo) 政権派部隊、クルド地域進軍へ=対トルコで共闘―シリア
<1803-021802> 2018.02.18 時事通信 (Yahoo) シリア北部、『土壌から塩素ガス』=トルコ砲撃現場を分析
<1803-021801> 2018.02.18 東京新聞 トルコ越境阻止へ部隊配備 シリア政府軍、19日にも
<1803-021704> 2018.02.17 Stars & Stripes Fort Shafter developing wartime evacuation plan for Americans in South Korea
<1803-021703> 2018.02.17 日経新聞 宇宙・サイバー空間で司令塔 防衛省「陸海空に次ぐ戦場
<1803-021702> 2018.02.17 時事通信 (Yahoo) トルコ軍、シリアで毒ガス使用か=クルド人勢力を攻撃
<1803-021701> 2018.02.17 朝日新聞 (Yahoo) 日 EU 戦略的パートナーシップ協定締結で合意 外相協議
<1803-021602> 2018.02.16 Record China 中国が新たに建造した軍艦の数、日韓印の合計を超える―露メディア
<1803-021601> 2018.02.16 NHKニュース サイバー攻撃はロシア政府が関与と結論」英政府が発表
<1803-021507> 2018.02.15 Inside Defense Air Force outlines $7.3 billion five-year plan for future SBIRS architecture
<1803-021506> 2018.02.15 Stars & Stripes Hawaii-based missile-defense radar system to be fielded by 2023
<1803-021505> 2018.02.15 Stars & Stripes US, Japan, Australia kick off annual Cope North drills on Guam
<1803-021504> 2018.02.15 Defense News The Navy’s stealth destroyers to get new weapons and a new mission: killing ships
<1803-021503> 2018.02.15 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 海だけじゃない…中国軍、空も活発 日本の防空識別圏突破の常態化に懸念
<1803-021502> 2018.02.15 産経新聞 2司令部新設で合意 NATO 国防相理事会
<1803-021501> 2018.02.15 東京新聞 国防費目標、15ヵ国達成へ 米要請で NATO、24年に
<1803-021409> 2018.02.14 Jane's 360 JASSM-ER achieves FOC on F-15E Strike Eagle
<1803-021408> 2018.02.14 Inside Defense Air Force's five-year spending plan more than doubles funding for Next-Gen Air Dominance
<1803-021407> 2018.02.14 Inside Defense DOD seeking multiyear deals with Raytheon worth nearly $4 billion for Standard Missiles
<1803-021406> 2018.02.14 Stars & Stripes Russia's arms buildup puts Japan on defensive in islands dispute
<1803-021405> 2018.02.14 C4ISR Net Missile Defense Agency asks for $700 million to bolster hypersonic defense
<1803-021404> 2018.02.14 日経新聞 日本射程ミサイル、数百基 首相が北朝鮮の脅威強調
<1803-021403> 2018.02.14 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 米・トルコ国防相、クルド人勢力への軍事攻撃を協議
<1803-021402> 2018.02.14 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 中国とフィリピン、南シナ海の石油・ガス共同調査で作業部会設置へ
<1803-021401> 2018.02.14 時事通信 (Yahoo) B1、B2 爆撃機退役へ=20年代後半から―米空軍
<1803-021308> 2018.02.13 Defense News MDA $9.9 billion budget request geared to address North Korean threat
<1803-021307> 2018.02.13 Defense News US Army could get laser for short-range air defense in under 5 years
<1803-021306> 2018.02.13 日経新聞 中国「モルディブ元大統領の発言は捏造
<1803-021305> 2018.02.13 産経新聞 日本財団がパラオに巡視船など供与「連携の中心に
<1803-021304> 2018.02.13 時事通信 (Yahoo) 英艦、南シナ海航行へ=中国に権利主張―豪有力紙
<1803-021303> 2018.02.13 時事通信 (Yahoo) タイで大規模合同軍事演習始まる=日米など29カ国、1万人以上参加
<1803-021302> 2018.02.13 時事通信 (Yahoo) ミサイル防衛費、過去最高=中朝の脅威拡大で―米国防予算
<1803-021301> 2018.02.13 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米国防予算案、7%増=中ロの軍備拡張に対抗
<1803-021208> 2018.02.12 China Defense STUFT (Ships Taken Up From Trade) of the day: Zhang DaLong
<1803-021207> 2018.02.12 C4ISR Net The Army plans to spend an additional $150 million on blue force tracking systems next year
<1803-021206> 2018.02.12 Defense News Funding to deter Russia reaches $6.5B in FY19 defense budget request
<1803-021205> 2018.02.12 Defense News Pentagon unveils $686 billion military budget for FY19
<1803-021204> 2018.02.12 Stars & Stripes In Japan, F-35B jets eyed to defend remote isles
<1803-021203> 2018.02.12 読売新聞 (Yahoo) ステルス『 F35B 』導入へ、空母での運用視野
<1803-021202> 2018.02.12 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 海自、インド太平洋の中国が開発主導の港湾施設への『戦略的寄港』強化
<1803-021201> 2018.02.12 産経新聞 離島奪還へ地雷処理装置 防衛省開発着手 水陸両用車に搭載
<1803-021005> 2018.02.10 Defense News Air Force to kill JSTARS recap program for new battlefield management plane
<1803-021004> 2018.02.10 Defense News US Navy pressing towards major reorganization
<1803-021003> 2018.02.10 Defense News Israeli F-16I destroyed in attacks prompted by Iranian UAV infiltration
<1803-021002> 2018.02.10 時事通信 (Yahoo) イスラエル戦闘機が墜落=シリアに空爆、攻撃受ける
<1803-021001> 2018.02.10 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 仏国防費、2025年に GDP 2% 予算縮小から反転
<1803-020908> 2018.02.09 Inside Defense DOD clears Standard Missile-3 Block IB for full production, MDA seeking MYP in FY-19
<1803-020907> 2018.02.09 Marine Times Marine Corps’ fears about enemy missiles prompts top secret meeting at Quantico
<1803-020906> 2018.02.09 Jane's 360 Singapore Airshow 2018: Singapore Technologies unveils 6x6 Jaeger UGV
<1803-020905> 2018.02.09 時事通信 (Yahoo) 仏、核兵器刷新へ4.9兆円
<1803-020904> 2018.02.09 時事通信 (Yahoo) カナダ、西太平洋に潜水艦派遣
<1803-020903> 2018.02.09 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 中国空軍、殲20の実戦配備を発表
<1803-020902> 2018.02.09 時事通信 (Yahoo) シリア政権派攻撃『困惑』=ロシア関与は不明―米国防長官
<1803-020901> 2018.02.09 東京新聞 空母化検討中の海自「いずも」 「艦載機」研究 既に着手
<1803-020807> 2018.02.08 China Defense Mechanized Infantry Battalion, People's Armed Police
<1803-020806> 2018.02.08 Inside Defense Coming DOD missile defense assessment drops focus on 'ballistic' from title
<1803-020805> 2018.02.08 Defense News Images from military parade show rare glimpse of North Korean nuclear arsenal
<1803-020804> 2018.02.08 時事通信 (Yahoo) 政府、量子暗号の実用研究へ=「盗聴不能」、安保で期待
<1803-020803> 2018.02.08 時事通信 (Yahoo) 新型 ICBM 数発公開=北朝鮮が軍事パレード―建軍70年、韓国配慮も
<1803-020802> 2018.02.08 時事通信 (Yahoo) シリア、アサド政権派100人超死亡か=米主導の有志連合と交戦
<1803-020801> 2018.02.08 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米海軍、新『打撃群』編成へ=北朝鮮や中国をけん制―イージス艦2隻追加派遣
<1803-020702> 2018.02.07 Jane's 360 India successfully test-fires Agni I ballistic missile in operational mode
<1803-020701> 2018.02.07 時事通信 (Yahoo) EU、新加盟6カ国視野=西バルカン取り込み
<1803-020608> 2018.02.06 Jane's 360 China, Singapore to step up defence co-operation
<1803-020607> 2018.02.06 Jane's 360 Singapore Airshow 2018: China’s Star Shadow stealth UAV aims to fly in 2019
<1803-020606> 2018.02.06 Jane's 360 Thales UK finalises LMM firing qualification programme
<1803-020605> 2018.02.06 Stars & Stripes China says mid-course missile interceptor test successful
<1803-020604> 2018.02.06 Stars & Stripes Philippines wants foreign research ships out of its waters
<1803-020603> 2018.02.06 日経新聞 ペンス氏の日韓歴訪が醸す「有事」のシグナル
<1803-020602> 2018.02.06 ロイタ通信 (Yahoo) 9「北朝鮮、数ヵ月で核弾道ミサイルでの米国攻撃が可能=米軍縮大使
<1803-020601> 2018.02.06 時事通信 (Yahoo) 「モルディブで非常事態宣言=大統領と最高裁が対立
<1803-020504> 2018.02.05 東京新聞 北朝鮮が仮想通貨奪取」と韓国 情報機関が報告、日本事件も調査
<1803-020503> 2018.02.05 時事通信 (Yahoo) 日中防衛交流再開ヘ=民間事業、4月にも
<1803-020502> 2018.02.05 東京新聞 米、核弾頭削減の目標達成 新 START、1393に
<1803-020501> 2018.02.05 時事通信 (Yahoo) 17年の米軍防護2回=防衛省
<1803-020301> 2018.02.03 時事通信 (Yahoo) 米、核戦略を大転換=軍縮放棄、新型兵器開発へ―『核態勢の見直し』公表
<1803-020204> 2018.02.02 Stars & Stripes Japan Coast Guard eyes radar surveillance boost near remote islands
<1803-020203> 2018.02.02 Defense News The US could be getting 2 new nuclear capabilities. Here are the details.
<1803-020202> 2018.02.02 Defense News Nuclear Posture Review puts Russia firmly in crosshairs
<1803-020201> 2018.02.02 中央日報 (Yahoo) 「核・ミサイル資金が枯渇…北朝鮮、仮想通貨に目を向ける (1)
中央日報 (Yahoo) 「核・ミサイル資金が枯渇…北朝鮮、仮想通貨に目を向ける (2)
<1803-020107> 2018.02.01 Jane's 360 Japan outlines submarine modernisation efforts
<1803-020106> 2018.02.01 Stars & Stripes Turkey-backed forces push into Syrian Kurdish enclave
<1803-020105> 2018.02.01 Defense News Photos suggest China is prepping to test a electromagnetic railgun at sea
<1803-020104> 2018.02.01 Defense News Reality check: Failures happen, even in missile defense testing
<1803-020103> 2018.02.01 Military Times Syria's Kurds push US to stop Turkish assault on key enclave
<1803-020102> 2018.02.01 NHKニュース 仏大統領 トルコの対クルド軍事作戦に強い懸念
<1803-020101> 2018.02.01 産経新聞 (Yahoo) 統合防衛戦略を初公表へ 陸海空自運用指針 中朝対処焦点、安保3文書確立
<1803-013114> 2018.01.31 MDA HP Test Conducted From Aegis Ashore Missile Defense Test Complex
<1803-013113> 2018.01.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Faceless threat
<1803-013112> 2018.01.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Third Burkan-2H missile shows no sigh of Saudi intercept
<1803-013111> 2018.01.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Insonesia, US to boost defence trade ties
<1803-013110> 2018.01.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Myanmar to acquire six Sukhoi Su-30 multirole fighters from Russia
<1803-013109> 2018.01.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Support ship for Typeb 001A's sea trials arrives in Dalian
<1803-013108> 2018.01.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Chinese navy's amphibious capability continues to grow
<1803-013107> 2017.01.31 Jane's Defence Weekly US Air Force launches SBIRS GEO-4 early warning satellite
<1803-013106> 2018.01.31 Jane's Defence Weekly China claims US is 'playing up Chinese threat'
<1803-013105> 2018.01.31 Jane's Defence Weekly UAE revealed as Wing Loog Ⅱ launch customer
<1803-013104> 2018.01.31 Jane's Defence Weekly South Korea to reduce number of troops by 2022
<1803-013103> 2018.01.31 Jane's Defence Weekly USMC continues expeditionary roll-out of F-35B with first sloped landings
<1803-013102> 2018.01.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan to review NDPGs amid North Korean threat
<1803-013101> 2018.01.31 Jane's Defence Weekly Turkish offensive concentrates on mountainous borders of Afrin area
<1803-012408> 2018.01.24 Jane's Defence Weekly Powering up
<1803-012407> 2018.01.24 Jane's Defence Weekly JMSDF planning to install CEC system on future Aegis-equipped destroyers
<1803-012406> 2017.01.24 Jane's Defence Weekly PLAN inducts frigates, corvette into North Sea Fleet
<1803-012405> 2018.01.24 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan indentifies submarine spotted near disputed islsnds as PLAN Shang-class SSN
<1803-012404> 2018.01.24 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan mulls adding interception capability to Aegis Ashore
<1803-012403> 2018.01.24 Jane's Defence Weekly North Koreans continue work on SLBM test barge
<1803-012402> 2018.01.24 Jane's Defence Weekly India succeefully test-fires AgniⅤ ballistic missile in operational configuration
<1803-012401> 2018.01.24 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia delivers S-400 air defence systems to China
<1803-011715> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Eastern armour
<1803-011714> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Syrian military says it thwarted Israeli strikes
<1803-011713> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Russians details UAV swarm attacks on Syria bases
<1803-011712> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Chinese navy aims to speed up training of carrier pilots
<1803-011711> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Possible sale of SM-3s to Japan approved by US
<1803-011710> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Thailand receives first T-50 jet trainers
<1803-011709> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly RoKMC receives two helicopters
<1803-011708> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Vietnam sets up cyber devision
<1803-011707> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Hungary meets NATO spending guidelines
<1803-011706> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Turkey award contract to define missile system
<1803-011705> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly New airbases significantly expand Russia's presence around the Arctic
<1803-011704> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Building of first Arleigh Burke Flight Ⅲ to begin in May
<1803-011703> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly US Navy believes it can fiel 38 amphibious ships
<1803-011702> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly RoCAF doubles F-CK-1 fighter capacity for Tien Chien Ⅱs
<1803-011701> 2018.01.17 Jane's Defence Weekly Chiina eyeing Pakistan for second oversea base, says report
<1803-011505> 2018.01.15 Aviation Week & ST Uncertainty surrounds Turkey's air and missile defence vcision
<1803-011504> 2018.01.15 Aviation Week & ST China plans giant constellations of tiny satellites
<1803-011503> 2018.01.15 Aviation Week & ST Boeing HorizonX tests distuption strategy with cargo UAV
<1803-011502> 2018.01.15 Aviation Week & ST Russian forces in Syria thwart first swarming drone strike
<1803-011501> 2018.01.15 Aviation Week & ST Japan plans Aegis Ashore, Standoff Missiles, maybe F-35Bs
<1803-011015> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Future fighter
<1803-011014> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Chinese UAV sets live-fire record
<1803-011013> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly China's AG600 makes maiden flight
<1803-011012> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Image suggests China might be testing thrust-vectoring engine on J-10 fighter
<1803-011011> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan reportedly mulling F-35B for carrier operaitons
<1803-011010> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Pakistan test fires cruise missile from patrol craft
<1803-011009> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Officials request relief for minitions programmes
<1803-011008> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly ARL develops on-demand, 3D-printed micro-UAVs
<1803-011007> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Purin details top priorities for Russian armed force
<1803-011006> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Shoigu details Russia expansion in the Artic
<1803-011005> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Beijing initiates satellite project for South China Sea
<1803-011004> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Turkey signs deal to buy Russian S-400s
<1803-011003> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Russia approves expansion of naval facility in Syria
<1803-011002> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Javelin ATGMs approved for Ukraine
<1803-011001> 2018.01.10 Jane's Defence Weekly Pyongyang to use nuclear weapons against US if threatened, warms North Korean leadar

参 照 番 号
年 月 日
出   典
標              題
<1802-013105> 2018.01.31 China Defense Breaking news: The PLAN Railgun is here and it is mounted on a ship
<1802-013104> 2018.01.31 Military Times Seeking closer ties, Qatar to expand base used by US troops
<1802-013103> 2018.01.31 Defense News Another US Navy ballistic missile intercept reportedly fails in Hawaii
<1802-013102> 2018.01.31 Jane's 360 Morocco reportedly acquires Sky Dragon 50 SAM
<1802-013101> 2018.01.31 産経新聞記事 (Yahoo) 北 ICBM 発射の兆候察知は『ますます困難に』 『よくて十数分前』と米軍高官
<1802-013005> 2018.01.30 Defense News The Pentagon is planning for war with China and Russia — can it handle both?
<1802-013004> 2018.01.30 Jane's 360 Russia orders first 10 Tu-160M2 bombers
<1802-013003> 2018.01.30 Jane's 360 Lockheed Martin to develop HELIOS laser weapon for DDG 51 Flight IIA destroyer
<1802-013002> 2018.01.30 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) 中国軍機とフリゲート艦が対馬海峡通過=防衛省警戒
<1802-013001> 2018.01.30 産経新聞 中国軍機、また対馬海峡通過 昨年12月以来、日本海進出 情報収集機1機、空自がスクランブル
<1802-012904> 2018.01.29 Jane's 360 China’s AVIC aims to roll out Wing Loong I-D in 2018
<1802-012903> 2018.01.29 Stars & Stripes Russian jet comes within 5 feet of US Navy plane over Black Sea
<1802-012902> 2018.01.29 NHKニュース 日本とマレーシア 南シナ海で合同訓練
<1802-012901> 2018.01.29 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) 豪政府、武器輸出で世界トップ10目指す=3300億円融資枠で振興
<1802-012606> 2018.01.26 Jane's 360 Third Burkan-2H missile shows no sign of Saudi intercept
<1802-012605> 2018.01.26 Defense News Is the Army ready to transform its missile defense force?
<1802-012604> 2018.01.26 Defense News New Army missile defense strategy due out this summer
<1802-012603> 2018.01.26 東京新聞 仏軍と自衛隊の協定、大枠合意 2ヵ国共同訓練も初実施へ
<1802-012602> 2018.01.26 Record China 中国海軍第27次護衛艦隊がモロッコ訪問
<1802-012601> 2018.01.26 朝日新聞記事 (Yahoo) F35A、三沢に初配備 小野寺氏『極めて大きな意義』
<1802-012503> 2018.01.25 Jane's 360 PLAN deploys H-6G bomber in electronic warfare configuration
<1802-012502> 2018.01.25 Jane's 360 RoKN commissions 18th and final PKG-A-class patrol vessel
<1802-012501> 2018.01.25 NHKニュース クルド人勢力巡り溝 米・トルコ電話会談
<1802-012403> 2018.01.24 Military Times Beating back ISIS in Syria raises new challenges for US
<1802-012402> 2018.01.24 Defense News NATO moves to assure Turkey of its support in fighting terrorism
<1802-012401> 2018.01.24 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) トルコ、シリア作戦『難民帰還まで』=クルド排除、死者数百人か
<1802-012306> 2018.01.23 Defense News India, Russia fail to finalize S-400 air-defense deal
<1802-012305> 2018.01.23 Inside Defense Navy extending effort to define potential Tomahawk follow-on program
<1802-012304> 2018.01.23 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) 南シナ海で認識に差=米インドネシア国防相会談
<1802-012303> 2018.01.23 中央日報記事 (Yahoo) 中国、グアム基地近くに超強力音波探知機…米原子力潜水艦を監視 (1)
<1802-012302> 2018.01.23 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) シリア、また化学兵器使用か=子供ら21人、病院搬送―医師『漂白剤の臭い』
<1802-012301> 2018.01.23 産経新聞 日仏が防衛協力強化、物品協定締結へ 中国の南シナ海軍事拠点化に懸念
<1802-012207> 2018.01.22 C4ISR Net New missile warning satellite launched from Cape Canaveral
<1802-012206> 2018.01.22 Jane's 360 AFRL plans C-UAS directed energy weapon demonstration
<1802-012205> 2018.01.22 Jane's 360 ADS achieves 'world-first' functionally safe APS
<1802-012204> 2018.01.22 Jane's 360 D13's MESMER applies RF manipulation for C-UAS
<1802-012203> 2018.01.22 Record China フィリピン、スカボロー礁めぐる米中の争い「関与しない」―米メディア
<1802-012202> 2018.01.22 ロイタ通信記事 (Yahoo) 日米共同訓練が中止に、米政府の予算が失効
<1802-012201> 2018.01.22 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) トルコの軍事作戦に懸念=米国務長官
<1802-012102> 2018.01.21 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) シリアで新たな越境作戦=クルド排除へ『短期で終結』―トルコ
<1802-012101> 2018.01.21 産経新聞 戦闘機部隊を大幅増強 宮崎に F35B 有力 中国脅威に即応態勢 防衛省検討
<1802-012007> 2018.01.20 Military Times Turkish jets bombard Kurdish-run city of Afrin in Syria
<1802-012006> 2018.01.20 Stars & Stripes Kashmir fighting escalates between India, Pakistan
<1802-012005> 2018.01.20 東亞日報 韓国の兵器輸入は世界5位、2014年に9兆ウォン購入
<1802-012004> 2018.01.20 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) シリアで新たな地上戦=クルド民兵排除狙う―トルコ
<1802-012003> 2018.01.20 中央日報記事 (Yahoo) 韓国国防部『4年以内に兵力50万人に縮小…服務期間18ヵ月に短縮』
<1802-012002> 2018.01.20 NHKニュース 徴兵制復活へ 仏大統領表明 18~21歳の男女対象
<1802-012001> 2018.01.20 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) 米国防戦略、中ロとは『戦略的競合』=優位維持に軍再建―『ならず者』と北朝鮮非難
<1802-011904> 2018.01.19 China Defense PLAN's sealift capacity in a North Korean crisis -- remember those 2 barracks ships?
<1802-011903> 2018.01.19 Defense News National Defense Strategy released with clear priority: Stay ahead of Russia and China
<1802-011902> 2018.01.19 Record China 中国が4隻目の空母建造に着手、米キティホークに匹敵か―中国メディア
<1802-011901> 2018.01.19 ロイタ通信記事 (Yahoo) 空自の緊急発進、4─12月は147回減 中国機の特異な飛行増える
<1802-011804> 2018.01.18 Jane's 360 Russia begins delivering S-400 air defence systems to China, says report
<1802-011803> 2018.01.18 Jane's 360 India successfully test-fires Agni V ballistic missile in operational configuration
<1802-011802> 2018.01.18 読売新聞記事 (Yahoo) 日豪、防衛協力を強化…北の核や中国の進出念頭
<1802-011801> 2018.01.18 産経新聞記事 (Yahoo) 日豪両首脳が陸自習志野演習場視察 PAC3 や輸送防護車試乗
<1802-011702> 2018.01.17 Defense News Russia and US engage in 'military base race' in Syria
<1802-011701> 2018.01.17 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) 海保と印沿岸警備隊が合同訓練=スリランカなど初参加
<1802-011605> 2018.01.16 Stars & Stripes New SM-3 Block IIA missile set for testing on Kauai might lend better defense
<1802-011604> 2018.01.16 Stars & Stripes Does the hypersonic SR-72 aircraft — 'Son of Blackbird' — already exist?
<1802-011603> 2018.01.16 Defense News US warship arrives in Japan
<1802-011602> 2018.01.16 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) 米空軍、B52 爆撃機もグアムに=3機種集結、北朝鮮けん制
<1802-011601> 2018.01.16 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) 国境警備隊構想を非難=『裏切り者』とシリア政府
<1802-011504> 2018.01.15 Stars & Stripes Russian military conducts massive missile drills
<1802-011503> 2018.01.15 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) 国境警備隊は『テロ集団』=トルコ大統領
<1802-011502> 2018.01.15 日経新聞 中国原潜、海自の警告無視 尖閣周辺の接続水域潜航
<1802-011501> 2018.01.15 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) シリア北部で国境警備隊創設へ=クルド勢力主体、トルコ猛反発
<1802-011402> 2018.01.14 読売新聞記事 (Yahoo) 尖閣航行の中国潜水艦、巡航ミサイル搭載可能
<1802-011401> 2018.01.14 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) トルコがシリア北部で新たな地上作戦へ=クルド人標的
<1802-011302> 2018.01.13 朝日新聞 海自の艦艇、黄海で「密輸」監視 北朝鮮の制裁逃れ警戒
<1802-011301> 2018.01.13 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) サイバー防衛協力を確認=日・エストニア首脳会談
<1802-011204> 2018.01.12 Military Times Nuclear Posture Review draft leaks; new weapons coming amid strategic shift
<1802-011203> 2018.01.12 朝日新聞記事 (Yahoo) 潜水艦、中国国旗を掲揚 尖閣周辺の接続水域に潜没航行
<1802-011202> 2018.01.12 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) 政府、巡航ミサイル迎撃検討=陸上イージスに機能付加
<1802-011202> 2018.01.12 日経新聞 サイバー防衛、エストニアと連携 首相12日から欧州歴訪
<1802-011201> 2018.01.12 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) B2爆撃機、グアムに=北朝鮮けん制―米軍
<1802-011105> 2018.01.11 Stars & Stripes Radar information sharing among Japanese vessels to boost Aegis defense
<1802-011104> 2018.01.11 Defense News Navy has no plan to introduce new ammo for Zumwalt destroyers
<1802-011103> 2018.01.11 Jane's 360 Surface Navy 2018: Lockheed Martin connects LRDR, Aegis Ashore
<1802-011102> 2018.01.11 日経新聞 自衛艦が入ったので追跡」 中国側、接続水域侵入で説明
<1802-011101> 2018.01.11 読売新聞記事 (Yahoo) 尖閣接続水域内に中国潜水艦か、軍艦も随伴
<1802-011006> 2018.01.10 Inside Defense Navy eyeing laser weapon tech demo for next San Antonio-class ship
<1802-011005> 2018.01.10 Jane's 360 Another Israeli Arrow 3 test aborted
<1802-011004> 2018.01.10 Jane's 360 Syrian military says it thwarts Israeli strikes
<1802-011003> 2018.01.10 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) シリア軍の反体制派攻撃阻止を=ロシアとイランに要請―トルコ
<1802-011002> 2018.01.10 ロイタ通信記事 (Yahoo) 米、日本への迎撃ミサイル売却承認 北朝鮮の脅威に対応
<1802-011001> 2018.01.10 NHKニュース ロシア シリアの空軍基地など無人機で攻撃された
<1802-010906> 2018.01.09 Defense News Russia takes aim at US over series of Syria drone attacks
<1802-010905> 2018.01.09 Military Times First F-35Bs to deploy with 13th MEU
<1802-010904> 2018.01.09 Defense News Navy's cruiser replacement won't be a cruiser, says surface warfare chief
<1802-010903> 2018.01.09 Jane's 360 Chinese navy eyeing Pakistan as location for second overseas base, says report
<1802-010902> 2018.01.09 ロイタ通信記事 (Yahoo) フィリピンが中国に抗議へ、南シナ海の人工島に空軍基地建設か
<1802-010901> 2018.01.09 Record China 日本は100年の敵、中国は1000年の宿敵」北朝鮮政府が反中プロパガンダ―仏メディア
<1802-010805> 2018.01.08 Jane's 360 Thailand to receive first T-50 jet trainers
<1802-010804> 2018.01.08 Inside Defense GAO dismisses Raytheon's attempt to stay in JSTARS radar competition
<1802-010803> 2018.01.08 Stars & Stripes USS Carney enters Black Sea as Navy ups patrols
<1802-010802> 2018.01.08 Defense News New long-range missile study may strengthen Turkey’s ties with France, Italyd
<1802-010801> 2018.01.08 Defense News Is the Air Force changing its mind on long-endurance drones?
<1802-010703> 2018.01.07 東京新聞 米、核兵器の役割拡大へ 新指針で戦略転換、小型開発も
<1802-010702> 2018.01.07 毎日新聞記事 (Yahoo) 超音速ミサイル量産へ 国産『ASM3』、抑止力強化
<1802-010701> 2018.01.07 東京新聞 防衛力整備、安全保障会議主導に 政府、宇宙やサイバー分野重視
<1802-010601> 2018.01.06 東京新聞 日本とモルディブの外相が会談 「インド洋戦略を推進
<1802-010506> 2018.01.05 産経新聞記事 (Yahoo) 中国空母『遼寧』、台湾海峡を通過 当局が発表
<1802-010505> 2018.01.05 朝日新聞記事 (Yahoo) 河野外相、中国の港湾進出牽制 スリランカと協力強化へ
<1802-010504> 2018.01.05 日経新聞 戦闘機・戦車など導入4割遅れる 有事対応に影
<1802-010503> 2018.01.05 産経新聞 米政府、パキスタンへの軍事援助凍結を発表
<1802-010502> 2018.01.05 ロイタ通信記事 (Yahoo) 米韓軍事演習、パラリンピック後に実施へ=米国防長官
<1802-010501> 2018.01.05 産経新聞 サイバー防衛へ官民の協議体創設 政府が通常国会に基本法改正案 東京五輪を前に平成31年度の施行目指す
<1802-010405> 2018.01.04 Jane's 360 India successfully tests Ashvin interceptor
<1802-010404> 2018.01.04 Stars & Stripes 2 Russian soldiers killed in attack on air base in Syria
<1802-010403> 2018.01.04 産経新聞 冷戦以来、活動は最高水準」 ロシアの潜水艦増強を NATO が警戒
<1802-010402> 2018.01.04 日経新聞 予備自衛官拡充へ給付金 防衛省、雇用主に 自衛隊法改正へ
<1802-010401> 2018.01.04 読売新聞記事 (Yahoo) 自衛隊再編し統合組織、サイバー・宇宙部隊創設
<1802-010319> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Shaking out
<1802-010318> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Video reveals Iran has supplied ballistic missiles to Ansar Allah
<1802-010317> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Japan, UK to widen technology collaboration
<1802-010316> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Iran displays Zolfaghar ballistic missile
<1802-010315> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Qatar parades Chinese tactical ballistic missiles
<1802-010314> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly DAPA advances ASR-Ⅱ rescue ship project
<1802-010313> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly IAF begins integrating BrahMos-A cruise missiles onto its Su-30MKI fighters
<1802-010312> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Polish terrritorial army starts to take shape
<1802-010311> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Norway's defence minister downplays threat from GPS jamming and spoofing
<1802-010310> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Luftwaffe Eurofighters gain air-to-ground capabilty
<1802-010309> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Japanese cabinet approves deployment of two Aegis Ashpore BMD systems
<1802-010308> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Saudi Arabia increases defence budget
<1802-010307> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly Boeing awarded USD6.17billion contract to deliver 36 F-15QA fighter to Qatar
<1802-010306> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly New US strategy warns of 'rogue' North Korea, Iran
<1802-010305> 2018.01.03 Jane's Defence Weekly NGO releases evidence of Russian forces in the Donbass
<1802-010304> 2018.01.03 Jane's 360 China's Wing Loong II UAV test-fires five different missiles in single sortie, says report
<1802-010303> 2018.01.03 Jane's 360 Vietnam's ex-US Coast Guard cutter arrives home
<1802-010302> 2018.01.03 時事通信記事 (Yahoo) 宇宙ごみ、22年度に監視部隊=人工衛星への衝突回避―防衛省
<1802-010301> 2018.01.03 NHKニュース イラン ハメネイ師 “外国がデモを扇動”と批判
<1802-010201> 2018.01.02 中央日報 北朝鮮の海岸1000キロ封鎖をめぐり、韓日米 vs 中露対決が本格化
<1802-010102> 2018.01.01 朝鮮日報 李明博政権の対UAE軍事支援計画、文政権が再検討
<1802-010101> 2018.01.01 日経新聞 電子攻撃機の導入検討 政府、電磁波で通信網無力化
<1802-010010> 2018.01 International Defence Review High-flying Dragon Lady: USAF's U-2 continues to soar
<1802-010009> 2018.01 International Defence Review Punching up: Russia's smaller surface fleet delivers a bigger impact
<1802-010008> 2018.01 International Defence Review Bridging the gaps: China works to boost combat engineer capabilities
<1802-010007> 2018.01 International Defence Review US Army progresses IBCS testing
<1802-010006> 2018.01 International Defence Review BAE Systems commences production of LRASM sensor
<1802-010005> 2018.01 International Defence Review AFRL awards final component contract for SHiELD project
<1802-010004> 2018.01 International Defence Review MBDA stuides passive radar location technique undeer PAMIR Ⅱ study
<1802-010003> 2018.01 International Defence Review USN plans Vulcano GLR firing tests
<1802-010002> 2018.01 International Defence Review B-52 bomb-bay upgrade declared ready for combat
<1802-010001> 2018.01 International Defence Review Singapore Army enhances rocket artillery C2
<1802-122505> 2017.12.25 Aviation Week & ST Cash reaction to Pyongyang
<1802-122504> 2017.12.25 Aviation Week & ST By American
<1802-122503> 2017.12.25 Aviation Week & ST Israel girds up
<1802-122502> 2017.12.25 Aviation Week & ST Time for austerity
<1802-122501> 2017.12.25 Aviation Week & ST Trending upward
<1802-122010> 2017.12.20 Jane's Defence Weekly Terminal velocity
<1802-122009> 2017.12.20 Jane's Defence Weekly Taiwan cancels MCMV contract with local shipbuilder
<1802-122008> 2017.12.20 Jane's Defence Weekly Loitering munition received by Turkish special forces
<1802-122007> 2017.12.20 Jane's Defence Weekly Bulgaria turns to Russia for MiG-29 logistics
<1802-122006> 2017.12.20 Jane's Defence Weekly North Korea test complex for canister-launched missiles spotted near Kusong
<1802-122005> 2017.12.20 Jane's Defence Weekly North Korea announces it will build additional nuclear-capable weapons
<1802-122004> 2017.12.20 Jane's Defence Weekly PESCO's enabler projects should get first billing. according to EU sources
<1802-122003> 2017.12.20 Jane's Defence Weekly Indian Navy commissions first six licence-built Scorpene-class submarines
<1802-122002> 2017.12.20 Jane's Defence Weekly Japanese MoD intends to deploy two Aegis Ashore BMD systems, says report
<1802-122001> 2017.12.20 Jane's Defence Weekly US displays evidence of Iranian weapon smuggling to Yemen
<1802-121303> 2017.12.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Future Chinese carrier to operate J-20, J-31 stealth fighters, claims PLAN admiral
<1802-121302> 2017.12.13 Jane's Defence Weekly Israel declares its F-35s to be operational
<1802-121301> 2017.12.13 Jane's Defence Weekly US risks losing advantage in space to China and Russia, warns STRATCOM chief
<1802-121101> 2017.12.11 Aviation Week & ST J-STARS war